Vtk has some class, see Section 3.3, that can filter,
segment and render the surface. The vtk classifica-
tion method uses a Marching Cubes (MC) technique
to filtering surfaces that represent a constant valued
scalar function. MC method, implemented in vtk, re-
sulted an unsuccessful segmentation on small ranges
in Hounsfield Index. Itk will be used to filtering and
to segmenting before starting volume rendering in vtk
library (Schroeder et al., 2002).
The itk library has algorithms that can classify the
volume of the object with Hounsfield Units, like vtk,
but before, the itk library will be used to reduce noise
and prepare image for segmentation and visualization.
Noises with high density materials, like metal arti-
facts in dental fillings, generates a noise in CT im-
ages that need to be solved before image segmenta-
tion. Figure 8 show this problem.
Figure 8: Metal artifacts in CT image.
Metal artifacts reduction (MAR) methods can re-
move this noise. Wang et al., 2013, proposed a
new method, FP-MAR, that consists of an interpola-
tion method with an edge-preserving blur filter (Wang
et al., 2013). This process needs to be as efficient as
possible for a good segmentation then be done.
Itk and vtk have good methods to segmenting CT
images. One of them is the Threshold method that can
cut a region of interest using a normalized HU range
or value.
3.3 3D Volume Rendering
Previous results, like image processing and segmen-
tation techniques, have a big importance for this pro-
cess. Images with metal artifacts or other types of
noise need special and effective filters. Vtk is the
main tool for this process. In reconstruction process,
we use from the output segmentation process infor-
mation which consist in a vtk data type, more pre-
cisely, image data.
Three important algorithms for volume rendering
will be tested, vtkMarchingCubes, vtkContourFilter
and vtkContourFilter with vtkPolyDataNormals. Vtk-
MarchingCubes is a specific class to generating vol-
ume data and this class use an image data with dataset
type. Other two algorithms are generally used for
generics operations. Generality, generics operations
have more cost in a CPU times and specialization in
programmer time (Schroeder et al., 2002).
VtkMarchingCubes implements MC technique
and is more efficient than other two methods because
it can render the volume with more resolution and pre-
cision and works with the same dataset type that DI-
COM images (Schroeder et al., 2002).
3.4 Volume Measuring
After volume rendering we need measure how much
mucus has in this selected volume. Vtk provides al-
gorithm called vtkMassProperties to do this, based in
Alyassin A. M. et al., Evaluation of new algorithms
for the interactive measurement of surface area and
volume, 1994 (Kitware Inc., 2014).
In Alyassin A. M. et al., 1994, paper, they analise
two different techniques for open and close planes,
one for volume other for surface area. For this paper,
the volume measurements technique in close planes,
MUNC (Maximum Unit Normal Component) and
DTA (Divergence Theorem Algorithm), is essential
to finalize the entire process.
The MUNC algorithm calculates normal vectors
components from pointlist using the gradient of the
image function f(x,y,z) at the marked surface points.
The magnitude of the normal vector for each point
in the pointlist normalize the gradient. The surface
area is estimated using voxel counting to sum marked
voxels (Alyassin et al., 1994).
The ∆a
is the differential surface area and is cal-
culated as,
, if n
is the MUNC
, if n
is the MUNC
, if n
is the MUNC,
where ∆z, ∆y and ∆x are dimensions and n
, n
and n
are the unit normal vector components. If ∆z =
∆y = ∆x = 1, then we can reduce the differential area
to the reciprocal of the absolute value of the MUNC.
In this case, surface area is calculated as,
surface area =
. (2)
The DTA estimates the volume of an object, from
its pointlist and the following equation estimated the