decodes the streams and perform processing on each
of them. With respect to those configurations, the
need to introduce distributed intelligent system is
motivated by several requirements, namely
(Remagnino et al., 2004):
• Speed: in-network distributed processing is
inherently parallel; in addition, the specialization of
modules permits to reduce the computational burden
in the higher level of the network, in this way, the
role of the central server is relieved and it might be
actually omitted in a fully distributed architecture.
• Bandwidth: in-node processing permits to
reduce the amount of transmitted data, by
transferring only information-rich parameters about
the observed scene and not the redundant video data
• Redundancy: a distributed system may be re-
configured in case of failure of some of it
components, still keeping the overall functionalities.
• Autonomy: each of the nodes may process the
images asynchronously and may react autonomously
to the perceived changes in the scene.
In particular, these issues suggest moving a part
of intelligence towards the camera nodes. In these
nodes, artificial intelligence and computer vision
algorithms are able to provide autonomy and
adaptation to internal conditions (e.g. hardware and
software failure) as well as to external conditions
(e.g. changes in weather and lighting conditions). It
can be stated that in a SCN the nodes are not merely
collectors of information from the sensors, but they
have to blend significant and compact descriptors of
the scene from the bulky raw data contained in a
video stream.
This naturally requires the solution of computer
vision problems such as change detection in image
sequences, object detection, object recognition,
tracking, and image fusion for multi-view analysis.
Indeed, no understanding of a scene may be
accomplished without dealing with some of the
above tasks. As it is well known, for each of such
problems there is an extensive corpus of already
implemented methods provided by the computer
vision and the video surveillance communities.
However, most of the techniques currently available
are not suitable to be used in SCN, due to the high
computational complexity of algorithms or to
excessively demanding memory requirements.
Therefore, ad hoc algorithms should be designed for
SCN, as we will explore in the next sections. In
particular, after describing the possible role of SCN
in urban scenarios, we present in Section 3 a sample
application, namely the estimation of vehicular
flows on a road, proposing a lightweight method
suitable for embedded systems. Then, we introduce
the sensor prototype we designed and developed in
Section 4. In Section 5 we report the experimental
results gathered during a test field and we finally
conclude the paper in Section 6.
According to (Buch et al., 2011), there has been an
increased scope for the automatic analysis of urban
traffic activity. This is partially due to the additional
numbers of cameras and other sensors, enhanced
infrastructure and consequent accessibility of data.
In addition, the advances in analytical techniques for
processing video streams together with increased
computing power have enabled new applications in
ITS. Indeed, video cameras have been deployed for
a long time for traffic and other monitoring
purposes, because they provide a rich information
source for human understanding. Video analytics
may now provide added value to cameras by
automatically extracting relevant information. This
way, computer vision and video analytics become
increasingly important for ITS.
In highway traffic scenarios, the use of cameras
is now widespread and existing commercial systems
have excellent performance. Cameras are used
tethered to ad hoc infrastructures, sometimes
together with Variable Message Signs (VMS), RSU
and other devices typical of the ITS domain. Traffic
analysis is often performed remotely by using
special broadband connection, encoding,
multiplexing and transmission protocols to send the
data to a central control room where dedicated
powerful hardware technologies are used to process
multiple incoming video streams (Lopes et al.,
2010). The usual monitoring scenario consists in the
estimation of traffic flows distinguished among
lanes and vehicles typologies together with more
advanced analysis such as detection of stopped
vehicles, accidents and other anomalous events for
safety, security and law enforcement purposes.
By converse, traffic analysis in the urban
environment appears to be much more challenging
than on highways. In addition, several extra
monitoring objectives can be supported, at least in
principle, by the application of computer vision and
pattern recognition techniques. For example these
include the detection of complex traffic violations
(e.g. illegal turns, one-way streets, restricted lanes)
(Guo et al., 2011; Wang et al. 2013), identification
of road users (e.g. vehicles, motorbikes and
pedestrians) (Buch et al., 2010) and of their