We observe that texture coordinates (blue lines) co-
incide for, both, expressions and subjects. Thus, in-
dividuals and expressions are registered in these new
coordinates. Since, by definition, such coordinate are
a diffeomorphism (i.e. infinitely differentiable), reg-
istration in the unitary domain guarantees an implicit
registration in the image domain through the inverse
change. This allows the morphing between textures
from different expressions and subjects.
Figure 3 shows the texture deformation of two
different expressions (sadness and happiness) of the
same person, figure 4 the deformation of the same ex-
pression (anger) for two different persons and figure
5 the deformation between different identities and ex-
pressions. For all cases, deformations in the carte-
sian image domain are shown in first rows, while
the corresponding deformations in the unitary Lapla-
cian domain are shown in second rows. Each column
corresponds to the deformation at different times,
t = 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1, with the original textures at
t = 0 and t = 1. The implicit registration of texture co-
ordinates achieved in the unitary Laplacian domain al-
lows smooth interpolation of texture color values, re-
gardless of the expression and subject identity. Origi-
nal expressions and identities are recovered by the in-
verse mapping from the unitary to the cartesian image
domain. Since Laplacian coordinate changes are in-
finitely differentiable, texture deformation is smooth
in both, unitary and cartesian image domains.
Solutions to the Laplacian constitute a unique tool
for defining smooth coordinate changes that could put
into correspondence different meshes. Such an elastic
registration, could be the final stage in the synthesis
of facial expressions including their texture. In or-
der to get realistic expressions, the Laplacian system
weights should be tuned according to the geometric
deformation that the surface undergoes, so that coor-
dinate changes solve the Laplacian in a manifold.
In this paper, we have presented a first study on
the properties of the Laplacian in manifolds for under-
standing the deformation that the coordinate change
induces. We have shown the potential of such solu-
tions for expression synthesis by presenting a user-
friendly texture morphing and a texture expression
synthesis from a sketch. The promising results en-
courage further research on the use of Laplacian in
manifolds for affective avatars synthesis. First, the
role of the Dirichlet conditions will be investigated
to actually register anatomies without mesh folding.
Such registration will be used to get a model of face
identity and expression for the synthesis of realis-
tic avatars. Simultaneously, temporal models for and
4D data (3D geometry+time) will be used to build a
model of facial expression deformations to animate
static face meshes or to synthesize realistic avatars.
Work supported by Spanish projects TIN2012-33116
and FFI2012-39056-C02-01. The first author is sup-
ported by FPI-MICINN BES-2013-063756 program.
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