using a greater number of resources. The results sug-
gest that both cluster and cloud can be used to achieve
a reduction of run-time, but the cloud scenery have a
overhead improved.
In future work, we believe that the researches
should to improve the features supported by the pro-
posed, such as those that concern generating feedback
from a mutation found in a patient gene to a database
of mutations like Ensembl or Gene Report can be im-
plemented. Other future study could attempt to im-
plement this system, for example, to finding an online
user-friendly solution in cloud. However, many issues
need still to be discussed to be explored graphic inter-
faces for the use of cloud to persist gene analysis of
the patients.
This work was supported by several institutions, in-
cluding the following: CNPq through grant number
70/2009 – PGAEST- MCT/CNPq;
FAPERGS via grant FAPERGS/CNPq 008/2009. It
was also assisted by the research project “GREEN-
GRID: Sustainable HPC”; Grid5000, a grid platform
developed by the INRIA ALADDIN project, and the
support provided by CNRS, RENATER and other uni-
versities. Some experiments were assisted by Mi-
crosoft Azure environment from Microsoft Research.
The research was also partly sponsored by CAPES
grant 99999.014966/2013-01(through DSE program)
MOTO project. Members from the GPPD MapRe-
duce group also assisted in the development of this
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