A verbatim quote from ProjectX manager:
"Moreover, to test our message interfaces; we no
longer need to wait for [completion of] their
simulators". ProjectX tester continues "With the help
of Model-ComM test driver, I do not need to
manually implement simulators; I can use my time
more efficiently. Before the tool, we implemented
simulators according to ICD and whenever anything
is changed in ICD, we had to change our simulator."
Impacts for Challenge area 4: The challenge of
taking responsibility over the ICD has started to be
resolved with auto-generation. ProjectX manager,
who had some conflicts with other shareholders on
that issue states that "it is also very helpful for non-
users of Model-ComM since they know that Model-
ComM user’s implementation is exactly what
generated HTML says. By this way, we got rid of the
document responsibility problem among
shareholders; we took this while generating code.”
In the upcoming phases of our R&D project, we plan
to conduct more rigorous empirical case studies to
ensure the cost effectiveness and benefit of our
approach to the context and problem domain.
To this end, by following Goal, Question, Metric
(GQM) approach (Basili, 1994), we have already
planned a set of upcoming RQs to be studied and
addressed as shown in Table 3. The goal will be to
assess the benefits of the MDE approach and its
associated tool-support in improvement of
development and maintenance tasks in the
embedded software projects under study from the
point of view of researchers, software engineers and
managers working in the company.
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