relevant information concerning friendly, enemy, and
neutral forces. Examples of information that can be
integrated in a COP include location (e.g., current po-
sitions, rate of movements), environment (e.g. current
weather conditions, terrain features), status (e.g., ca-
pabilities of offensive and defensive enemy weapon
Being the visualized information the result of
several inputs conveyed to the same displayed area,
a state of information overload is likely to occur
when increasing the number of commanded platforms
(Shanker and Richtel, 2011). In particular, the infor-
mation flow rate may be greater than the operator’s
processing rate, leading to the creation of a wrong
mental model of the mission scenario. This results in
making wrong decisions that may lead to catastrophic
This paper proposes a novel interaction environ-
ment that exploits the Augmented Reality (AR) to in-
crease situational awareness and reduce information
overload. The solution proposed is assessed on real-
istic Electronic Warfare (EW) scenarios.
Next section introduces the related works (Sect.
2). The proposed solution is then presented (Sect. 3)
followed by a description of our experiments (Sect.
4). Conclusions are eventually drawn (Sect. 5).
Several researches have been performed to design and
develop new display paradigms and technologies for
advanced information visualization in tactical com-
mand and control.
Dragon has been one of the first research projects
in formalizing requirements for systems with the need
to visualize a huge amount of information on tactical
maps for real-time applications (Julier et al., 1999).
A virtual environment for battlefield visualization has
been realized with an architecture composed of in-
teraction devices, display platforms and information
Pettersson et al. have proposed a visualization en-
vironment based on the projection of four indepen-
dent stereoscopic image pairs at full resolution upon
a custom designed optical screen (Pettersson et al.,
2004). This system suffers from apparent crosstalk
between stereo images pairs.
Kapler and Wright have developed a novel visual-
ization technique for displaying and tracking events,
objects and activities within a combined temporal and
geospatial display (Kapler and Wright, 2004). The
events are represented within an X, Y, T coordinate
space, in which the X and Y plane shows flat geo-
graphic space and the T-axis represents time into the
future and past. This technique is not adequate for an
immersive 3D virtual environment because it uses an
axis to describe the time evolution constraining the
spatial representation on a flat surface; the altitude
information, that is important in avionic scenarios,
can’t be displayed. However, it is remarkable that the
splitting-up of geographical and logical information
(e.g., health of a platform) can enhance the usability
of the system.
In NextVC2 the main idea is to leverage the Vir-
tual Reality (VR) technology to create a shared col-
laborative environment with a customized view of the
real world objects and events (Carvalho and Ford,
Hodicky and Frantis have conducted a research
program to investigate ways to increase the level and
quality of information about the battlefield by means
of VR devices (Hodicky and Frantis, 2009). The com-
mander equipped with a HMD can operate the virtual
environment by head and body movements.
The use of a system based only on VR has the dis-
advantage that the virtual world isolates the operator
making difficult the connection with the real world.
In addition, this technology requires a complex and
expensive scene modeling and rendering to faithfully
reproduce the represented real world as well as artifi-
cial navigation methods.
Adithya has presented a paper-based augmented
map for military scope that uses the ARToolKit
marker-tracking based approach and a video see-
through Head Mounted Display (HMD) to manage in-
teraction and visualization (Adithya, 2010). The dy-
namic information of the terrain, the placing of virtual
objects and the interaction are features of the digital
world that are superimposed onto the paper map. The
main limitation of this type of system is that the field
of action is restricted to a specific area.
This paper proposes a novel environment for modern
battlespaces visualization, which exploits AR tech-
nology to increase the understanding perception and
reduce information overload. This is expected to im-
prove operator’s performance in terms of both reac-
tion time and number of errors made during the exe-
cution of complex tasks.
3.1 High-level Architecture of Loki
The system proposed is part of Loki, an advanced C2
system for EW that coordinatesa set of heterogeneous