performance even better than that obtained with
multicore version. However, due to the low
complexity and the non parallel pattern of other
detectors especially of the suboptimal ones (ZF-SIC
and HFSD) methods, the OpenMP version obtains
better performance than CUDA version.
This gain gradually disappears when the
complexity of the detector increases, for example
with the number of levels to be fully expanded (L)
or increasing the number of survivors (K) to be
computed in each level in the K-BEST detector.
The variety of detectors with mixed complexities
and performances allows to cover multiple use cases
with different channel conditions and scenarios such
as massive MIMO. Moreover, parallel
implementations allow the execution of large
simulations over different architectures thus
exploiting the capacity of the modern machines.
This thesis is focused in the development of a high
performance library for MIMO communications
systems which aims to
provide a set of routines
needed to perform the most complex stages in the
current wireless communications. The proposed
library has three important features: portable,
efficiently and user friendly. Results obtained with
the efficient hard-output detectors presented in this
paper demonstrate that MIMOPack library may
become in a very useful tool for companies involved
in the development of new wireless and broadband
standards which need obtain results and statistics of
its proposals quickly and also for other researchers
making easier the implementation of scientific
This work has been supported by SP20120646
project of Universitat Politècnica de València, by
ISIC/2012/006 and PROMETEO FASE II 2014/003
projects of Generalitat Valenciana; and has been
supported by European Union ERDF and Spanish
Government through TEC2012-38142-C04-01.
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