They expressed a clear interest in the results an even
the desire to incorporate V-MANIP into some of their
platforms. Interactive tutorials for every use case al-
lowed new users to become easily acquainted with the
Some of the functionalities considered and re-
ported as highlights by the validation group members
• Web application approach: No need for installing
or updating software on their local machine.
• Performance of the system: Speed of data access
and data manipulation.
• Time slider: Allows easy interpretation of where
and when data is available.
• Several illustration facilities: 2D views on
map/virtual globe, 3D views both in space (x,y,z)
and space/time (x,y,t) and analytical tools to dis-
play time series at selected points.
• The visualization of temporal and spatial avail-
ability of different data sources and the possibility
to combine different data sources in one applica-
tion which is essential for data viewing and data
mining with regard to big data.
Future work topics collected from the validation
group were:
• Additional information of the visualized data,
such as recording mission or sensor type and its
processing pipeline should be displayed, as well
as what algorithms were applied or which entities
did process the data.
• Upload of local data: Provide an interface to allow
direct upload of local data (e.g. data owned by
an institution) to be integrated into the system for
In collaboration with science communities new vi-
sualizations and algorithms can be defined extending
the functionality of the open-source platform.
The V-MANIP project was funded by the European
Space Agency in Frascati, Italy (ESA/ESRIN) under
the reference AO/1-7193/12/I-AM. We would like to
thank the project team partners EOX (project lead),
Berner & Mattner, SISTEMA and ZAMG.
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