in terms of arrival time. Nevertheless the objective
function might miss some features, but can be rede-
fined as a weighted mean of total monetary cost for
the rider, deviation from the origin-destination trip for
the driver, number of transshipment stops, etc. An-
other way to deal with several features might be the
use of a multi-objective function and the computation
of Pareto optimal solutions.
To conclude, the problem described in this pa-
per can be seen as a new multi-modal transportation
design. The originality of our approach is its abil-
ity to also include a ride-sharing modality, along the
more common pedestrian, cycling, private car or pub-
lic transportations modes.
The particular interest of our work is in making
the service of ride-sharing and public transportation
more flexible and efficient. Specifically, in contrast to
the traditional ride-sharing service, our approach al-
lows to reduce the driver’s detour by using intermedi-
ate pick-up and drop-off locations for the rider, and to
increase the savings for both drivers and riders, com-
pared to the traditional ride-sharing service. The ride-
sharing service can be considered as a complement to
transit for public transportation, i.e. the ride-sharing
will improve transportation service in rural areas, dif-
ficult to serve by public transportation only.
This is the main reason that will incite the public
transport agencies to use ride-sharing to complement
their services. Despite the relative importance of inte-
grating ride-sharing into public transport services, as
far as we know, no previous work exists that allows
to deal with this problem in dynamic and real-time
context. One of the reasons could be the difficulty
to define and combine in real-time the two services:
ride-sharing and public transportation.
This research was partially funded thanks to the swiss
CTI grant 15229-1 PFES-ES received by the first au-
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