A Variable Neighbourhood Search for Nurse Scheduling with Balanced
Preference Satisfaction
Ademir Aparecido Constantino
, Everton Tozzo
, Rodrigo Lankaites Pinheiro
, Dario Landa-Silva
and Wesley Romão
Informatics Department, State University of Maringá, Maringá, PR, Brazil
ASAP Research Group, School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K.
Nurse Scheduling Problem, Bottleneck Assignment Problem, Variable Neighbourhood Search, Combinatorial
The nurse scheduling problem (NSP) is a combinatorial optimisation problem widely tackled in the litera-
ture. Recently, a new variant of this problem was proposed, called nurse scheduling problem with balanced
preference satisfaction (NSPBPS). This paper further investigates this variant of the NSP as we propose a
new algorithm to solve the problem and obtain a better balance of overall preference satisfaction. Initiall, the
algorithm converts the problem to a bottleneck assignment problem and solves it to generate an initial fea-
sible solution for the NSPBPS. Posteriorly, the algorithm applies the Variable Neighbourhood Search (VNS)
metaheuristic using two sets of search neighbourhoods in order to improve the initial solution. We empirically
assess the performance of the algorithm using the NSPLib benchmark instances and we compare our results
to other results found in the literature. The proposed VNS algorithm exhibits good performance by achieving
solutions that are fairer (in terms of preference satisfaction) for the majority of the scenarios.
In this paper we consider a variant of the well-known
Nurse Scheduling Problem (NSP) referred as the
Nurse Scheduling Problem with Balanced Preference
Satisfaction (NSPBPS). The NSP is a NP-Hard com-
binatorial optimisation problem (Osogami and Imai,
2000) that consists of: given a period of time, a set of
staff requirements for the given period and a team of
nurses, the aim is to assign shift patterns for the team
of nurses in order to satisfy the staff requirements. On
the basic version of the NSP, the objective is to max-
imise the number of requirements fulfilled. The prob-
lem has several variants where the objectives include
the minimisation of the number of nurses used, the
minimisation of the overall assignment costs (given
that the cost of each nurse assignment can be cal-
culated), the satisfaction of nurses preferences, and
more (Petrovic and Vanden Berghe, 2008).
The NSPBPS was proposed by Constantino et al.
(2011) and it is a variant of the NSP where each nurse
can have preferences regarding her/his shift assign-
ments. In the NSP, maximising the overall number
of preferences attended may lead to some nurses be-
ing largely benefited while other nurses are neglected.
The purpose of fulfilling nurses’ preferences is to im-
prove work conditions and raise overall staff satis-
faction. However, by providing individual timeta-
bles that are unbalanced in terms of individual pref-
erences satisfaction, provokes that some nurses feel
disfavoured when the level of satisfaction of their in-
dividual preferences is lower than for other nurses.
Therefore, the objective in the NSPBPS is to fulfill
staff requirements but attending individual nurse pref-
erences in a balanced manner instead of just maximis-
ing the overall number of preferences. In the NSPBPS
we aim to obtain a fair assignment by minimising the
difference between the preference satisfaction of the
most favoured nurse and the least favoured nurse.
Surveys of the NSP were provided by Cheang
et al. (2003) and Burke et al. (2004), where prob-
lem variants, features and solving methods were cov-
ered and discussed. Both works observed that at
the time there were no sets of benchmark instances
to cross-evaluate solving methodologies. Maenhout
and Vanhoucke (2005) presented a comprehensive
dataset of varied NSP instances called NSPLib. Later,
the NSPLib was further improved with the addition
Aparecido Constantino A., Tozzo E., Lankaites Pinheiro R., Landa-Silva D. and Romão W..
A Variable Neighbourhood Search for Nurse Scheduling with Balanced Preference Satisfaction.
DOI: 10.5220/0005364404620470
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 462-470
ISBN: 978-989-758-096-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of new features and updated results for comparison
(Maenhout and Vanhoucke, 2006, 2007, 2008).
Several heuristic techniques have been applied to
solve the NSP and its variants. Examples include
the recent works of Maenhout and Vanhoucke (2007)
which uses the Electromagnetic Method, Maenhout
and Vanhoucke (2006) using Scatter Search, several
applications of Evolutionary Algorithms (Maenhout
and Vanhoucke, 2008; Ohki et al., 2008; Tsai and Li,
2009; Beddoe et al., 2009), Oughalime et al. (2008)
using Tabu Search, Burke et al. (2008) using Variable
Neighbourhood Search, Goodman et al. (2009) which
uses GRASP and Cheng et al. (2007) using Simmu-
lated Annealing. Additionally, exact methods were
also employed to tackle the NSP. We can highlight the
works of Yilmaz (2012) using Integer Programming
and Bard and Purnomo (2005) that employs Column
Generation. Constantino et al. (2013) used a hybrid
algorithm for the NSP with preference satisfaction.
To the best of our knowledge, only Constantino
et al. (2011) presented results for the NSPBPS. In
that work they proposed a hybrid algorithm that uses
a bottleneck assignment problem exact algorithm to
construct an initial solution and a local search to im-
prove that solution. The present work further extends
that concept by using the same mechanism to generate
the initial solution. However, instead of a simple lo-
cal search, we propose the use ofa VNS metaheuristic
with a new set of neighbourhoods. Experimental re-
sults on the NSPLib showed that we managed to im-
prove the balance of preference satisfaction.
Section 2 describes the NSPBPS. In section 3, the
bottleneck assignment problem used to generate the
initial solution, is described. Section 4 presents the
proposed VNS algorithm with the new set of neigh-
bourhoods. Section 5 presents the experimental re-
sults and a discussion on the algorithm performance.
Finally we conclude our work in Section 6.
In this work we consider the NSP as presented by
Maenhout and Vanhoucke (2007). Nevertheless, in
the NSPBPS the objective is not to minimise the
number of constraints violations but instead to opti-
mise the balance of attended nurses’ preferences. The
problem is composed by a number of hard and soft
constraints to be considered when generating each in-
dividual schedule. The hard constraints define strict
work regulations and the soft constraints define work-
ing policies and desirable aspects.
Hard Constraints. The NSPBPS considers two
hard constraints, both related to avoid certain shift
patterns. The first forbids the assignment of an af-
ternoon shift before a morning shift. The second
forbids the assignment of a night shift before a
morning or an afternoon shift.
Soft Constraints. There are four soft constraints
that represents nurses’ preferences. The first one
defines a minimum and maximum number of
working days within the scheduling period. The
second one defines a minimum and maximum
number of consecutive working assignments. The
third one represents a minimum and maximum
number of assignments of each shift type in the
scheduling period. The fourth soft constraint sets
a minimum and maximum number of consecutive
shift assignments of the same type.
Nurses Preferences. The preferences represent the
main objective of the NSPBPS. They are declared
in advance and then a cost (inversely proportional
to the preference) is associated to each shift.
We can define the NSPBPS as follows. Given a
set N of nurses, where N = {n
, n
, . . . , n
}, a set D
of days where D = {d
, d
, . . . , d
} and a set S of
shifts where S = {s
, s
, . . . , s
}. For each day d
D, each nurse n
N has to be assigned a shift s
such that the hard and soft constraints are considered
and the differences of the overall individual costs for
the nurses preferences are minimised.
In this work we use the tests scenarios provided by
the NSPLib, a library with problem instances for the
NSP. For more information, please refer to the work
of Maenhout and Vanhoucke (2005). The NSPLib
uses shifts that refers to a givenworking period (early,
day or night shift) or a rest period (free shift). A duty
roster, or roster, is a sequence of |D| shifts assigned to
a nurse. We consider S
to be the set of shifts required
for day d.
Additionally,let pf
be a sum of the costs (prefer-
ences non-satisfaction) for nurse n
regarding his/her
individual roster. Thus, if we wish to optimise the
overall nurse satisfaction, we must build and assign
rosters to nurses in such way that the sum of pf
all n
N is minimised. However, to aim for rosters
with balanced preference satisfaction, one approach
is to minimise the maximum pf
for all n
N. This
objectiveis used in the well-known bottleneck assign-
ment problem as discussed next.
The NSP considered here involves the construction of
the duty roster for a number of nurses in a scheduling
period of D days. For each nurse, a shift must be as-
signed for each day in the scheduling period. In this
paper, we model the NSP as an acyclic multipartite
graph with |D|+1 partitions, where the vertices in the
first partition corresponds to nurses and the vertices in
the remaining |D| partitions correspond to shifts, that
is, one partition per day d
. An edge represents the
possibility of assigning a shift to a nurse or shift (de-
pends on the algorithm phase).
Formally, lets have a graph G = (V, E), where V
is the set of vertices and E is the set of edges. The set
V is composed by the subsets (partitions) of vertices
, ...,V
, where V
is the set of vertices rep-
resenting the nurses and V
(d from d
to d
) is the
set of vertices representing day d of the scheduling
Figure 1 presents a diagram of the problem repre-
sentation for two nurses in a seven day period. The
two leftmost (rectangular) vertices, first on each par-
tition, are the vertices representing the nurses, respec-
tively nurses one and two. The vertices to the right
correspond to a day of the schedule and can contain
one of the following shifts: (E)arly, (D)ay, (N)ight,
and (F)ree shift. Additionally, the * symbol defines a
spare shift.
The optimisation problem is to find n
paths go-
ing from the first to the last partition while minimis-
ing the total cost (each path corresponds to an indi-
vidual roster). For this, we propose a heuristic al-
gorithm that solves successive bottleneck assignment
problems each corresponding to two consecutive par-
titions. The goal in the bottleneck assignment prob-
lem (BAP) is to make a one-to-one assignment be-
tween two sets of the same size in such way that
the maximum assignment costs is minimised. Then,
solving each successive BAP in our approach corre-
sponds to minimising the maximum cost due to the
non-satisfaction of individual preferences. The bot-
tleneck assignment problem is formulated as follows:
minimise max
1i, jn
subject to
= 1, j = 1, . . . , n
= 1, i = 1, . . . , n
{0, 1}, i, j = 1, . . . , n
In this case, index i sometimes corresponds to a
nurse and other times to a shift while index j can be
a shift or a roster (more details are given below). The
term c
corresponds to the cost of assigning i to j.
The main advantage of tackling the NSP in this way is
that the bottleneck assignment problem can be solved
in polynomial time using the algorithm proposed by
Carpaneto and Toth (1981).
This work presents a two-phases algorithm to tackle
the NSPBPS. First, an initial solution is obtained by
solving a bottleneck assignment problem for each day
of the rostering period using the algorithm proposed
by Carpaneto and Toth (1981). Then, a general VNS
metaheuristic (Mladenovi
c and Hansen, 1997) is ap-
plied in order to improve this initial solution by ex-
ploring two domain-specific neighbourhoods, Cutting
and Recombination procedure and k-Swap.
4.1 Initial Solution
We now briefly present the construction algorithm for
the initial solution. Note that we use the same tech-
nique as proposed by Constantino et al. (2011). For
further information, please refer to that work.
The construction phase starts by generating a mul-
tipartite graph as defined in Section 3. An initial solu-
tion is obtained through the resolution of |D| succes-
sive BAPs from the first to the last day. Each BAP is
defined by the square cost matrix [c
] of order n
where c
is the cost of assigning shift j to nurse i on
Figure 1: An initial solution for a problem containing two nurses. The letters E, D, N, F mean Early, Day, Night and Free
shift, respectively, and * means spare shift.
day d. This cost is defined by the following function:
f(i, j, d) = pc(i, j, d) + P
× nHCV + P
× nSVC
where pc(i, j, d) is the preference cost associated to
assigning a nurse i to shift j on day d; nHCV is the
number of hard constraint violations; P
is the penalty
due to the violation of a hard constraint; nSCV is
the number of soft constraint violations and P
is the
penalty cost due to the violation of a soft constraint.
In this problem the number of nurses is always
greater than or equal to the number of demanded
tasks, i.e. n
|, then it might be necessary
to complete the cost matrix with spare shifts in or-
der to form a square matrix. Hence, matrix [c
] may
be divided into two blocks. Block I contains the shifts
that satisfy the required coverage of that day. Block
II contains the added spare shifts (in the case that in
day d the number of nurses is greater than the num-
ber of demanded tasks). Since the minimum coverage
requirement is guaranteed by block I, then any shift
assignment in block II (spare shifts) is permitted, in-
cluding the assignment of a free shift (with no given
coverage requirement).
One BAP is constructed and solved for each day
d of the scheduling period. Note that in the first as-
signment there is no shift previously assigned to each
nurse. But from the second partition, previously as-
signed shifts are considered in order to calculate the
cost matrix. At the end, after solving the |D| BAPs,
we have constructed an initial solution (duty roster)
for the set N of nurses. The construction phase works
as follows:
Procedure Construction
for d
to d
construct the cost matrix for day
solve the BAP for the cost matrix;
assign shifts to nurses according to
the BAP solution;
end Construction
4.2 Solution Improvement: Variable
Neighbourhood Search
The proposed algorithm implements a general Vari-
able Neighbourhood Search (VNS) as proposed by
c and Hansen (1997). The VNS starts from
an initial solution and randomly picks a neighbour in
order to disturb the current solution and avoid local
optima. Then, it systematically inspects the neigh-
bourhoods around that solution in pursuance of im-
proving the current solution using a Variable Neigh-
bourhood Descent (VND) algorithm. The VND is
a simpler version of the VNS that does not possess
the stochastic factor, hence it cycles through a set of
neighbourhoods, accepting improvements, until the
solution cannot be improved.
Below we present the pseudocode of the general
Procedure VNS
normalize the input data.
initial solution;
while stop criteria not satisfied do
for i
to k do
choose random neighbour of
if f(s
) < f(s) then
s s
i 0
i i+ 1
return s
end VNS
The chosen neighbourhoods plays a major role in
the performance of the algorithm. Hence, we tailored
two types of neighbourhoods in order to make bet-
ter use of the data structures selected and improve the
convergence of the algorithm to good solutions. We
now describe the proposed neighbourhoods.
4.2.1 Neighbourhood 1: Cutting and
Recombination Procedure (CRP)
The first neighbourhood, Cutting and Recombination
Procedure, is the same neighbourhood employed in
the local search technique proposed by Constantino
et al. (2011). The procedure takes a current solution
and performs successive ’cuts’ between each pair of
consecutive days. For each cut, it recombines all ros-
ters and uses the BAP to search for the best feasible
For every d
, d
, . . . , d
1), the proce-
dure virtually splits the duty roster in two sides, the
left, containing the roster for the days (d
, d
, . . . , d
and the right, containing the roster for the remaining
days (d
+ 1, . . . , d
). Now, each duty roster on
the left side can be recombined with |N| rosters on
the right side (including the original combination), re-
sulting in a total of |N|
possible recombinations. The
procedure then creates a new cost matrix [c
], with
size |N| × |N|. Each value c
of the cost matrix is
(a) Possible recombinations for the CRP on the second cut point.
(b) New timetable after choosing a better combination.
Figure 2: Example of CRP application for two nurses.
calculated as the cost of assigning roster j to the nurse
i from the day d
onwards. After the entire matrix
is calculated, a BAP is solved using [c
] and the re-
sults are used to recombine the current solution.
The pseudocode for the CRP procedure is shown
Procedure CRP
for d
to d
1 do
construct the cost matrix for day
solve the BAP for the cost matrix;
recombine the rosters according to
the BAP solution;
end CRP
Figure 2 presents two diagrams with an example
of the application of the CRP procedure. The exam-
ple considers the cut between days one and two for
a two nurses scenario. In Figure 2(a) we have the
two possible recombinations – the current assignment
with solid lines and the other possibility with dashed
lines. Then, in Figure 2(b), assuming that the previ-
ous dashed lines assignment poses a better solution,
we have the new solution after effecting the changes.
4.2.2 Neighbourhoods 2. . . k: k-Swap
The following neighbourhoods are obtained through
a new procedure proposed in this work: k-Swap. The
k-Swap is inspired in the original CRP as it is also
based on cutting points and recombination. However,
the k-swap seeks to cut entire blocks of size k and
recombine these blocks, thus, each neighbourhood is
composed by the allowed recombinations of blocks of
size k.
The procedure works as follows: for every d
, d
, . . . , d
k1), the procedurevirtually splits
the duty roster in three parts, namely:
left side: the roster for the days (d
, d
, . . . , d
k-block: the roster for the days (d
1, . . . , d
+ k); and
right side the roster for the days (d
+ k +
1, . . . , d
Now, instead of recalculating all possible recom-
binations between the block and the sides, which
would generate |N|
possible recombinations (and ar-
guably be a slow procedure), the k-Swap recombines
the block such that each recombination on the left side
is symmetric to the right side, hence for every left side
recombination, there is only one possible outcome on
the right side, generating a total of |N|
possible re-
combinations. The procedure also creates a new cost
matrix [c
], with size |N| × |N|, where each value
is the cost of assigning the nurse i (along with
the left roster i) to the k-block roster j and the k-block
roster j to the right roster i. After [c
] is obtained,
the BAP is solved and the results are used to recom-
bine the current solution.
The pseudocode for the k-Swap procedure is
shown below:
Procedure k-Swap
for d
to d
k 1 do
(a) Possible recombinations for the k-Swap on the second block.
(b) Improved timetable after applying the k-Swap on the second block.
Figure 3: Example of k-Swap application for two nurses using k = 3.
construct the cost matrix for the
... d
+ k
solve the BAP for the cost matrix;
recombine the rosters according to
the BAP solution;
end k-Swap
Figure 3 presents a sample application of the k-
Swap procedure for k = 3 to a scenario with two
nurses and seven days. In Figure 3(a) we see the de-
limitation of each of the possible four blocks. The
3-Block 2, presented in solid lines, is the one chosen
for the current step of the procedure. Still, in Fig-
ure 3(a) we can observe all possible recombinations
of rosters considering the current block, in this case,
two recombinations. The first one, presented in solid
lines is the current assignment while the second, pre-
sented in dashed lines is the alternative. Figure 3(b)
shows the resulting roster assuming that the dashed-
lined alternative from the previous figure gives better
In order to evaluate the proposed algorithm, we used
the same instances evaluated by Constantino et al.
(2011). These instances were obtained from the
NSPLib (Maenhout and Vanhoucke, 2005), a digital
repository for instances of the NSP.
There are two types of problem instances avail-
able in the NSPLib. The first is the set of instances
that contains weekly schedules. The number of nurses
varies from 25 to 100 with an increment of 25 nurses.
For each set of nurses there are 7290 files with differ-
ent daily requirements and constraint values, hence
totalling 29160 distinct scenarios. Additionally there
are 8 separated files containing coverage constraints
and preferences information that can be combined
to any scenario, hence totalling 233280 problem in-
stances that are availablein the library. The second set
of instances considers monthly schedules (28 days)
but restricts the number of available nurses to 30 and
60. There are 960 files for each problem size and
an additional 8 files containing preferences and cov-
erage constraints, totalling 15360 possible scenarios.
Therefore, when considering all the possible scenar-
ios, we have a total of 248640 instances.
Due to time constraints we performed the tests on
weekly schedules only, however we remind the reader
that they constitute the majority of the scenarios in the
NSPLib. We used all options of available nurses (25,
50, 75 and 100). In the objective evaluation function
of our proposed algorithm, we considered the penalty
for violating a hard constraint to be P
= 1000 and the
Table 1: Summary of the results.
n |D| Case # of Instances
Constantino’s Algorithm Proposed Algorithm
Best Worst Range Best Worst Range
25 7 1 7290 12864 19099 6235 16051 19669 3619
25 7 2 7290 11774 18657 6884 16041 19637 3596
25 7 3 7290 13984 19415 5431 15406 19715 4309
25 7 4 7290 12344 19031 6688 16054 19682 3627
25 7 5 7290 13585 19492 5907 15765 19789 4024
25 7 6 7290 11812 18690 6877 16040 19650 3610
25 7 7 7290 14560 20102 5541 14219 20066 5847
25 7 8 7290 13030 19180 6149 15129 19834 4705
50 7 1 7290 13459 19842 6383 15719 19648 3929
50 7 2 7290 12480 19489 7009 15727 19584 3857
50 7 3 7290 14412 20147 5735 15143 19798 4655
50 7 4 7290 13034 19788 6754 15732 19644 3912
50 7 5 7290 14122 20213 6091 15364 19858 4493
50 7 6 7290 12541 19515 6974 15713 19603 3890
50 7 7 7290 14923 20787 5864 14083 20225 6142
50 7 8 7290 13539 19943 6404 14868 20004 5135
75 7 1 7290 13833 19530 5697 15464 19522 4058
75 7 2 7290 13122 19164 6042 15455 19493 4038
75 7 3 7290 14650 19927 5276 14901 19618 4716
75 7 4 7290 13398 19359 5961 15457 19526 4069
75 7 5 7290 14415 19944 5529 15156 19688 4532
75 7 6 7290 13148 19179 6031 15452 19502 4050
75 7 7 7290 15163 20642 5479 13952 19955 6002
75 7 8 7290 13955 19735 5780 14669 19643 4974
100 7 1 7290 11464 19425 7961 15026 20509 5483
100 7 2 7290 10545 19067 8522 15001 20468 5467
100 7 3 7290 12749 19862 7113 14660 20855 6195
100 7 4 7290 10966 19287 8321 15032 20524 5492
100 7 5 7290 12179 19831 7653 14770 20771 6001
100 7 6 7290 10589 19081 8491 15015 20478 5463
100 7 7 7290 13229 20529 7301 13386 21501 8115
100 7 8 7290 11699 19587 7888 14188 21051 6863
penalty for violating a soft constraint to be P
= 100.
Table 1 summarises the results. The column n
indicates the number of nurses considered. The col-
umn |D| represents the number of days. The column
Case indicate the preferences file used. The follow-
ing column indicates the number of instances evalu-
ated. The column Best indicates the average cost of
the route of the most favoured nurse in the duty roster,
i.e. the nurse whose evaluation cost is lower. Analo-
gously,the column Worst represent the average cost of
the route for the least favoured nurse, thus, the nurse
whose evaluation cost is higher. The column Range
presents the difference between the best and the worst
columns values. A high value in the column Range
means that there exists a higher discrepancy between
the preferences considered for the nurses, hence some
have many preferences considered in detriment of at-
tending other nurses. Therefore, a low value in that
column means a fairer rostering regarding the nurses
The results show that for almost all test scenar-
ios, the proposed VNS algorithm provided fairer so-
lutions when comparing the route costs of the most
favoured nurse against the least favoured nurse. An
interesting finding is that the reduction in the gap be-
tween the routes with highest and lowest costs, causes
an increase in the average costs for the most favoured
nurses, and sometimes also it increases the cost of the
roster for the least favoured nurses. The proposed al-
gorithm minimises the gap of nurses preferences by
reducing the overall satisfaction of the nurses, hence
raising the overall assignment costs. The reason is
that the normalisation is applied over the preferences
of all nurses. This process, aside from maintaining
a fixed priority for all work shifts, alters the costs
of the original preferences, approximating the value
to 3. Therefore, when the normalisation is applied,
the algorithm bias towards a solution that is close to
a central preference value, and does not necessarily
minimises the costs.
Table 2: Number of Violations.
n |D| Case # of Instances
Constantino’s Algorithm Proposed Algorithm
Range Avg. # of Range Avg. # of Avg. # of Avg. # of
Violations Hard Viol. Soft Viol. Violations
50 7 1 7290 6383 1031 3929 987 102 1090
50 7 2 7290 7009 937 3857 983 9 992
50 7 3 7290 5735 2364 4655 949 2216 3165
50 7 4 7290 6754 1053 3912 978 135 1112
50 7 5 7290 6091 2744 4493 1406 1188 2594
50 7 6 7290 6974 955 3890 985 60 1045
50 7 7 7290 5864 6091 6142 1510 6824 8333
50 7 8 7290 6404 2890 5135 1555 3106 4661
Table 3: Comparison – average increase of violations × average decrease of range.
n |D| Case # of Instances Increase on the number of Evaluations Decrease on the Range
50 7 1 7290 5.72% 38.45%
50 7 2 7290 5.87% 44.97%
50 7 3 7290 33.88% 18.83%
50 7 4 7290 5.60% 42.08%
50 7 5 7290 -5.47% 26.24%
50 7 6 7290 9.42% 44.22%
50 7 7 7290 36.81% -4.74%
50 7 8 7290 61.28% 19.82%
Table 2 presents the average number of constraints
violations for 50 nurses over 7 days. In order to sim-
plify the visualisation, we chose only one set of in-
stances, however it is important to emphasise that all
other instances presented similar results. We compare
our results with the results obtained by Constantino
et al. (2011). As it can be seen, the proposed algo-
rithm violated more constraints than the compared al-
gorithm, except for preferences case 5. Nonetheless,
when comparing the increase of the number of viola-
tions against the decrease of the range (Table 3), we
can verify that, for the majority of the test cases, the
decrease of the range highly surpasses the increase of
violations. Notably, in case 7 the proposed algorithm
was not able to improve the range, while on case 5
it was able to improve the range and the number of
It is interesting to observe that the proposed algo-
rithm could provide better results regarding the fair-
ness of the routes but was unable to attend a same
ammount of overall preferences. This gives some in-
dication that there might be a trade-off in the sense
that increasing fairness may necessarily decrease the
overall preferences satisfaction.
Therefore, for the majority of the test instances,
the proposed algorithm was able to provide fairer re-
sults regarding nurses preferences, hence providing
better results. In general, there was an increase in
the number of constraint violations, but for most cases
the fairness of the comparison surpassed this increase.
Nonetheless, the ultimate goal of the NSPBPS is to
obtain a duty roster that evenly distributes the pref-
erence satisfaction among all nurses and for that the
proposed algorithm achieved better results.
This work proposed an hybrid algorithm that uses
an exact method (for solving bottleneck assignment
problems) and a VNS metaheuristic, to solve the
nurse scheduling problem with balanced preferences
satisfaction (NSPBPS), a variant of the nurse schedul-
ing problem (NSP). In the NSPBPS the aim is to sat-
isfy nurses’ preferences in such a way that the indi-
vidual satisfaction of all nurses is evenly attended.
Therefore, the final timetable should be fair regarding
the satisfaction of individual preferences.
The proposed algorithm employs an exact method
to solve a series of bottleneck assignment prob-
lems in order to generate an initial feasible solu-
tion. Then, a VNS metahueristic was employed to
improve the initial solution using two types of neigh-
bourhoods, the CRP (cutting and recombination pro-
cedure) suggested by Constantino et al. (2011) and a
new neighbourhood structure k-Swap. Experimental
results showed that the proposed algorithm managed
to achieve a better balance of the individual prefer-
ences satisfaction. However, the overall number of
constraint violations raised. Nonetheless, as the main
goal in solving the NSPBPS is to present a duty roster
that is more balanced in terms of individual prefer-
ences satisfaction, the proposed algorithm achieved a
significant improvement over the algorithm by Con-
stantino et al. (2011).
After evaluating the experimental results, it be-
came evident that providing a more balanced roster
means that the algorithm looses ability to minimise
the overall number of constraint violations. Hence,
we can conjecture that a trade-off exists between bal-
ancing the solution against minimising constraint vi-
olations. Hence, future work could investigate the
multi-objective aspect of the NSPBPS and evaluate
the feasibility of applying a multi-objective technique
to solve the problem. Additionally, we aim to pro-
vide results for the monthly scenarios available in the
We thank CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoa-
mento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brazilian Min-
istry of Education), Araucária Foundation (Fundação
Araucária do Paraná) and CNPQ (National Council
for Scientific and Technological Development) for
their financial support of this research.
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