Bringing Psychological, Affective and Motivational Relevance
Frameworks to Real Information Retrieval Systems
Oswald Barral
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT,
Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
The concept of relevance has been widely studied in
the field of information science and a strong theoret-
ical background has been developed around it. It is
recurrent to find distinctions between objective rele-
vance, which is intrinsically dependent on the item to
evaluate; and objective relevance, which is dependent
on the perception that the user has of such item. In-
formation systems, namely information retrieval sys-
tems, are commonly based on objective, algorithmic
relevance metrics. These metrics are especially well
suited as they are easily quantifiable measures of rel-
evance. Nevertheless, objective relevance alone is
far from indicating the real relevance of an item in
a given context. It is evident that subjective relevance
assessments play a strong role in the success of an
information-seeking task. Subjective relevance has
multiple facets, and in the proposed research we aim
to address a component that has been defined in the
literature as affective, psychological or motivational
relevance. It can be understood as the relationship
between the user’s current emotional and cognitive
state and the information item. By studying this com-
ponent, we tackle directly the information need and
its relationship between the user’s current emotional,
cognitive and affective state. To give a simple exam-
ple, during a complex information-seeking task, an
item can be perceived as relevant when the user is en-
gaged into the search task, but perceived as irrelevant
when the user feels overwhelmed, frustrated or bored.
In the present research we aim to apply state-of-the-
art physiological computing techniques in order to
model psychological, affective, and motivational rel-
evance. That is, we want to infer the users’ cogni-
tive, affective and emotional state while engaged in
an information-seeking task by analyzing their psy-
chophysiological responses associated with the pre-
sented information items. Such states will be modeled
in the system allowing for an online bio-cybernetic
loop between the user and the system (adapting the
information space, retrieval engine and user interface
accordingly). By doing so, we aim to enhance the per-
formance of current information retrieval systems in
complex search scenarios such as exploratory search
tasks, while improving user experience.
Figure 1: Overview of the proposed ecosystem. The psy-
chophysiological responses of the user while interacting
with the system are fed into the affective relevance model,
which is inputted to the system. The information presented
to the user is therefore influenced by his/her own cognitive,
affective and motivational state.
In information science, relevance has been theoret-
ically analyzed in depth over the past forty years.
Saracevic (Saracevic, 1975) carried out the first com-
prehensive review in information science around the
concept of relevance back in 1975. He compiled rele-
vant work mainly from the two previous decades, ad-
dressing relevance from philosophy all the way to rel-
evance in information retrieval systems. Additionally
he aimed at providing a framework to study relevance
within the field of information science. Later on,
Saracevic updated his review as the field was growing
and the discussion was enlarging (Saracevic, 2007a;
Saracevic, 2007b). However, Saracevic has not been
the only researcher to study the multifaceted aspects
of relevance. Schamber (Schamber, 1994) or Mizzaro
Barral O..
Bringing Psychological, Affective and Motivational Relevance Frameworks to Real Information Retrieval Systems.
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Mizzaro, 1997), are examples of authors that made
a substantial contribution during the 90’s by writing
comprehensive and historical reviews on relevance.
We encourage interested readers to go through their
work in order to gain a deeper insight in the history of
relevance in information science.
A large consensus exists within the community in
considering relevance as multifaceted, dynamic and
with a high subjective component (Saracevic, 1997;
Mizzaro, 1998; Ingwersen, 1996; Cosijn and Ingw-
ersen, 2000; Borlund, 2003; Borlund and Ingwersen,
1998). In the following sections, we will tackle some
of the subjective aspects of relevance, leaving out of
the analysis objective and algorithmic measures of
relevance. Specifically, we will go through three rel-
evance components addressed in the literature by dif-
ferent authors, that are highly related and intercon-
nected, and which we believe can be studied together.
These components define the relationship between the
user state, the information need and the information
3.1 Psychological Relevance
The concept of psychological relevance was first
raised in cognitive sciences, in the popular book “Rel-
evance: Communication and Cognition” by Sperber
and Wilson (Sperber and Wilson, 1986). In the book,
the authors define a framework for relevance in com-
munication and cognition theory, based on the as-
sumption that human cognition only pays attention
to potentially relevant information. They argue that
relevance is framed in the cognitive system accord-
ing to comparisons between assumptions and a par-
ticular cognitive state. In 1992, based on their theo-
retical framework, and borrowing some of their theo-
retical definitions, Harter defined psychological rele-
vance applied to the field of information science (Har-
ter, 1992). He used the concept of relevance of a phe-
nomena, elaborated in the above-mentioned book by
Sperber and Wilson, as a mainstay for his definition.
In plain words, this concept refers to the fact that phe-
nomena have a direct impact on the person’s cognitive
state, and therefore affect his assumptions by making
them stronger or more manifest.
Harter defined psychological relevance in infor-
mation science as follows: Psychological relevance
allows us to talk about an ‘information need’ as the
current context –the cognitive state at a given time–
of an individual who consults an information system
(Harter, 1992). In his work, he illustrates through ex-
amples how the cognitive state of an individual has
a direct impact on the perceived relevance of infor-
mation items. Moreover, he makes a distinction be-
tween relevance and weak relevance”. In Harter’s
view, relevance occurs when the fact of accessing an
information item implies a direct modification of the
user’s cognitive state. However, weak relevance oc-
curs when the user anticipates a change on his cogni-
tive state, even though accessing the information item
does not imply a direct modification of the cognitive
state. Other variants of the concept of psychological
relevance are well illustraded by Harter through well-
elaborated examples.
Harter’s definition has been present in the work of
other researchers, mainly when reviewing the litera-
ture, but it has not had so far a direct implication in
the implementation of information retrieval systems.
In the following paragraph, we would like to cite other
authors when rephrasing Harter’s definition of psy-
chological relevance. By doing so, we hope the reader
will gain a clearer understanding of the concept.
In her review, Schamber (Schamber, 1994)
rephrased Harter’s concept of psychological rele-
vance as follows: Psychological relevance assumes
that users are actively seeking information that will
change their internal context or store of knowledge,
and that if an information item does this, users will
perceive it to be relevant”. Saracevic (Saracevic,
1996) pointed at Harter’s definition in the following
terms: Psychological relevance is viewed as a dy-
namic, ever changing interpretation of information
need in relation to presented texts. It is based on an
assumption (stated as fact) that the ‘searcher’s cog-
nitive state changes and evolves with the discovery of
each relevant citation’. In fact, Saracevic proposed
the term cognitive relevance for the concept, as he
argued that the focus was on cognition, rather than on
psychology. Finally, to summarize, it is pertinent to
cite Mizzaro’s reference to Harter’s work (Mizzaro,
1997): Harter (1992) applies the theory of psycho-
logical relevance, proposed by Sperber and Wilson, to
the concept of relevance in information science. He
obtains an elegant framework and draws some very
interesting conclusions for IR and bibliometrics.
3.2 Affective and Motivational
As we just discussed, psychological relevance de-
scribes the relationship between the users’ prior
knowledge and cognitive state, and the information
item. Instead, affective or motivational relevance
is defined as the relationship between the users’
intents goals and motivations, and the information
item (Saracevic, 1996; Cosijn and Ingwersen, 2000).
Therefore, affective or motivational relevance is goal
oriented, and is dependent on the user’s current cogni-
tive context (Borlund and Ingwersen, 1998). Sarace-
vic (Saracevic, 1996; Saracevic, 1997) first adapted
this term from Schutz’s concept of relevance in phi-
losophy (Schutz and Zaner, 1970). Schutz named
motivational relevance as one of the three ba-
sic types of relevance, together with topical rele-
vance and interpretational relevance”, that he de-
fined when studying human relationships in the social
world. According to Schutz, this kind of relevance is
the one that defines the course of action, the action
to be executed, the selection of a specific alternative.
Saracevic extends and applies the notion to the field of
information science. Moreover, he couples it with the
notion of affective relevance, resulting in the follow-
ing definition: Motivational or affective relevance is
the relation between the intents, goals, and motiva-
tions of a user, and texts retrieved by a system or in
the file of a system, or even in existence. Satisfaction,
success, accomplishment, and the like are criteria for
inferring motivational relevance.
Having said that, Saracevic’s definition of affec-
tive relevance has not had an unanimous acceptation
by the community. Researchers such as Cosijn and
Ingwersen (Cosijn and Ingwersen, 2000) or Borlund
(Borlund, 2003) have argued that the concept does
not refer to a specific type or kind of relevance but,
instead, should be seen as an attribute of relevance
that influences all other types of relevance. For in-
stance, Cosijn and Ingwersen argue that affective rel-
evance might act as an additional dimension, influ-
encing other subjective relevance types (such as situ-
ational relevance, utility, etc.). Following Borlund’s
point of view, which is in the same direction, motiva-
tional or affective relevance is actually the cause for
users to search. Therefore, according to her, intent,
goals and motivations have to be seen as a character-
istic of all the types of relevance: Thus, the ‘drive’ to
want information is not an independent, specific type
of relevance, but an inherent characteristic of rele-
vance behavior in general” (Borlund, 2003).
Interestingly, Cosijn and Ingwersen (Cosijn and
Ingwersen, 2000) discuss the fact that affective and
motivational relevance should be considered as two
different types of relevance. In their view, motiva-
tional relevance is indeed defining the goals and mo-
tivations of the user, hence is seen as an independent
characteristic influencing all the other kinds of rele-
vance. Affective relevance, instead, is related to the
affects and emotions a user experience when in an
information-seeking task. Namely, they link their un-
derstanding of affective relevance with Barry’s empir-
ical investigation (Barry, 1994), and her types of rel-
evance identified as criteria pertaining to the user’s
beliefs and preferences”. Specifically, Cosijn and In-
gwersen link affective relevance to Barry’s affective-
ness, that she defines as any kind of emotional re-
sponses to any aspect of a given document.
3.3 Physiological Computing in
Information Retrieval
Physiological computing has gained importance in
the recent years. Researchers have studied how mea-
suring psychophysiological measures can enhance in-
formation systems, by making the system aware of
the user’s cognitive, emotional and affective state (Al-
lanson and Wilson, 2002; Fairclough, 2009; Fair-
clough and Gilleade, 2014). Eye tracking, pupillom-
etry, electroencephalography, cardiovascular mea-
sures, electro-dermal activity or facial electromyog-
raphy are some of the techniques used to measure and
infer user emotional and cognitive state (Cacioppo
et al., 2007). For example, recent research have
shown how it is possible through different physio-
logical channels (electro-dermal activity and pressure
sensors, among others) to detect frustration (Kapoor
et al., 2007). Electroencephalography has been stud-
ied to detect cognitive workload (Gevins and Smith,
2003) or motivational intensity and fatigue (Lorist
et al., 2009), for instance. We believe that some of
these metrics and computational techniques can be
useful in order to address psychological, affective,
and motivational relevance in the scope of a complex
information retrieval system.
Studies have approached relevance prediction
through psychophysiological signals, namely using
eye gaze data (Puolam
aki et al., 2005; Ajanki et al.,
2009; Loboda et al., 2011). Others have used pupil
size (Oliveira et al., 2009; Barral et al., ) and even
recent studies have tried to predict perceived rele-
vance of text items using EEG (Eugster et al., 2014)
or EDA and fEMG (Barral et al., 2015). We would
like to stress that in the present research, we are not
so much interested in predicting relevance directly
from psychophysiological data but focus instead on
studying the relationship between cognitive states and
perceived relevance, in order to model affective, psy-
chological, and motivational relevance. This will in-
directly allow for relevance prediction through psy-
chophysiological data, but in a more informed way,
as we will study which are the cognitive and affec-
tive states that have an impact on perceived relevance
(Barral and Jacucci, 2014).
The concepts of affective, psychological and moti-
vational relevance have remained in the theoretical
frameworks of information science as they have never
been applied to information retrieval systems. In
order to address this challenge, and in light of the
broad literature regarding physiological computing
and the strong theoretical background regarding rel-
evance in information science, we base our research
around the research questions stated below. We pro-
pose a methodology to answer each of these research
questions, which are essential to address the above-
mentioned research problem. These questions are
presented in chronological order as, prior to solving
each of the questions, the previous ones need to be
Q1. Which physiological measures and which
cognitive states are best suited to indicate psycho-
logical, affective, and motivational relevance? We
plan to thoroughly review the literature on physiolog-
ical measures used to infer cognitive states in order
to comprehensively identify which are the cognitive
states that might potentially influence perception of
relevance, and which are the physiological measures
that are able to indicate them.
Q2. Which are the information-seeking scenarios
where the modeling of psychological, affective, and
motivational relevance is more pertinent in order to
enhance current information retrieval solutions? We
hypothesize that complex search tasks are best suited
for taking advantage of psychological, affective, and
motivational relevance metrics. Through user stud-
ies, we will measure different cognitive states such
as level of frustration, motivation/engagement, con-
fusion, etc. and their relationship with perceived rele-
vance in different search scenarios in order to identify
the search-tasks where the modeling of psychologi-
cal, affective, and motivational relevance is more per-
Q3. How to model psychological, affective, and
motivational relevance? Once the information-search
tasks and the cognitive states have been identified, we
will define, implement and test several user models
based on psychological, affective, and motivational
relevance in order to discuss how these models can
be applied to currently available information retrieval
Q4. To what extend modeling and implementing
psychological, affective, and motivational relevance
in an information-seeking system enhances current
information retrieval solutions? Once the scenarios
and measures have been identified, and the models
have been implemented, we plan to merge everything
together into a real information retrieval system that
will make use of psychological, affective, and motiva-
tional relevance measures. We will test such system
against current I.R systems in order to study weather
the users’ performance in the previously identified
information-seeking tasks (Q2) improves.
The main outcome of this research will be an in-
formation retrieval system especially designed to ad-
dress complex information-seeking tasks. This sys-
tem will make use of the users’ cognitive state de-
tected through physiological computing techniques in
order to feed its psychological, affective, and moti-
vational relevance model. The research will lead to
a system that will outperform current information-
seeking solutions by making use of such relevance
Additionally, several outcomes will arise from the
research process while addressing Q1-Q4; namely, a
comprehensive understanding of the different cogni-
tive states suitable to model psychological, affective,
and motivational relevance in order to better support
users and enhance their performance while undertak-
ing information seeking tasks in real scenarios.
We have recently explored how relevance of informa-
tion items can be inferred through electroencephalog-
raphy (Eugster et al., 2014) and through electrodermal
activity and facial electromyography (Barral et al.,
2015). The outcomes of this research shows that,
even if such physiological measures carry informa-
tion regarding perception of relevance, their predic-
tive power is still relatively low. We believe that one
way to enhance the applicability of such techniques is,
as exposed above, to study how the relevance of infor-
mation items is perceived in relation to the cognitive,
emotional, and affective states of the users. Thereof,
the current research is focused in this direction.
Firstly, we are defining and designing a review of
the literature regarding psychophysiological inference
of cognitive states in HCI, in order to address Q1.
Also, we are studying how motivational intensity af-
fects the cognitive processing abilities when present-
ing text items in different layouts (eg. list, clusters,
etc.), and how it is reflected in the physiology, by
measuring electroencephalography, eye movements
and pupillometry, electrocardiography and electroder-
mal activity. Next steps, and based on the outcomes
of the literature review, we will conduct further stud-
ies regarding users’ cognitive states while engaged in
information seeking tasks, that might be related with
affective, psychological and motivational relevance
such as arousal, frustration, confusion, etc.
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