Real-time Material Transformation
using Single Frame Surface Orientation Imager
Toru Kurihara
and Shigeru Ando
School of Information, Kochi University of Technology, 185 Miyanokuchi, Kami City, Kochi, Japan
Department of Information Physics and Computing, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Material Perception, VFX, Normal Vector Map, Photometric Stereo.
In this paper, we propose real-time reflectance transformation system using correlation image sensor and four
LEDs. The reflectance transformation system changes object appearance into different materials one and
displays it in the monitor. We have developed real-time surface orientation imager to add specular component
according to captured normal vector map for reflectance transformation. Surface orientation of the object
is encoded into amplitude and phase of the reflected light intensity by using phase shifted blinking LEDs,
The correlation image sensor, provided by us, demodulates those amplitude and phase in each pixel during
exposure time. Therefore, the surface orientation is captured by single frame, which can be applied to moving
object. We developed reflectance transformation system using surface orientation captured by our real-time
surface orientation imager. We demonstrated that the system provides relighting and changing reflectance
property in real-time.
Lighting and reflectance properties are important for
material perception. Malzbender et. al. proposed
reflectance transforming technique based on normal
directions for enhancing surface detail(Malzbender
et al., 2006). The system makes surface detail more
apparent and amplify surface details, therefore it
helps surface inspection. They proposed to enhance
surface normal details by amplifying high-frequency
variations in surface normals. Wenger et. al. pro-
posed relighting and reflectance transformation sys-
tem with time-multiplexed illumination especially for
facial images (Wenger et al., 2005).
In this paper, we propose real-time reflectance
transformation system, which is useful for visual ef-
fects (VFX) on entertainment system or television
broadcasting program. The proposed system con-
sists of four light sources and correlation image sen-
sor(Ando and Kimachi, 2003). Modulated illumina-
tion encodes surface orientation into amplitude and
phase of the reflected light intensity, and correlation
image sensor demodulates those signals in each pixel
at frame rate(KURIHARA et al., 2012),(Kurihara
et al., 2003),(Kurihara et al., 2005). Based on recon-
structed surface normals, we calculate intensity image
under arbitrary illumination and reflectance param-
eters. Changing Lighting condition and reflectance
transformation affect the reconstructed images imme-
The following part of this paper describes the
sensing and reflectance transformation principle we
have developed using our 640 ×512-pixel correlation
image sensor, and show experimental results of the
reflectance transformation.
2.1 Correlation Image Sensor(Ando and
Kimachi, 2003)
The three-phase correlation image sensor (3PCIS) is
the two dimensional imaging device, which outputs
a time averaged intensity image g
(x,y) and a corre-
lation image g
(x,y). The correlation image is the
pixel wise temporal correlation over one frame time
between the incident light intensity and three external
electronic reference signals.
The photo of the 640 × 512 three-phase correla-
tion image sensor is shown in Figure 1, and its pixel
structure is shown in Figure 2.
Kurihara T. and Ando S..
Real-time Material Transformation using Single Frame Surface Orientation Imager.
DOI: 10.5220/0005357602400245
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 240-245
ISBN: 978-989-758-089-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)