approaches do not need to be tuned for databases of
different image understanding applications, we
believe that a carefully designed system would be a
solution for generalizability. We worked in single
scale in this study and it is a fact that some of the PSL
shape structures such as circulars or ellipticals, or the
star shape generated by
could only be met
explicitly at some particular scales. Hence, as a future
work, we intend to examine the method in multiscale.
Moreover, we plan to extend the dictionary by (i)
judiciously quantizing the shape parameter space to
generate the shape varieties, (ii) deriving new shape
classes by various combinations of the current shape
classes that would be filtered by a feature selection
method. Finally, we need to consider the localization
of the descriptors on the image in a more accurate
coding scheme. SymPaD will also be examined in
various databases as a future work.
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