user experiments demonstrated wiCPN to be a con-
cise and intuitive notation, capable of simplifying the
design process and, thus, avoiding redundancies and
inconsistencies. With good expressiveness, our lan-
guage was able to propitiate better understanding of
the whole interactive process, by presenting both the
connections among the system screens and the actions
associated to every possible flow.
Furthermore, wiCPN was also capable of portray-
ing the many access levels of different user types, re-
specting the roles they play in the system and the con-
tent and activities they are allowed to see and perform.
This point demonstrated the language’s capability of
comprehending issues that concern to systems secu-
rity requirements and can also serve as a basis for fu-
ture work in this scope.
We would like to thank the Brazilian research
agencies FAPEMIG (grant APQ-04627-10), CAPES,
CNPq (grant 445500/2014-0) and PROPP/PPGCO
for supporting this work.
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