Figure 14: The method breaks topology for Memento
and inherently can operate on any kind of model rep-
resentation which allows rasterization. The usage of
continuous medial axes reduces computational time
and gives an ability to analyze medial axis as a graph.
Described method shows good extraction results for
models with complex geometry and topology.
In the future we’ll try to eliminate the iterative na-
ture of the algorithm as stopping criteria is not clear
and time consumption can be drastically reduced.
We’ll explore applications for the method to find real
world limitations of visual hull approximation. We
want to design procedures providing some theoretical
guarantees like homotopy of the resulting skeletons.
We see a great potential in more sophisticated analy-
sis of graph structure of silhouettes’ medial axes, in
the current method it’s mostly neglected.
Authors thank the Russian Foundation for Basic Re-
search for the support on this study, research projects
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