the behaviour of shape descriptors. In this experiment
we aimed at determining how much noise in data it
takes to get well-established descriptor to fail. Specif-
ically, we chose the well-established SHOT method
(Tombari et al., 2010). We then run a search based on
coupling points according to their descriptor value:
• A three point basis in the first set was chosen.
• Each point in the basis was tentatively matched
to k neighbours in order of decreasing descriptor
• Once three correspondences were determined,
distances between the points in the two basis were
checked for consistency.
• If the two basis presented similar distances, then a
rigid motion between the two sets was computed.
• ICP was used to complete the matching process.
The percentage of matched points (also referred
to as overlap percentage) and the residue between
the two sets was computed.
In order to test the effect of noise, we use the sets
with increasing quantity of noise described in section
3.1. Table 4 presents the results obtained.
Table 4: Results of registration process with SHOT descrip-
tor without ICP refinement. Timeout was set at 15 hours.
The overlap presented is the best obtained (at the end of ex-
ecution or at timeout). An asterisk indicates that the overlap
obtained was not the best possible and, thus, the algorithm
stalled at a local minimum.
Noise Residue Ovlp A-B k
- 7 × 10
97.32% 500
1 × MMD 5 × 10
94.58% 500
2 × MMD 1 × 10
36.72%* 500
3 × MMD 1 × 10
21.59%* 500
4 × MMD 1 × 10
22.10%* 500
The results show how in the absence of noise the
descriptors-based search is able to find correspon-
dences very quickly while achieving the total degree
of overlap. Descriptors manage to discriminate points
very well and we only need to consider a low num-
ber of possible correspondences k in order to obtain
the best possible matching. As soon as noise is added
to the data the behaviour of the search suffers. For
the less noisy set, the algorithm still manages to find
the correct matching but needs to consider many more
correspondences. For the remaining sets, containing
more noise, the algorithm was allowed to run for 15
hours before being stopped. During all that time even
when considering a very high number of correspon-
dences, only local minimum were reached and the al-
gorithm was unable to output the correct alignment
for any of the three sets.
In this paper we have introduced a new database
aimed at providing researchers in the coarse match-
ing research field with a usable tool that overcomes
some of the current limitations in the field while pro-
viding insight in a variety of aspect of the problem.
Some of the aspects that the database focuses on are:
Providing correct registration results for the publicly
accessible data, with special attention to overlap per-
centages between sets and amount of noise present
in data. Including intermediate data such as surface
normals, descriptor values or separate values for ro-
tations and translations (coming from realistic hard-
ware sources). Finally, the fact that part of the data
comes from realistic applications such as surface re-
construction (Bust model) or industrial applications
(Joints model) aims at providing a benchmark for re-
searchers to show the potential of new contributions
to the field in specially challenging scenarios.
Regarding future work, we expect to increase the
number of models in the database as well as include
outputs from existing and future state of the art algo-
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