then the quality of the process will be of poor quality.
In addition, during the execution of process activities,
the management of activities could suffer a certain in-
fluence according to the semantics associated with a
low firing possibility. Finally, in the case of transi-
tions in conflict, the information concerning the firing
possibility can be used to make a decision: for exam-
ple if the possibility is low because of delayed activ-
ities, we will give priority to the transition in relation
to another that possesses a higher firing possibility.
As a future work proposal, it will be interesting to
represent human behavior in a manner that is close
to real life, a firing mechanism involving a condi-
tional possibility, in such a way that the availability
of the resource will be conditioned to time. Moreover,
new firing rules based on a conditional possibility will
then be defined and will be implemented at a business
managing level through the use of a real time token
player algorithm.
The authors would like to thank FAPEMIG for finan-
cial support.
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