Table 3: Population Estimates.
Method 1 Method 2 a b z
V 98% CI
Eh/Sed Ht/Man 1225 916 579 1938 1252 1868-2009
Eh/Sed pHash/Ham 1225 1130 754 1837 570 1789-1884
pHash/Ham Ht/Man 1130 916 560 1849 1190 1780-1918
We have identified and published a set of nearly 2,000
near-duplicate clusters which occur within the MIR-
Flickr image collection of one million images. As
both the collection and the near-duplicate subset have
occurred through serendipitous processes, this makes
a valuable test set for the semantic comparison of
near-duplicate finding functions. While work using
the test set is still at an early stage, we have already
made some surprising discoveries in terms of the use
of different metrics with well-known image charac-
terisation functions.
The exhaustive search for near-duplicates within
the set will of course never be finished: any updates
will be gratefully received by the authors, and com-
municated onwards through our website.
We would like to acknowledge help and advice from
Mark Huiskes of Leiden University and Kenneth Pol-
lock of North Carolina State University, for shar-
ing their knowledge about the MIR-Flickr collection
and population statistics respectively. We would also
like to thank Richard Martin and Karina Kubiak-
Ossowska of the University of Strathclyde for help
with access to the ARCHIE-WeSt HPC facilities nec-
essary to achieve some of the analysis.
Franco Alberto Cardillo was supported by the Na-
tional Research Council of Italy (CNR) for a Short-
term Mobility Fellowship (STM), which funded a
stay at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (UK)
where part of this work was done.
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