system. For example, once some images are specified
as a module, they are represented by the image cor-
responding to an operation card. The modularization
condenses several images into a single image so that
the complex program composed of several images is
We are aware of the needs of improvement of our
editing manner. In our system, the specific image can-
not be selected for remove or overwrite. Because the
only operation allowed as remove is just undo, which
removes images in the newest first.
In addition to these improvements, it is required to
apply our system to more wide audiences, and to so-
phisticatedly analyze the experimental results to show
the effectiveness of our system.
This work is supported in part by Japan Society for
Promotion of Science (JSPS), with the basic research
program (C) (No. 26350456), Grant-in-Aid for Sci-
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