sentation of security constraints is Secure Tropos
(Mouratidis and Giorgini, 2007). The Tropos method-
ology aims to model security concerns throughout
the whole development process. The Secure Tro-
pos paradigm is based on agent-oriented software
engineering and centers around the concepts of ac-
tors, their goals, obligations, capabilities, security
constraints, and dependencies. The notation used
is based on UML, and constraints can be formally
expressed (and verified) with the Object Constraint
Language (OCL) (Object Management Group, 2014).
The stakeholder and security requirements identifica-
tion used in Secure Tropos is another option that could
be used in my approach, but its applicability has not
yet been tested.
In addition to the already mentioned policy frame-
works, there are various other policy languages for
the specification of machine-readable policies, for ex-
ample the Ponder language (Damianou et al., 2001),
SSPL (Al-Morsy and Faheem, 2009) or Rei (Kagal
et al., 2003). For a brief overview of available policy
languages, see (De Coi and Olmedilla, 2008; World
Wide Web Consortium, 2012).
The research presented in this paper is supported
by the German Ministry of Education and Research
projects Software Campus (grant number 01IS12053)
and Software-Cluster SINNODIUM (grant number
01IC12S01F) as well as by the European Commis-
sion in the context of the Research Framework Pro-
gram Seven (FP7) project SECCRIT (Grant Agree-
ment No. 312758). The sole responsibility for the
content of this document lies with the author.
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