significant improvement over the algorithm by Con-
stantino et al. (2011).
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came evident that providing a more balanced roster
means that the algorithm looses ability to minimise
the overall number of constraint violations. Hence,
we can conjecture that a trade-off exists between bal-
ancing the solution against minimising constraint vi-
olations. Hence, future work could investigate the
multi-objective aspect of the NSPBPS and evaluate
the feasibility of applying a multi-objective technique
to solve the problem. Additionally, we aim to pro-
vide results for the monthly scenarios available in the
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mento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brazilian Min-
istry of Education), Araucária Foundation (Fundação
Araucária do Paraná) and CNPQ (National Council
for Scientific and Technological Development) for
their financial support of this research.
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