{ "@context": { "#situation1":{"@id":
"rdfs": "http: //www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#",
"owl":"http: //www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#", "#Pa-
"@type": "owl:Individual","rdfs:label":[
{ "@value": "situation 1", "@language": "en"},
{ "@value": "situacao 1","@language":"pt-br"}],
"owl:individualOf":[ {"owl:Class":"#Situation"}],
"isSituationOf": "1", "hasStartTime": "10:30",
"hasEndTime": "10:45" }
CEP, in turn, analyzes information sent by the
service, and infers that there are positive probabili-
ties of the unwanted situation CardiacAttack to
happen. Thus, CEP informs the application the in-
formation about situations and medical patient in-
formation, which should be sent to the hospital sys-
tem, with a request for an ambulance.
The combination of actions taken reactively and
proactively increases the efficiency of control sys-
tems in assisted living environments. SIaaS middle-
ware was implemented and offered a model for
making reactive and proactive decisions. In this
paper, we extended the SIaaS middleware adding
new models to perform the integration of contextual
definitions stored in ontologies and domain-specific
information stored in relational databases; and re-
trieves this information in an integrated and proac-
tive manner. These contributions were implemented
in SIaaS middleware in form of a new Context Per-
sistence and Querying Management Service, which
allows SIaaS to query about domain and context
data proactively.
As future work, we intend to expand the integra-
tion between tools of inference of ontologies and the
persistence solution allowing the developers to use
the approach transparently, using the API as ontolo-
gy management interface and to compare this solu-
tion against solutions based on triple stores that are
often used for the persistence of ontologies.
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