On Visualizing Movements and Activities of Healthy Seniors
An Overview
Shahram Payandeh
Experimental Robotics and Graphics Laboratory, Simon Fraser University,
8888 University Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 1S6, Canada
Active Seniors, Movement Sensing, Activity Sensing, Movement Visualization, Activity Visualization,
Cluster of Active Seniors.
Increased life expectancy and motivational support for the pursuit of independent living for active seniors have
been introducing a number of challenges for the families and care monitoring personnel. In general, this class
of aging seniors are healthy enough that they can afford to continue to have the independent living life styles
but also are old enough that one still needs to have some levels of monitoring of their movements and activi-
ties in their private dwellings. These motions and activities can be monitored through a network of connected
sensors at each individual’s dwelling where they can be networked to form a monitoring cluster. The objec-
tive is then to be able to present and visualize such movements and activities information to the monitoring
personnel. This paper reviews various sensing modalities which can be used in monitoring movements and
activities of seniors and presents an overview of visualization techniques which have been utilized in various
similar applications. In addition the paper highlights a conceptual framework which can be used to visualize
movements and activities in a cluster of such sensor network.
Visual monitoring of elderly through cameras in ei-
ther independent living dwellings or senior care giv-
ing facilities has been a center of attention for a num-
ber of years (Zouba, N. et. al (2010)). One of the ben-
efits of such monitoring set-up is the direct viewing
access where family members and care giving staff
can visually observed movements and activities of the
seniors (NiScanaill, S. (2006)). Another very impor-
tant benefit of visual monitoring of movements and
activities is through visual analytic where it is pos-
sible to predict any future abnormalities using long-
term historical movements and activities data of se-
niors (Forkan, A. at. el (2014)). Such early antici-
pation of anomalies can improve the rate of disease
One of the key challenges in effectively utilizing
the existing video technology in common living ar-
eas is its lack of protecting privacy of seniors while
individual is being viewed through video camera net-
work (Islam, R. et. al (2009)). The other main chal-
lenge of deploying the automated version of the cur-
rent video technology is the lack of effective infor-
mation display and visualization associated with the
movements and activities where seniors can feel com-
fortable to share and also informative enough for the
family members and care giving staff to view (Lu, Y.
and Payandeh, S. (2008)). Other types of technology
have also been introduced which require the senior to
wear various sensors and monitoring devices (Maki,
H. et. al. (2011)). Although in comparison with the
visual monitoring through cameras, these alternative
monitoring technologies can preserve privacy of se-
niors in their dwellings; it requires them to wear these
sensors which can introduce other types of inconve-
nient and discomfort to the aging population. Sim-
ilar to home security system, on/off and proximity
switches and sensors can also be deployed in the pri-
vate residence of seniors. These sensors can be inte-
grated in a design of smart homes (e.g. beclose.com)
that can give a crude information in regard to, for ex-
ample, the opening and closing of doors or presence
or absence of the senior in a room. Other newer multi-
modal technologies are also being evaluated which in
addition to allowing visual monitoring of the scene
through the video camera, it can also supply infor-
mation about the relative location of the object with
respect to the camera and sense the source of audio
inputs (e.g. Kinect-II from Microsoft).
In deploying a network of sensors for monitor-
ing the movements and activities of seniors, a num-
Payandeh S..
On Visualizing Movements and Activities of Healthy Seniors - An Overview.
DOI: 10.5220/0005362805170522
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2015), pages 517-522
ISBN: 978-989-758-087-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ber of questions should be concurrently addressed.
For example, by explaining the features of the sens-
ing technology to seniors, the first question which can
be asked should be: a) what would the senior and
their family consider adequate collection of informa-
tion when using a proposed sensing technology?; b) to
the care giving personnel, what would be considered
as an adequate amount of graphical display informa-
tion in regard to monitoring movements and activi-
ties of the elderly?; c) what main features of a sensor
like Kinect-II technology can be utilized in order to
explore approaches for collecting and monitoring the
movement and activities of the elderly and d) what are
various approaches which can be used based on the
sensing technology to visually update and display the
monitoring information of the seniors to the care giv-
ing staff. For example, the sensing technology such
as Kinect II (sometimes it also referred to as ambient
sensing) can be used to identify some unsafe behav-
iors such as leaving the bed or chair. Bed and chair
alarms sensing devices can be used in private living
areas of some seniors but these alarms are costly and
not very reliable due to existence of large number of
false alarms.
Similar to standard home security system, various
on/off and proximity swicthes can be deployed and
be integrated at various locations of the senior’s
dwelling. These sensors can be used to detect open-
ing and closing of doors, sitting on various furniture
and detect presence and absence of the seniors in var-
ious rooms (Figure 1). Similar to home security, these
sensors can be networked and dispatched to a central
monitoring stations.
Figure 1: Schematics of living area of a senior. Circular
icons are used to show various locations where on/off or
proximity switches can be integrated into the living area.
Another sensing modality which has been very
popular for direct video capture of the seniors in their
dwellings is through usage of video cameras. Unlike
Figure 2: A monitoring station consisting of a number of
cameras distributed within a cluster of a city block.
Figure 3: (a) The motion history image (MHI) of a walking
person. (b) The person’s position and size are indicated by
the green solid rectangle, which is the weighted sum of N
red dashed rectangles.
the integration of the switches and proximity sensors,
this technology do not require to equip the furniture
and appliances with sensors. The monitoring person-
als can directly observe the movements and activities
of the seniors at a given central station (Figure 2). In
some cases it is possible to utilized various image pro-
cessing algorithms in order to assist the monitoring
personnel through the overlaid visual analytic to ac-
cess the monitoring environment. For example, Fig-
ure 3 shows an example of how the movements of a
person can be tracked over a number of video frames.
Figure 4 shows an example of how by proper location
of multiple cameras (one stationary and the other with
pan/tilt/zoom capabilities), the fall of a person can be
detected and the event can be trigged other cameras
for collecting increased levels of details. In another
example, Figure 5 shows how movements of one per-
son away from the simple crowd can be identified and
be tracked which can then trigger a visual alarm for
the monitoring personnel.
Other recently introduced sensors can offer more
versatile and economically feasible solution to mon-
itoring movements and activities of seniors. These
sensors can address visual privacy issues associated
Figure 4: (a) Trajectories and sizes of people over last 30
frames till falling is detected in the stationary camera (b)
Screen shot when fall happens (c) The 2-D 20 × 20 hue-
saturation histogram of the fallen person (d) Samples gen-
erated in the active camera (e) Target’s location and size.
Figure 5: (a) Trajectories and sizes of people over last 30
frames till wandering is detected in the stationary camera
(b) Screen shot when wandering happens (c) The 2-D 20×
20 hue-saturation histogram of the wanderer (d) Samples
generated in the active camera (e) Target’s location and size.
Figure 6: An example of sensing the movements of people
through Kinect II sensor and various examples of the visu-
alization of such movements.
with conventionalvideo camera systems. Sensors like
Kinect II offers a number of sensing modalities in-
cluding the IR sensors, depth sensors, positional mi-
crophone sensor and also a video camera. For exam-
ple, some of the privacy issues regarding the direct
visual monitoring of the seniors through video cam-
era can be addressed through utilization of the depth
sensing. Figure 6 shows an example of monitoring
the movements through the IR sensor and also shows
various reconstruction of sense data for visualization.
One of the main challenges of the current deployment
of this sensing technology is the restriction it intro-
duces in regard to the placement of people with re-
spect to a single sensor and association of the move-
ments of seniors between a network of such sensors.
Visualization of the movements and activities of se-
niors in their private dwelling shares some similarities
with other related areas of information visualizations.
The overall objectives are to convey to the care giving
staff, who are in charge of monitoring a cluster of se-
nior dwellings, information which at various levels of
detail about the movement status and activity health
of each individual. Figure 7 shows and example of
visualization of 96 known activities of a person show-
ing one per ring (Zhao, J. et. al. (2008)). The author
proposed that generalization of such movements con-
sists of three operations; spatial, temporal and activ-
ity abstraction. Three types of techniques are distin-
guished: suppression, aggregation and codifications.
Here, suppression is defined as a way of reducing di-
mensionality by retaining certain important compo-
nents or dimensions from the original data set. Ag-
gregation refers to operations that merge, combine or
summarize similar or related objects/elements into a
new and higher-level abstraction. This can further be
divided into two types: spatial aggregation and tem-
poral aggregation.
Figure 8 shows another example that illustrates
the movements of an individual during one week
(Kang, C. et. at. (2008)). Every individual has a
daily activity program consisting of a number of out-
of-home activities, including activities that are spa-
tially and/or temporally fixed for certain individuals
and others that can be undertaken at various locations
or times of the day.
(Buono, P. et. al (2014)) also extended the notion
of ring and time space to present a visualization tech-
nique for people’s activities. They proposed the use
of graphical representation of the boxplot with differ-
ent semantics for easier user interface. For example,
in Figure 9 , the external circumference has 24 h indi-
cated on it. Six stripes are visualized which represent
the users and color histograms for each members rep-
resents their activities after, before and the expected
activities after the current time.
An interesting approach was proposed for repre-
senting activities using the density map (Wang, S. and
Figure 7: Daily visualization of activities of a person as
concentric ring topology.
Figure 8: A week-long individual travel-activity path.
Skubic, M. (2008)). Here, different colors are used
to represent different levels of density in the motion
sensor data. The density is computed as the number
of all motion sensors during an hour divided by time
at home during that hour. Figure 10 shows an exam-
ple such visualization technique where the x-axis is
the hours in a day and the y-axis represents days in
the month of an active lifestyle. The color bar on the
right of the figure shows the colors of different densi-
ties. Black represents time away from home. White
means that no sensor activated. Colors change from
light grey, yellow, green, light blue to dark blue as the
density per hour increases. The dark blue color rep-
resents the highest density of 550 or more events per
hour. The sedentary life style map is much less col-
orful, green is the darkest color in the map, and the
corresponding density is around 300 times per hour.
The black areas of cover much less time than the den-
sity map for the active life style.
An integration of a single fish-eye camera for de-
Figure 9: An example of iOS developers in a team of six
are visualized, starting from the time shown in the center
(15:24) up to the next 24 hours. The activities of the de-
veloper at the top of the list are represented in the outmost
stripe, the others are represented in the more internal stripes
according to the list order. Gray zones in a stripe show per-
son unavailability.
Figure 10: An example of density map showing an active
and sedentary life style.
termining the speed and activities of a senior was pro-
posed by (Zhou, Z. et. al. (2008)). Through sin-
gle camera image processing, they proposed a coarse
classification of human actions based on their phys-
ical locations and speeds. The objective here was
to develop a low-complexity, efficient, and robust
scheme for action recognition. Various actions such
as walking, sitting on the couch, standing up, sit-
ting at the dinning room table, preparing meals in
the kitchen, visiting bathroom and going outdoors are
classified. Figure 11 shows an example of senior ac-
tivities classification based on the physical location
and speed. The physical location in the room provides
important contextual information for action recogni-
tion.Figure 12 displays the sequence of actions per-
formed by two persons over a one hour period. It can
be seen that person B is much more active than A.
Figure 11: Recognizing major activities of daily living us-
ing location and speed.
Figure 12: Action sequences of two persons over a one-hour
Similar to any visualization approaches of real phys-
ical events that rely on sensors, visualization of the
movements and activities of seniors is also depen-
dent on the types and modalities of such sensors. In
contrast to most cases of monitoring people in pub-
lic places, viewing and monitoring seniors in their
private dwellings introduced additional constraints on
the monitoring signals that encompasses the privacy
considerations of the individual. In addition, costs
and integration of any monitoring sensors can play a
vital key in overall acceptance of monitoring systems.
The long term objectives of any monitoring and
visualization techniques of healthy seniors is predic-
tion of future abnormalities. This can be accom-
plished by using long-term historical data through
context aware monitoring system in order to detect
progressive changes in human health and behavioral
patterns. Failing to detect symptoms early can result
in severe disease or other serious consequences. For
the case of healthy seniors, the monitoring of gait pat-
terns and hand manipulation patterns can also signi-
fies an on-set of some muscular disease or disorder.
Existing sensing system which is similar to home
security set-up consists of on-off switches which
needs to be integrated with the existing house-hold
items. These sensor can only supply low level moni-
toring information in regard to presence and absence
of movements and activities. Deployment of video
cameras in private dwellings for direct video moni-
toring has been always face privacy challenges. Im-
age processing of live video streams can be carried to
allow some levels of view distortion for the monitor-
ing personnel. However, detecting the gait patterns
and even establishing a robust image processing al-
gorithm for monitoring movements of seniors in vari-
ous lighting conditions have been a major challenges.
Other new type of sensors such as Kinect II can ad-
dress some of the limitation of the above mentioned
sensing modalities. For example, depth sensor can
be used to estimate both presence, movements and
gait patterns of the seniors which can also mask and
protect the privacy of the individual. However, the
network of these sensors needs to be deployed and
calibrated in the living space of the seniors. In addi-
tion to the standard camera (i.e. RGB sensor), these
sensors also are equipped with the IR type imaging
which is less dependent on the illumination condi-
tions. Kinect II also offers a directional microphone
which can be exploited (in addition to the depth sens-
ing) to trigger various visualization tool in the event
of presence/absence of movements and activities.
Given such state-of-the-art in sensing technology
it can be seen that there exist various limitations in
their deployments such as inaccuracy in their meas-
rement/processing or their effective range and accept-
ability. Such limitations can also be extended to the
visualization of the sensed information for the mon-
itoring personnel. In particular when such individ-
uals is in charge of monitoring the movements and
activities of a number of seniors located within their
monitoring clusters. The following are some work-
ing proposal which can be followed in order to design
and developed an effecting visualization techniques.
a) The visualization of movements and activities of
seniors in a monitoring clusters should be structured
in an increased-levels of detail; b) at the highest level,
the living space of each senior can be normalized and
mapped to a patch on a sphere; c) the movements of
the seniors can be mapped to a point in its correspond-
ing patch; d) the activities of the senior can be mapped
to an animated figure similar to the image of Vitruvian
Man where the positions of the hands and legs can
correspond to certain activity ; e) color can be associ-
ated to a point on a patch representing the position of
the seniors and to each limbs of the figure represent-
ing the relative health of the activities the seniors with
respect to the historical normal activities.
The paper gives an overview of the state-of-the-art in
the sensing technology which can be used to monitor
the movements and activities of the seniors. In ad-
dition this paper presents some overview of various
visualization techniques which have been proposed in
the literature for addressing problems similar to pro-
pose monitoring environment. Being able to monitor
the movements and activities of seniors located in a
cluster of connected dwellings is a major issue which
needs to be effectively address. This is due to the in-
creased life expectancy and motivational support for
the seniors to continue and pursuit independent liv-
ing life-style . The overall objective is to enable the
monitoring personnel to effectively visualize the sta-
tus of a senior, within a network, at various levels of
details. For this a 3D textured graphical sphere where
the senior activities and movements can be mapped to
and can be interfaced by the personnel through vari-
ous user interface devices (such intel RealSense Tech-
nology) can play a dominant role in effectively visual-
izing and interacting with the displayed information.
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