provide a significant challenge for future work,
another challenge derives from the time-oriented
nature of patent data. Whether analysts are
investigating the dynamics of technology fields,
countries, companies, or individual publication
performances, the need to identify past, present, and
possible future trends is ranging high. As such, we
will dedicate future work to the elaboration and
refinement of time-oriented analysis methods, which
have to support the quick identification,
amplification, and comparison of trends, as well as
the detailed exploration and investigation of
behavioral patterns and flows. To allow for
transitions between different levels, focal points and
analytical tasks, we consider the development of
consistent navigation methods as a requirement,
which will be supported by feedback of user tests
and evaluations. As such, the connection of the
outlined network approach to various application
scenarios of patent data user groups will be ensured.
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835937 and builds on methods (specifically the use
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research partner FASresearch (www.fas-research.
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