User-defined Privacy Preferences for k-Anonymization in Electronic
Crime Reporting Systems for Developing Nations
Aderonke Busayo Sakpere
Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
Data Anonymity, Streaming Data, Crime Reporting, User-defined Privacy.
Existing approaches that protect data from honest-but-curious data mining service providers include k-
anonymity technique, which is considered a better alternative to previously proposed techniques. However
k-anonymity technique adopts a generic paradigm approach to privacy enforcement in its model. Owing to
the fact that real-life users have different privacy requirements, there is need to address this generic paradigm
approach in K-anonymity in order to improve its efciency. Our proposed approach integrates the concept
of a three tier-privacy level (low, medium and high) into k-anonymity to achieve anonymization. This helps
us to identify individual users’ best choice and how users’ privacy preference can be incorporated into the
K-anonymity model, as opposed to the generic approach currently adopted. Our preliminary survey presents
facts that help to understand factors that influence the choice of users’ privacy preference during crime re-
porting. Results also show that the following factors affect people’s privacy choice: Age Group, Personality,
Community Need and Cultural Background (Adaptive).
Increasing rates of crime occurrences in developing
nations haveraised governmentconcernsfor safety. A
recent report shows that about 3.3 million crimes oc-
cur yearly in South Africa (SAIRR, 2013). Thus, a lot
of crime data/report are archived by the security agen-
cies, which have potential to generate knowledge-
driven decision support in tackling crime issues if ef-
ficiently analysed. Manual data analysis is no longer
a viable approach to crime prediction and prevention
because the large volume of data make manual data
analytics a time consuming process. In areas where
on-site data analytics expertise is limited, outsourcing
the data to a third-partydata analytics service provider
is a good solution. Due to lack of analytical expertise
within the law enforcement agencies in developing
countries, these crime reports are often not analysed
or mined in order to predict and prevent future crime
occurrences. It therefore makes sense to involve third
parties that have the expertise.
Seeing that crime data is privacy sensitive, it
makes sense to ensure crime data is protected from
an “honest-but-curious” data analytic/miner. The use
of techniques common in cryptography, access con-
trol and authentication for protecting crime data are
not sufficient to prevent third parties from identify-
ing subjects in the dataset. This is because they
do not guard against inferences (Sweeney, 2002b).
Other data protection techniques such as swapping,
perturbation and additive noise have been studied for
protecting outsourced data from unauthorized access
but compromises data integrity (Sakpere and Kayem,
2014). A recent privacy preserving techniques is
differential privacy. However, some theoretical re-
search on this technique has shown infeasible results
(Dwork, 2006). Another disadvantage of differential
privacy is that it makes use of additive noise. Accord-
ing to Guo and Zhang, 2013, too much noise makes
analysis of anonymized data more difficult to anal-
yse. K-anonymity techniques are a better alternative
to protecting outsourced data because it does not com-
promise the integrity (truthfulness) of anonymized
data (Bayardo and Agrawal, 2002). Furthermore, re-
sults from various theoretical and practical research
and application of k-anonymity has shown its suitabil-
ity for privacy preservation ((Guo and Zhang, 2013;
Samarati, 2001; Sweeney, 2002b; Sweeney, 2002a).
K-anonymity preserves privacy by ensuring that
each record corresponds to at least k-1 other records
with respect to their Quasi-Identifier, where k is a
pre-assigned integer variable and k > 1 (Samarati,
2001; Sweeney, 2002b; Sweeney, 2001). Quasi-
Identifier is mainly a combination of one or more
Sakpere A..
User-defined Privacy Preferences for k-Anonymization in Electronic Crime Reporting Systems for Developing Nations.
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
non-explicit identifiers. These non-explicit attributes
when combined together can potentially identify
individuals. Examples of Quasi-Identifiers are Age
and Sex. K-anonymity achieves this by using gener-
alization and suppression (Samarati, 2001; Sweeney,
2002b). Generalization replaces a specific value with
a more general but semantically consistent value
(Sweeney, 2002a). Suppression involves withholding
a value completely (Sweeney, 2002a). Therefore, if
an attacker wants to identify a man in a released table
and the only information he has is his birth date and
gender. K-anonymity ensures there are k men in the
table with the same birth date and gender. K is a
pre-assigned integer that is greater than one. Tables 1
and 2 illustrate how k-anonymity works.
Table 1: Crime Victims’ data in an explicit form.
Name Age Gender
Rose 25 Female
Mary 29 Female
Scoth 32 Male
Smith 36 Male
Table 2: Crime Victims’ data in an anonymous form.
Name Age Gender
**** 20-29 Female
**** 20-29 Female
**** 30-39 Male
**** 30-39 Male
Table 1 shows data that needs to be anonymised.
Table 2 is an anonymised version of table 1 using
k-anonymity, where k = 2 and QI = (Age, Sex).
From table 2, each sequence of values in QI has at
least two occurrences. Hence, the probability of re-
identification occurrence is 1/k.
K-anonymity model has been identified as a more
promising alternative in data privacy preservation,
as opposed to previously proposed techniques that
have shortcomings in areas such as additive noise
and inference attack to mention a few. However, k-
anonymity still requires refinement in certain aspects
of its model, such as incorporating user-defined fac-
tors into the model for privacy preservation, as it ordi-
narily uses a generic paradigm for this purpose. Our
key research questions are:
1. What are the major factors that determine the pri-
vacy level preference of a person who has been a
victim of crime or a potential victim?
2. How can user defined privacy preference be inte-
grated into k-anonymity, to improve its efficiency
in privacy preservation?
K-anonymity uses the same privacy level (i.e. k-
value) for all individuals in the data set. The use
of the same privacy for all users is unrealistic in
real-life because individuals tend to have varying pri-
vacy protection requirements (Xiao and Tao, 2006;
Gedik and Liu, 2008). Furthermore, the use of the
same privacy preference for all users mean individ-
ual’s privacy need is misrepresented. As a result,
some users may be over-protected, while some oth-
ers may be under-protected. This implies that over-
protection could lead to high loss of information and
under-protection could lead to inadequate protection
(Xiao and Tao, 2006). Information loss is used to
quantify the amount of information that is lost due
to k-anonymization (Kabir and Bertino, 2011). The
consequence of a high information loss is that it de-
bases the utility of the released anonymized database
for data mining or analysis (Byun and Li, 2006).
To illustrate this problem, let’s assume a user
named Mary prefer her details to be known when her
details is released to a third party for data mining pur-
poses. On the other hand, Smith might prefer that his
details are well protected before they are released to
third party for analysis or mining purposes. In addi-
tion, there are individuals who are indifferent about
their privacy. As a result, it makes sense to integrate
individuals privacy preference into k-anonymity.
The need for data protection, especially when needed
for research and data mining purposes has led to
the development of several privacy enforcing algo-
rithms that are based on techniques such as swap-
ping, substitution, perturbation and additive noise
(Sweeney, 2001). A major problem that the use
of these techniques face, is the difficulty in relating
them to the legal and societal norms of privacy (Jiang
and Clifton, 2006). Furthermore, these techniques
can produce “untruthful data” (Bayardo and Agrawal,
2002). As a result, Sweeney (Sweeney, 2002b) came
up with k-anonymity to solve these deficiencies. Re-
cently, a newtechnique named differentialprivacy has
emerged to ensure privacy. It achieves this by the use
of a randomized mathematical function. However, the
use of rigorous mathematical computation involved
in differential privacy makes it computationally inten-
sive (Dwork, 2006).
One of the pioneer work in personalized privacy
is by Aggrawal & Yu (Aggarwal and Philip, 2008).
They achieved personalized privacy through the use
of k-anonymity by allowing a user to select an integer,
i, (where 1 6i 6 n) to indicate his/her privacy prefer-
ence. This implies that in an anonymised table, T, the
user must be included in a QI-group with at least size
i. A drawback of this is that it might be difficult for
users to set a realistic k-value in real-life especially in
Crime Reporting System where users might be under
duress or shock as a result of the crime. Also, setting
a realistic k-value implies that users must understand
the principle of k-anonymity.
An equally novel approach in achieving personal-
ized anonymisation using the concept of k-anonymity
is the work of Xiao and Tao, 2006. In their work,
an individual specifies the degree of privacy protec-
tion for his/her sensitive values. Their solution as-
sumes that each sensitive attribute has a classifica-
tion tree and each record owner specifies a guarding
node in the tree. Guarding nodes depend on user’s
personal privacy preferences and indicates how users
want their sensitive values to be represented. A ma-
jor drawback of their approach is that a guarding node
requires that a hierarchy-tree be defined on sensitive
attribute. However, hierarchical trees are difficult to
define on numerical and transactional data. Another
drawback is that in real-life, it is unclear how indi-
vidual record owners would set their guarding node
(Aggarwal and Philip, 2008).
Gedik and Liu, 2008 achieved personalized k-
anonymity by allowing users to specify their preferred
k-anonymityvalue. A setback of this is that users may
need to understand the concept of k-anonymity in or-
der to be able to choose an appropriate k-value which
may not be practical in real-life.
Another research targeted towards including users
privacy preference in k-anonymity is the work of
Kabir and Bertino, 2011. In their approach, they only
considered the privacy level of individuals who do not
care about the disclosure of their details. Their work
did not encompass the personal privacy preference of
individuals who care about their privacy.
We therefore note that the issue of incorporating
users preference to cope with anonymization of data
in a manner that is usable in real-life is yet to be stud-
ied. This study is necessary in order to generate re-
liable anonymized reported crime data for third party
service providers.
The user study approach was used in order to deter-
mine factor(s) that influence people’s privacy during
crime report in real-life. We conducted this prelim-
inary survey in the University of Cape Town, South
Africa. Twenty-four participants were recruited to
source user experiences with reporting crimes. The
participants consisted of twenty users who had been
affected by crime before and only four users whom
had never been personally affected by crime. Ques-
tionnaires and face-to-face interviews were used to
gather user’s privacy preference during crime report-
ing. The questionnaire was designed to confirm the
validity of the claims in the research of Xiao and Tao,
2006, and Gedik and Liu, 2008 that users have dif-
ferent privacy levels. In addition we also designed
the questionnaire to confirm the claims of Chuang and
Kuo, 2011 that users find it easier to determine their
privacy level using a three-tier privacy level. Addi-
tionally the questionnaire aimed to gather other fac-
tors such as gender, age and crime level that influ-
ences peoples’ privacy during crime reporting.
A three-tier privacy level preference consists of
low, neutral (medium) and high. It is conceived that
the willingness of an individual to share information
is inversely related to his/her privacy level preference.
Our choice of three-tier is based on the research of
Chuang and Kuo, 2011 that believe users can only
recognize their privacy requirements between three
levels. A high privacy level indicates an extreme pri-
vacy consciousness, whereas a low privacy level de-
picts a lower privacy consciousness. Therefore, neu-
tral privacy level is an intermediate.
5.1 Survey Analysis
Figure 1 and Table 3 illustrate both visual and quan-
titative contents of data collected. Such summary is
necessary to obtain preliminary information about the
relationship among the variables collected. All the
collected survey data comprised of 24 subjects and
eight categorical variables: Sex, Age group, Present
education level/Occupation, Highest education qual-
ification (HEQ), Victim of crime, Crime experienced,
Preferred privacy level (PPL), and Reason for choice
of privacy (RCP). All the subjects interviewed are
postgraduate students whose Occupation and HEQ
are exactly related. For example, a student enrolled
for PhD has a Masters degree as his/her HEQ. With-
out loss of generality, HEQ will consequently be
deleted from the analysis data. Table 3 and Figure 1
provide summaries of the different categories of each
of the variables left.
5.2 Survey Model
The response of interest in the survey is the attribute
Preferred Privacy Level (PPL) variable. To model the
PPL, we use multivariate logistics regression model
(Skrondal, 2003) because we are interested in explor-
ing the relationships among the variables (Skrondal,
2003) as stated in our research question. That is, we
want to knowvariables that influence peoples’ privacy
Consider a set of k explanatory variables; X =
}, such that, X
= {x
Also, assume that each set of observations, x
}, corresponds to measurements col-
lected from a specific subject i. X represents our de-
pendent variables such as age, gender. These mea-
surements could be any combination of continuous,
discrete or categorical variables. Further assume that
for each x
, a corresponding binary variable response
of interest y
was subsequently observed. Hence, the
responses constitute a vector Y = {y
}. Y
represents our variable of concern i.e. PPL. Let the bi-
nary classes ofY be representable by 0 and 1. Logistic
model approach posits that the relationship betweenY
and X can be modeled as;
1 p
= β
where, β
is the coefficient of intercept and p
is the
observed proportion of subjects in response class 1
i.e. the probability of belonging to response category
1. Obviously, the probability of belonging to response
category 0 will be 1 p
. Equivalently, Equation 1
could be represented in terms of odds ratio as;
1 p
= exp(β
+ β
+ β
+ .. . + β
) (2)
Thus, a primary aim of most logistic regression anal-
ysis is to estimate the coefficients β
. βs are the coef-
ficients of our exploratory variables.
5.3 Survey Result
Our results obtained showed that the odds ratio (OR)
implies that, on av-
erage, there is about 27.27% (= 1.2727 - 1) higher
chance that a male will choose a neutral preference
level over other preference levels. OR measures as-
sociation between our explanatory variables (such as
age group, gender) and our response of interest (PPL).
Our result further shows the estimated odds ratio
is 1. This implies that, on
average, the (independent) choices of a male and a
0 5 10 15 20
Subject counts
Car snatching
Reduce crime
Explicit identification removal
Sex Age Occup. Cr. Vic. Crime Experienced Privacy Reason Pr. Level
Figure 1: Histogram illustrating the distribution of subjects
over the different categories of variables surveyed in the pri-
mary study of privacy level preference.
Table 3: Description of the different categories of the sur-
veyed variables used in the ensuing analysis. The table
shows number of subjects observed for each variable cat-
Variable Categories Subjects
Age group
26 - 30
31 - 35
36 - 40
Privacy choice reason
Reduce crime
Explicit ID delete
Variable Categories Subjects
Crime Victim?
Crime experienced
Car snatching
Preferred privacy level
female will be similar when considering choosing be-
tween low and other privacy levels.
With respect to age-group, our result illustrates
that, on average, relative to an individual in the
age group, an individual in the
age group has a
significantly higher chance of choosing a high privacy
preference level over other privacy preference levels.
The estimated odd of this claim is 12.5:1 with a stan-
dard error of about 3.4723. This deduction is sup-
ported by the plot on Figure 2. The large standard er-
ror observed on the table is highly inevitable given the
sample size of the analysis data. This proves that age
is a key factor in choosing privacy preference. This
implies that age is a key element in choosing privacy.
In order to test if there is a relationship between
the type of crime experienced, Privacy Choice and
Preferred Privacy Level (PPL), we used subset re-
gressions. All subsets regression begins by fitting
separate models of the response against each of the
explanatory variables. Subset Regression is a pro-
cedure to check for relationship between individual
variable (e.g. Crime Experienced) and PPL. The in-
tercept is also considered as an explanatory variable
in this scenario. Based on some model selection cri-
teria the best among these one-variable models is se-
lected. This work uses the Alkaike Information Cri-
teria (AIC) as its model selection criterion: the lower
the AIC the better. Our result shows that, the differ-
ent categories of
Privacy choice reasons
effective, except of
IPR: Insensitive
which was
not selected as an element of an optimal categoriza-
tion in any of the subset sizes. This implies that the
following factors affect people’s privacy choice: per-
sonality (PPR), Reduction of crime (RPR), Cultural
Background (Adaptive).
Applying similar ideas, as those from the previous
paragraph, to the results for
Crime experienced
lows substantial pruning of the categories of the vari-
able to just
Car snatching
From our study, only these three crimes affect Peo-
ple’s Privacy Choice out of the seven different types
of crime investigated.
In summary, although it might be necessary to
gain more power through increased sample size
in the main study, the hypothesis of non-optimal
categorization of the
Privacy choice reason
Crime experienced
variables cannot be rejected.
It is therefore claimed that, it is sufficient to say
that people’s privacy choices is affected by the fol-
lowing reasons:
Explicit Identity Removal
. On the other hand, the
following categories of
Crime experienced
people’s privacy choice:
Our preliminary survey has shown the feasibility of
our approach in our domain area. Results from our
surveyshows that the feasibility of integrating a three-
tier privacy into k-anonymity. As future work, we
will be carrying out a real-life implementation of inte-
2 4 6 8 10
Age group
Subject counts
High privacy level
Other privacy level
26 − 30 31 − 35 36 − 40
Figure 2: Illustration of the degree of association between
high privacy preference level and potential confounder
gration of our personalised privacy into k-anonymity
algorithm using three-tier privacy scheme. We also
hope to increase our survey subjects.
Analyzing data is crucial for knowledge-driven de-
cision support in most organisations, including the
crime domain. However, lack of data analytics exper-
tise within most law enforcement agencies in devel-
oping nations has necessitated the need to have third-
parties (honest-but-curious) data analytics provider
intervene in order to aid fast crime report analysis.
Data Anonymization techniques have proven to be
reliable solutions to help in overcoming the limita-
tions that prevents the engagement of third-parties
expertise in anlysing data. Nonetheless, anonymisa-
tion techniques proposed in the past such as Cryp-
tography and Swapping have limitations such as ad-
ditive noise and inference attack. K-anonymisation
technique has proven to be a promising alternative
in overcoming these shortcomings. However, the
generic paradigm approach to privacy enforcement in
K-anonymity model needs to be refined, in order to
improve efficiency in this regard.
Therefore, this research re-emphasizes the need to
integrate users privacy preference into k-anonymity
model, thereby improving its efficiency. The users
privacy preference ensures that users privacy specifi-
cation or need is well represented, such that the users
data is neither over-protected nor under-protected.
Our proposed approach integrates the concept of a
three tier-privacy level (low, medium and high) into
k-anonymity to achieve anonymization. This helps
us to identify individual users best choice and how
users privacy preference can be incorporated into the
K-anonymity model.
To establish the feasibility of our approach, we
carried out a preliminary survey in our domain area.
Results from our survey show that during crime re-
porting, there is about 27.27% higher chance that a
male person will choose a neutral preference level
over other preference levels. Our work is relevant and
critical in that it improves upon the K-anonymisation
model, thereby improving its efficiency. The next
phase of our research would consider verifying the
scalability of our approach by introducing different
attacks such as unsorted matching attack.
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