corrupted by noise (e.g., instrumental, quantization,
and channel). In the noisy case, an MPEGx-based
approach requires denoising of at least the I and P
frames in each GOP, since they are used together with
the reconstructed residuals to obtain the rest of the P
and B frames. On the other hand, one of the main ad-
vantages of CS is its inherent property to act as a de-
noising process by suppressing the reconstructed non-
sparse part of the residual introduced by the noise.
Thus, in our CVS system the denoising of only the
I-frames should suffice. For the denoising, a double-
density dual-tree complex DWT thresholding tech-
nique was employed
. The same denoising method
is also used for the I and P frames of the MPEG-2
system for a fair comparison.
Fig. 4 compares for the three videos the aver-
age SSI between the proposed CVS system and the
MPEG-2 approach, as a function of the input SNR,
ranging from 10 dB to 40 dB, as well as the number of
quantization bits, q ∈ [5, 9]. Clearly, the CVS system
achieves a significant improvement against MPEG-2
in the case of noisy data, requiring a significantly re-
duced bit-rate especially for low input SNR values,
while it achieves a comparable reconstruction quality
when compared with MPEG-2 in the medium to high
input SNR regime.
3.3 Adaptive Measurement Allocation
The superiority of MPEGx, which is usually observed
for videos with slowly varying content is primarily
due to the large number of small-amplitude DCT co-
efficients of the residual blocks because of the (al-
most) static regions in the original frames. A way to
account for this redundancy is to perform a uniform
thresholding on each CS block by applying the CVS
scheme on the same percentage (α%) of the largest
amplitude DCT coefficients.
The main drawback of a uniform measurement ac-
quisition is that it does not exploit the true sparsity of
each individual residual block. Motivated by this, we
design an adaptive CS measurement allocation mech-
anism, which is then added in the “Block CS” mod-
ule of Fig. 2, analogously to the bit allocation process
used by many modern compression architectures.
To this end, for a given N × N residual frame R,
the noise standard deviation, σ
, is estimated first us-
ing the median absolute deviation (MAD) rule. Then,
a block-wise DCT is applied followed by a thresh-
olding of the transform coefficients with threshold
T h
= λσ
), where λ is a predefined scal-
ing factor. Let K
= r · n
be the maximum number
Matlab code and paper: http://taco.poly.edu/selesi/
of CS measurements corresponding to a sampling ra-
tio r, where n
× n
is the CS block size. Doing so,
the adaptive sampling ratio for the j-th CS block is
given by
· min(card({C
> ρ
T h
}), K
) , (4)
where C
denotes the set of DCT coefficients of the
j-th block. Finally, the associated number of CS mea-
surements to be acquired for the j-th block is equal to
= br
· n
The bit-rate gain of the adaptive measurement al-
location process is quantified by bit-rate
where B
is the total number of bits for CVS coding
of the original residual frames R using our adaptive
measurement allocation method, and B
is the total
number of bits for coding the residual frames obtained
by zeroing all except for the α % largest DCT coeffi-
cients of R and reconstructing using the IDCT.
Next, results are presented for the iruw02 se-
quence only, whilst a similar behavior was observed
for the other two sequences. The achieved gains with
respect to the required bit-rates are shown in Fig. 5.
As it can be seen, a significant bit-rate gain is attained
by applying the intermediate thresholding step fol-
lowed by the adaptive allocation of CS measurements.
Specifically, this gain is higher for smaller sampling
ratios and quantization bits.
In this work, a variant of an MPEGx-based video
compression system was introduced based on the
principles of CS. Motivated by the success of
MPEGx to remove spatio-temporal redundancies
among frames by working with the residual frames,
we exploited the sparse nature of the residual frames
in conjunction with the power of CS to achieve a high
reconstruction quality at reduced bit-rates. The per-
formance was further improved by means of an adap-
tive measurement allocation scheme. Preliminary ex-
perimental results on infrared sequences revealed that
the proposed CVS system is competitive with the
well-established MPEG-2 approach, under appropri-
ate specification of the several system components.
Several extensions of the current CVS design are
possible. First, regarding the ME/MC modules, the
simple but efficient ARPS method used in the current
implementation can be substituted by a more accu-
rate method resulting in even sparser residual frames.
However, we must be always aware of keeping a bal-
ance between the estimation accuracy and the compu-
tational complexity in an imaging system with limited