Evidence-based SMarty Support for Variability Identification and
Representation in Component Models
Marcio H. G. Bera, Edson Oliveira Jr. and Thelma E. Colanzi
Informatics Department, State University of Maring
a, Maring
a, PR, Brazil
Component, Effectiveness, Empirical Evaluation, Product-line Architecture, SMarty, Software Product Line,
UML, Variability Management.
Variability modeling is an essential activity for the success of software product lines. Although existing litera-
ture presents several variability management approaches, there is no empirical evidence of their effectiveness
for representing variability at component level. SMarty is an UML-based variability management approach
that currently supports use case, class, activity, sequence and component models. SMarty 5.1 provides a fully
compliant UML profile (SMartyProfile) with stereotypes and tagged-values and a process (SMartyProcess)
with a set of guidelines on how to apply such stereotypes towards identifying and representing variabilities. At
component level, SMarty 5.1 provides only one stereotype, variable, which means that any classes of a
given component have variability. Such a stereotype is clearly not enough to represent the extent of variability
modeling in components, ports, interfaces and operations. Therefore, this paper presents how the improved
version (5.2) of SMarty can identify and represent variability on such component-related elements, as well as
an experimental study that provides evidence of the SMarty effectiveness.
The Software Product Line (SPL) technique aims at
realizing the generation of specific products based on
the reuse of a central infrastructure, the core assets,
which consists of a software architecture and respec-
tive components (Linden et al., 2007) (Pohl et al.,
The SPL Architecture (SPLA) is the main artifact
of an SPL. It represents an abstraction of all possible
products that can be generated (Linden et al., 2007)
(OliveiraJr et al., 2013). Important SPLA require-
ments include: (i) remain stable during the SPL life-
time; (ii) easy integration of new features during the
architecture life cycle; and (iii) explicit representation
of variability for providing reuse.
Variability is a term used to represent parts of spe-
cific SPL products that differ one another (Pohl et al.,
2005). The amount of differences or dependencies be-
tween SPL products is directly reflected in the com-
plexity of its architecture (Jazayeri et al., 2000). The
SPL architecture (SPLA) should encompass artifacts
that perform similar and variable features in a specific
domain (OliveiraJr et al., 2013).
There are several variability management ap-
proaches in the literature, most of them supporting
UML models (Capilla et al., 2013; Galster et al.,
2014). The representation of variability in UML mod-
els is performed by means of stereotypes. UML-
based approaches that support variability at compo-
nent level do not support the representation of most
of the variability aspects in architectural elements. In
addition, they do not provide empirical evidence of
their effectiveness.
Stereotype-based Management of Variability
(SMarty) (OliveiraJr et al., 2010) is an approach
that allows the identification and representation of
variabilities in UML models, including use case,
class, activity, sequence and component elements.
However, SMarty version 5.1 (Marcolino et al.,
2014b) supports component models with only one
stereotype: variable. It means that a given
component has some sort of variability in its classes.
Given the importance of the SPLA for the success
of a SPL, it is clear that only one stereotype is not
enough to explicitlly represent all variability aspects
of a SPLA.
This paper presents an improved version of
SMarty, the version 5.2, for allowing the representa-
tion of variabilities at component level towards a more
accurate support for SPLA. SMarty 5.2 uses many
SMartyProfile stereotypes to represent variability in
Bera M., Oliveira Jr. E. and Colanzi T..
Evidence-based SMarty Support for Variability Identification and Representation in Component Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0005366402950302
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 295-302
ISBN: 978-989-758-097-0
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the SPLA logical view including components, ports,
interfaces and operations. In addition, SMarty 5.2 de-
fines guidelines that provide stakeholders directions
on how to identify and represent variability in com-
ponent elements throughout SMarty stereotypes. Be-
sides the improved version of SMarty, this paper also
presents an experimental study carried out to provide
empirical evidence of the SMarty 5.2 effectiveness.
Amongst the related approaches identified in the lit-
erature, the Razavian and Khosravi’s approach (Raza-
vian and Khosravi, 2008) was considered for the per-
formed study, as discussed in Section 2.
Next sections of this paper are organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents essential background and re-
lated work; Section 3 addresses the SMarty 5.2 ap-
proach for identifying and representing variability in
component models; Section 4 presents the planning,
execution and analysis and interpretation of the ex-
perimental study carried out; and Section 5 presents
conclusion and directions for future works.
UML version 2.5 was released in late 2013, with the
aim of reducing redundancy in several elements. Al-
though there is no changes to the language, the UML
2.5 provides simplicity of main aspects of component
models. For instance, compartments of a black-box
component notation allow the application of stereo-
types to represent variability, whereas ports do not.
Component elements, such as ports and opera-
tions, can be represented in respective compartments
and tagged with stereotypes. However, stereotypes in
interfaces are not explicitly visible. Thus, by means
of a further exploration of component compartments,
the representation of variability becomes more intu-
Variability is a key-issue for the success of a SPL
(Capilla et al., 2013; Galster et al., 2014). Variability
management is one of the most important SPL man-
agement activities as it provides core assets to repre-
sent how SPL members can differ one another (Lin-
den et al., 2007; Pohl et al., 2005). Variability is
a key-issue for the success of a SPL (Capilla et al.,
2013; Galster et al., 2014). Variability management is
one of the most important SPL management activities
as it provides core assets to represent how SPL mem-
bers can differ one another (Linden et al., 2007; Pohl
et al., 2005).
Variability is represented by variation points,
which are where variations take place, and variants,
which represent possible elements to resolve a varia-
tion point. Thus, one or more variants should be se-
lected taking into consideration possible constraints
that define relationships between them (Linden et al.,
The existing literature presents several variabil-
ity management approaches, such as, feature-oriented
and UML-based (Capilla et al., 2013). Managing
variabilities based on UML means identifying, repre-
senting and tracing variability throughout UML mod-
els, such as use case, class and component.
There are several different variability management
approaches for component models as presented in Ta-
ble 1, related to this work.
Each study from Table 1 (Column Id.) is briefly
presented as follows:
S1: represents variability using stereotypes for
UML 2.0 components and connectors with no
traceability. It provides four stereotypes as an
extension of the UML metamodel: variation
point, variant, optional, optional
S2: represents variability using stereotypes for
components and packages with no traceability. It
provides the following stereotypes based on the
Variability Viewpoint technique: Alternative
and Optional;
S3: represents variability in components and con-
nectors based on the Component & Connector
(C&C) View and Formal Concept Analysis (FCA)
allowing tracing;
S4: represents variability in components, con-
nectors and interfaces with no traceability.
It provides the following UML 2.0 stereo-
types: alt vp, opt vp, optional,
optv vp, altv vp, and variant;
S5: represents variability in components with
no traceability. It provides the following UML
2.0 stereotypes: kernel, variant, and
S6: represents variability in components using
PLUS and Orthogonal Variability Model (OVM)
technique with no traceability. It provides the
stereotypes kernel and optional from
PLUS. From OVM, graphical models indicate
a variation point and associated variant compo-
Based on such a description, the Razavian and
Khosravi approach (Razavian and Khosravi, 2008)
(Study S4) is further presented as it is similar to
SMarty (Section 3) at providing an extension of the
UML metamodel as stereotypes and tagged values for
at least components and interfaces. Studies S1 and S5
Table 1: Related Work: Variability Management Approaches for Components Models.
Id. Study Ref. Tools of Study UML Support UML Version Architecture-related Elements Traceability
(Choi et al., 2005)
Extension of UML 2.0 Yes 2.0
Components and Connectors.
[S2] (Tekinerdogan and S
ozer, 2012) Variability Viewpoint No
Components and Packages.
[S3] (Satyananda et al., 2007) C&C View + FCA No
Components and Connectors.
[S4] (Razavian and Khosravi, 2008) C&C View Yes 2.0
Connectors and Interfaces.
[S5] (Gomaa, 2013) PLUS Yes 2.0
[S6] (Ryu et al., 2012) PLUS + OVM No 2.0
do not support UML ports, interfaces and operations.
S1 supports connectors, but they are not standardized
in UML. Studies S2, S3 and S6 do not (fully-)support
Razavian and Khosravi propose one of the most
relevant approaches for modeling variabilities in ar-
chitectures using UML and the Component and Con-
nector (C&C) view models (Ivers et al., 2004). Such
an approach represents variability based on a UML
2.0 profile with guidelines on how to represent prod-
uct architectures.
The stereotypes for representing variation points
and variants in components, connectors and interfaces
are as follows:
opt vp: is the choice of zero or one variant
from a set of variants;
alt vp: is the choice of only one variants
from a set of variants;
variant: a variant associated with a particular
variation point;
optional: an optional variant;
altv vp: is the choice of one or more variants
from a set of variants;
optv vp: is the choice of zero or more vari-
ants from a set of variants.
The Razavian and Khosravi approach uses ele-
ments to represent connectors, which are not con-
sidered by the standard UML. Thus, the C&C
view (Ivers et al., 2004) by means of a rectangle
classifier (UML class model) with the stereotype
connector is used to represent connectors vari-
ation point, and one or more rectangles classifiers to
represent possible variants.
Figure 1 presents an excerpt of the Virtual Univer-
sity SPLA representing variability according to Raza-
vian and Khosravi. Connectors High BW MS and Low
BW MS are mutually exclusive variants and the con-
nector Media Stream Protocol is a variation point
that has the variability. As a result, it is an al-
ternative variation point. Note that the stereotype
connector is used to represent a connector as
UML has no such an element.
4.3. Variation in Interfaces
In some cases, different product architectures
share a common component which offers different
interfaces within the context of each individual
product. The same situation could occur for the
similar connectors in two product architecture.
Although interfaces may be variable, but it is
recommended to be avoided since mostly in these
cases the variability will arise in the associated
components or connectors as well. However if
variability arises within interfaces the variation point
element is modeled by UML notes and each variant
is marked by <<variant>> stereotype.
Figure 4: Variability in Persistent Manager
4.2. Variation in Connectors
The variation among two product architectures
might take place because the connectors between the
common components of both architectures are
different. More precisely, the variation in connectors
between the same components implies that they
differ in the manner that they communicate, control,
synchronize, use or invoke each other. This kind of
variability is realized by inheritance when the
connectors are capable of being generalized to an
abstract connector. As mentioned in section 3, the
architectural connectors are modeled with the UML
class element [13]. In the virtual university example,
two connector variants HighBW Media Stream and
LowBW Media Stream participate in the product
specific architectures exclusively. The connector
variants are generalized to an abstract connector
called Media Stream which encapsulates the
variability and as a result is an alternative variation
point (Figure 5).
4.4. Other Types of Variation Points
While we discussed different types of variation
points and their realization in the previous sections, it
should be noted that there is also a simpler and more
basic case of variability within components,
connectors or interfaces. This is the case where the
variability arises due to the presence or absence of a
single component, connector or interface in specific
product architecture. Here that specific element (e.g.
component) becomes an optional variation point and
is marked with <<optional>> stereotype. In the
context of virtual university, the optional feature of
video in virtual class results in having an optional
component Video enabled VC Mgr which is a
specialization of VC Mgr (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Variability in Virtual Class Video
Alternative and optional are just basic types of
variation points. Other types of variation point
including optional variant and alternative variant are
not discussed yet. These types of variation points are
modeled analogous to optional and alternative
variation points respectively. Their semantic
distinction is distinguishable by <<optv vp>> and
<<altv vp>> stereotypes for optional variant and
variant variation points respectively.
Figure 5: Variability in Bandwidth
Consider the case where two common components
communicate via set of connectors which propose
shared roles. In other words, the connectors adhere to
a same interface. In this case the common interface
encapsulates the variability within connectors. As a
result, the variability could be realized by interface
realization technique. The shared interface is the
variation point and based on its type is marked with
<<alt vp>> or <<opt vp>> stereotypes.
Figure 1: Virtual University SPL Architecture: Variability
in Bandwidth (Razavian and Khosravi, 2008).
The Stereotype-based Management of Variability
(SMarty) (OliveiraJr et al., 2010) is an approach fo-
cused on identifying and representing variabilities in
SPL. It encompasses a UML profile, named SMar-
tyProfile, which is a set of stereotypes and tagged
values for representing variabilities, and a process,
named SMartyProcess, which guides users to iden-
tify variability by means of a set of guidelines to ap-
ply stereotypes in SPL artifacts. SMarty version 5.1
(Marcolino et al., 2014b; Marcolino et al., 2013) sup-
ports use case, class, activity, sequence, and compo-
nent models.
The SMarty 5.1 support for components is sim-
ply based on one stereotype, variable, applied
to a component, which means that a component is
formed by classes that have incorporated variabil-
ities. Such an information is insufficient for fur-
ther representation of variabilities and deriving prod-
ucts from SPLAs. Thus, SMarty 5.1 was evolved
to 5.2 towards representing variability according
to the UML 2.5 component specification (OMG,
2014) with relation to the following component-based
architecture-related elements: component, port, inter-
face (InterfaceRealization), and interface opera-
tion (Operation). SMarty 5.2 stereotypes are, then,
applied to such elements taking into consideration the
following relationships: one component for n ports;
one port for n interfaces; and one interface for n op-
erations. Based on such relationships, several guide-
lines for component models were defined to apply the
SMarty 5.2 stereotypes.
The defined guidelines of SMartyProcess for com-
ponent models are:
CP.1 Components consisting of classes and
realizations with variability are tagged as
CP.2 Interfaces related to a same concern might be
inclusive variants tagged as alternative OR
and associated with a given port tagged as
CP.3 Optional interfaces (optional) should be
associated directly to a component in order to
avoid empty ports, except when a port is a vari-
ation point with minSelection 1.
CP.4 Ports and operations with variability repre-
sentation must be in a classifier compartment for-
CP.5 Interfaces with variabilities must be pre-
sented in the Classifier format.
Figure 2 presents an excerpt of the Mobile Me-
dia SPLA according to SMarty 5.2. Ports pIMusic,
pIVideo and pIPhoto are inclusive variants related
to the variation point component MediaMgr. Note that
port pIMedia is mandatory for such a component.
vis´ıvel em seu compartimento, onde este indica que apenas uma destas variantes deve ser
Figura 3.3: Relacionamento de Componentes e Portas.
O componente MediaMgr, apresentado na Figura - 3.3, possui uma nota¸ao UML
que representa as propriedades das variabilidades associadas, atrav´es do estere´otipo
, onde indica as variantes relacionadas, o m´ınimo e o aximo de variantes
que podem ser selecionadas e o tempo de liga¸ao em que as variabilidades ao resolvidas.
O relacionamento com portas ´e opcional por si o, por´em al´em de permitir uma melhor
organiza¸ao das interfaces, a utiliza¸ao das portas, pode trazer benef´ıcios que envolvem
reutiliza¸ao de portas e interfaces. Neste exemplo, foi utilizado as portas em interfaces
separadas somente como uma forma de representar o relacionamento de componentes e
portas, mas em exemplos pr´oximos a este, sugere o uso de somente uma porta, e esta porta
sendo um ponto de varia¸ao em rela¸ao as interfaces. a na Figura - 3.4, a um exemplo
mais expl´ıcito da utiliza¸ao de portas, com o intuito de separar as interfaces e melhorar
seus relacionamentos, facilitando a identifica¸ao e representa¸ao das variabilidades.
Neste exemplo, o componente MediaCtrl, retirado da Vers˜ao 8 da LPS MM (Con-
tieri Junior, 2010), apresenta uma representa¸ao de variabilidades diretamente com as
portas, sendo o pr´oprio componente um ponto de varia¸ao, anotado com o estere´otipo
e as portas pUser e pMediaCtrl como sendo suas variantes, anotadas
com o estere´otipo
alternative OR
. Al´em deste estere´otipo, ambas as portas foram
Figure 2: Mobile Media Excerpt According to SMarty 5.2:
MediaMgr Variation Point Component and Respective In-
clusive Variant Ports.
Figure 3 presents an excerpt of the Mobile Me-
dia SPLA according to SMarty 5.2. Interfaces
IPlayBowling, IPlayBrickles and IPlayPong are
inclusive variants related to the variation point port
pPlayGame, according to guideline CP.2. A spe-
cific product derived from such an excerpt must have
at least 1 (minSelection attribute) and at most 3
(maxSelection attribute) interfaces from such a port.
porta, IPlayBowling, IPlayBrickles e iPlayPong, ao as respectivas variantes e est˜ao
estereotipadas como
alternative OR
Figura 3.2: Relacionamento de porta com interfaces.
Neste exemplo, a porta pPlayGame est´a atribu´ıda `as interfaces que operam a ini-
cializa¸ao dos jogos, onde na vers˜ao 2 da LPS AGM proposta por (Xavier, 2011), o
componente GameCtrl foi dividido em dois, justamente para evitar a sobrecarga sobre um
componente espec´ıfico, e tais interfaces foram atribu´ıdas ao componente PlayGameCtrl,
que ser´a apresentado posteriormente na Figura Figura - 3.5.
3.2.3 Relacionamento Componentes e Portas
A Figura - 3.3 apresenta um exemplo de um componente de servi¸co MediaMgr, extra´ıdo
da LPS MobileMedia (Contieri Junior, 2010). Este componente tem a fun¸ao de fornecer
servi¸cos que a aplica¸ao pode requerer, neste caso uma m´ıdia, podendo ser um v´ıdeo,
uma m´usica ou uma foto. Desta forma, este componente ´e um ponto de varia¸ao e est´a
anotado como o estere´otipo
, e em seu compartimento apresenta-se
vis´ıveis as portas que este componente possui. Este componente possui 4 portas, sendo a
pMedia, uma porta que fornece o servi¸co respectivo deste componente. As demais portas
(pIVideo, pIMusic e pIPhoto) que fornecem os servi¸cos espec´ıficos ao, respectivamente,
as variantes, e tais portas est˜ao anotadas com o estere´otipo
alternative OR
, que ´e
Figure 3: Mobile Media Excerpt According to SMarty 5.2:
pPlayGame Variation Point Port and Respective Inclusive
Variant Interfaces.
Figure 4 presents an excerpt of the Mobile Me-
dia SPLA according to SMarty 5.2. Operations
playVideo, playMusic and visualizePhoto are in-
clusive variants related to the variation point interface
(a) (b)
Figura 3.1: Representa¸ao de Variabilidades em Interfaces com Opera¸oes.
varia¸ao, e tais opera¸oes suas respectivas variantes. Tais opera¸oes foram anotadas com
o estere´otipo
alternative OR
, nas quais, atrav´es do coment´ario UML percebe-se que
no m´ınimo uma e no aximo trˆes das variantes devem ser selecionadas. a no modelo
(b) deste mesmo exemplo, ´e poss´ıvel visualizar o estere´otipo do ponto de varia¸ao, por´em
suas opera¸oes ficam ocultas, podendo percebˆe-las somente atrav´es do item variants no
comenario UML ligado `a interface.
3.2.2 Relacionamento Portas e Interfaces
Existem casos espec´ıficos que se sugerem o uso de portas, como por exemplo, na
Figura - 3.2, a um modelo em que o componente GameCtrl possui uma porta, mas
tamb´em possui interfaces diretamente relacionadas. Este modelo de componente foi
retirado da LPS AGM em sua vers˜ao 1 porposta por Correia (2010), e apresenta as
interfaces dos jogos dispon´ıveis, ligados a uma determinada porta, e interfaces das
opera¸oes necess´arias do jogo, como por exemplo para instala¸ao do jogo, salvar o
jogo, desinstalar o jogo e sair do jogo. Neste exemplo, foi sugerida a utiliza¸ao da
porta como ponto de varia¸ao, justamente para separar as interfaces que ao de uma
determinada fun¸ao, e que ocorrem algum tipo de variabilidade. Para a porta pPlayGame,
foi atribu´ıda a anota¸ao do estere´otipo
representando um ponto de
varia¸ao, e tal estere´otipo pode ser visualizado em seu compartimento, frente ao nome
da respectiva porta. Um comenario UML representando variabilidade est´a anotada
com o respectivo estere´otipo
, e neste indicam quais interfaces ao suas
variantes, a quantidade m´ınima e axima de sele¸ao. As interfaces relacionadas a esta
Figure 4: Mobile Media Excerpt According to SMarty 5.2:
IPlayMedia Variation Point Interface and Respective In-
clusive Variant Operations.
This section presents an experimental study in order
to compare SMarty 5.2 and the Razavian and Khos-
ravi approach with relation to their effectiveness in
identifying and representing variability in component
models. Table 2 summarizes the main features of such
approaches. Note that in most criteria, SMarty and the
Razavian and Khosravi approach are similar. Thus,
such a similarity and its popularity
justify our choice
for the Razavian and Khosravi approach.
Table 2: SMarty and Razavian and Khosravi Approaches
Support for UML Component Models.
SMarty 5.2
(Razavian and
Khosravi, 2008)
Inclusive (OR)
Does not support the criterion
Explicit Representation of
Binding Time declaration
Addtion of new Variants
Supports the criterion
Component Model
Support for UML Models
UML Profile Definition
Guidelines for Identification and
Representation of Variability
UML Stereotypes
Variation Point
4.1 Experiment Definition
The goal of this experiment was to compare the Raza-
vian and Khosravi and the SMarty approaches, for
the purpose of identifying the most effective, with
respect to the capability of identification and rep-
resentation of variabilities in SPLA UML compo-
nent models, from the point of view of SPL archi-
tects, in the context of master and Ph.D. students of
the Software Engineering area from the State Uni-
versity of Maring
a (UEM), University of S
ao Paulo
(ICMC-USP) and Pontifical Catholic University of
Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS).
It established the following research question
(R.Q.): Which methodology is more effective at iden-
tifying and representing variabilities in SPLA UML
component models: SMarty 5.2 or Razavian and
4.2 Experiment Planning
Training: subjects were trained with regard to essen-
tial concepts of SPL and variability and UML compo-
nent models variability identification and representa-
tion using the Razavian and Khosravi or SMarty ap-
Pilot Project: it was conducted with a lecturer,
working for 25 years in the area of Software Engi-
The Razavian and Khosravi approach is cited in vari-
ous works as indicated by Google Scholar at http://scholar.
neering. She provided adjustments for improving the
experiment instrumentation.
Selection of Subjects: the 14 selected subjects
were master and Ph.D. students who have prior
knowledge in UML modeling components. Further-
more, after training, each subject should be familiar
with SPL variability essential concepts.
Instrumentation: each subject was given a set of
documents, as follows:
term of informed consent (TCLE - Brazilian stan-
dard for this type of experiment);
a characterization questionnaire.This document
was previously filled online, then used to sepa-
rate subjects according to their prior knowledge
to avoid any biases; and
the description of Virtual University and Mobile
Media SPLs and their component models with no
Balancing: subjects were separated into two
groups by their knowledge. One group focused on the
X approach (Razavian and Khosravi) and one group
focused on the Y approach (SMarty). One group was
trained to identify and represent variabilities accord-
ing to the X approach and the other group was trained
to identify and represent variabilities according to the
Y approach. Tasks were assigned in equal number to
a similar number of subjects.
Hypotheses Formulation: the following hy-
potheses were tested in this study:
Null Hypothesis (H
): both X and Y approaches
are equally effective in terms of identifying and rep-
resenting variabilities in UML component models.
Alternative Hypothesis (H
): X approach is less
effective than Y approach.
Alternative Hypothesis (H
): X approach is
more effective than Y approach.
Dependent Variable: effectiveness calculated
for a given variability management approach (X and
Y) as follows:
effectiveness(z) =
nVarC, if nVarI=0
nVarC nVarI, if nVarI>0
z is a variability management approach;
nVarC is the number of correct identified variabil-
ity elements according to the z approach;
nVarI is the number of incorrect identified vari-
ability elements according to the z approach.
A variability element might be either a variation
point or a variant. The effectiveness expression is in-
spired in several works, including SPL, as (Basili and
Selby, 1987; Coteli, 2013; Martinez-Ruiz et al., 2011;
Marcolino et al., 2014a; Marcolino et al., 2014b).
Independent Variables: the variability
management approach, which is a factor with two
treatments (X and Y) and the SPL, which is a factor
with two treatments (Virtual University and Mobile
Media). Virtual University was selected as Razavian
and Khosravi provides explanations of their approach
based on such an SPL, thus we understand that its
selection is essential. Mobile Media is a well-known
SPL, already consolidated in the SPL community.
Random Capacity: selection of the subjects was
not random within the universe of the volunteers,
which was quite restricted. The random capacity took
place at the assignment of the variability management
approach (X or Y) to each subject.
4.3 Execution
The main task for each subject was reading and un-
derstanding the Virtual University and Mobile Media
SPLs description documents, randomly distributed.
Then, subjects annotated variabilities in the SPL mod-
Participation Procedure: the following proce-
dures were performed for each subject participation:
0. subjects answer an online characterization
1. subject personally attended the location where
the study took place;
2. experimenter gives subject a set of documents:
(i) the experimental study consent term; (ii) document
with essential concepts of variability management in
SPL; (iii) document with essential concepts of UML
2.5; and (iv) the description of the Virtual University
and Mobile Media SPLs.
3. experimenter randomly associates each subject
to the X or Y approach;
4. experimenter trains the subjects on respective
5. subject identifies and represents variabilities in
the Virtual University and Mobile Media component
models according to his/her associated approach.
Collected data is presented in Table 3 and ana-
lyzed using appropriate statistical methods, which are
properly discussed in Section 4.4. For each subject
(“Subject # column), the following data for his/her
given approach was collected: the number of correct
and incorrect identified and represented variabilities;
and the effectiveness calculation.
Correct/Incorrect Variability Rate Criteria:
criteria was based on the variability of the Virtual Uni-
versity and Mobile Media SPLs. Each correct vari-
ability corresponds to 1 point. Each SPL has 11 vari-
abilities, thus a maximum score of 11 points is possi-
ble. Therefore, subjects had to model two SPLs with
a maximum score of 22 points.
Figure 5 presents X and Y approaches effective-
ness boxplot.
Box Plot of multiple variables
Median; Box: 25%-75%; Whisker: Non-Outlier Range
Non-Outlier Range
X Approach Y Approach
Figure 5: Effectiveness of X and Y Approaches.
4.4 Analysis and Interpretation
Based on the results obtained by analyzing the ap-
plication of the X and Y approaches to the Virtual
University and Mobile Media SPLs, we analyzed and
interpreted the X and Y collected data (sample) by
means of the Shapiro-Wilk normality test and the T
Test for testing the defined hypotheses.
1. Effectiveness Normality Tests: Shapiro-Wilk
test was applied to the Virtual University and Mo-
bile Media samples (Table 3) providing the fol-
lowing results:
Effectiveness of X approach (N=7): with
a mean value (µ) 6.4286, standard deviation
value of (σ) 8.3118, the total effectiveness for X
approach was p = 0.8725 for the Shapiro-Wilk
test. Thus, for a significance level (α = 0.05), p
= 0.8725 (0.8725 > 0.05) and calculated value
of W = 0.9665 > W = 0.8030, the sample is
considered normal.
Effectiveness of Y Approach (N=7): with a
mean (µ) 9.2571, standard deviation (σ) 5.0089,
the total effectiveness for the Y approach was
p = 0.5797 for the Shapiro-Wilk test. Thus,
for a significance level (α = 0.05), p = 0.5797
(0.5797 > 0.05) and calculated value W =
0.9333 > W = 0.8030, the sample is considered
2. Effectiveness Hypothesis Test: T-test was ap-
plied for samples X and Y as they are indepen-
Table 3: Virtual University and Mobile Media SPLs Collected Data and Descriptive Statistics for the X (Razavian and Khos-
ravi) and Y (SMarty) Approaches.
15.90 6.10 9.80
18.60 3.40 15.20
10.20 11.80 -1.60
15.70 6.30 9.40
17.50 4.50 13.00
15.10 6.90 8.20
19.60 2.40 17.20
14.20 8.70 6.40
15.40 6.60 8.80
12.10 9.90 2.20
13.20 8.80 4.40
14.50 7.50 7.00
7.20 13.80 -6.60
19.20 2.80 16.40
15.63 6.50 9.26
Std. Dev.
Std. Dev.
2.50 2.61 5.01
15.10 6.90 8.20
SW#W p StdDV SW#W p StdDV
Efetividade 0,9665 0,8725 8,3118 Efetividade 0,9333 0,5797 5,00089
Acertos 0,965 0,8603 4,2887 Acertos 0,9333 0,5797 2,5045
Erros 0,966 0,8685 4,0276 Erros 0,9397 0,6358 2,6109
The X Approach (Razavian and Khosravi) The Y Approach (SMarty 5.2)
First, the value of T was obtained, which allows
the identification of the range entered in the sta-
tistical table T (student). This value is calculated
using the average of Sample X (µ1 = 6.4286) and
Sample Y (µ2 = 9.2571), standard deviation value
of both (σ1 = 8.3118 and σ2 = 5.0089), and the
sample sizes (N = 7). It was obtained the value
= 0.7711.
By taking the sample size (N = 7), we obtained the
degree of freedom (df ), which combined to the
t value indicates which value of p in the T table
must be selected. The p value is used to accept or
reject the T-test null hypothesis (H
By searching the index d f = 12 and defining the
value t at the T table (student), it was found
a value for critical t of 2.179 (t
= 2.179),
with a significance level (α) of 0.05. This means
that the probability of t
(0.7711) < t
(2.132) is 95%. Thus, the null hypothesis H
be rejected.
Therefore, based on the result from the T-test, the
null hypothesis (H
) of this experimental study (Sec-
tion 4.2) can be rejected. By analyzing Figure 5 it
can be observed that the Y approach (SMarty Ap-
proach) is more effective than the X approach (Raza-
vian and Khosravi Approach) for representing vari-
ability at SPL component level for this experimental
study. Thus, H
can be accepted.
Based on this analysis, we can observe that
SMarty 5.2 had a superior result corroborated by the
fact that: (i) SMarty is more precise on modeling fine-
grained variability detail, such as, min and max num-
ber of variants to be selected and the set of possi-
ble variant choices, whereas the Razavian and Khos-
ravi approach has no such details; (ii) taking into
account such details, SMarty has a major capability
of deriving consistent specific products with no do-
main expert intervention; and (iii) with no domain
expert intervention, the consistent specific products
derivation process can be fully automated in SMarty,
whereas deriving products from Razavian and Khos-
ravi variability component models requires a prospec-
tive human-supervised stage as it provides insufficient
In a comparison between SMarty version 5.1 and
the Razavian and Khosravi approach, the later would
provide a huge effectiveness as SMarty 5.1 was in-
cipient by only tagging a component as variable
and providing no mechanism to derive specific prod-
ucts based on such a modeling. Thus, it corroborates
that SMarty needed to evolve to version 5.2.
4.5 Validity Evaluation
Threats to Conclusion Validity. Sample size (N=14)
was too small, thus it must be increased in prospective
Threats to Construct Validity. Construction of
the experiment was based on the characteristics of
each SPL, and instrumentation evaluated during the
pilot project.
Threats to Internal Validity. Subject knowledge
was prior balanced, to perform the experiment tasks,
based on the characterization questionnaire to avoid
biases in random block division. Training and experi-
ment sessions were performed in different days, with
an average of 30 minutes each, thus fatigue was not
considered relevant. Subjects were supervised by a
human, thus they did not talk to each other before and
during the experiment sessions.
Threats to External Validity. Component mod-
els of the SPLs are not commercial, thus further stud-
ies must consider real SPLs. Although masters and
Ph.D. students were selected rather than practitioners
from industry, they were not considered a bias to this
study as the importance of using students in experi-
mental studies (H
ost et al., 2000).
This paper presented an improved version of the
SMarty approach to represent variability in UML
components models, specifically at four levels: (i)
components; (ii) ports; (iii) interfaces; and (iv) inter-
face operations.
Furthermore, this paper also presented an exper-
imental study performed with the goal of observing
the effectiveness of SMarty. This experimental study
was conducted based on the comparison of two ap-
proaches, SMarty 5.2 and Razavian and Kosravi, to
represent variabilities in SPL components. The re-
sults provide evidence of the effectiveness of SMarty
approach to model variability in UML components
models, in the context of the performed study.
Given the promising results, new experimental
studies and replications should be conducted. Such
further studies should take into consideration some is-
sues such as real SPLs; industry subjects in order to
generalize the results expected; and the increase of the
sample. Such considerations are important in order to
corroborate the results of this experimental study.
The authors thank CAPES-Brasil for granting M.
Bera a two-year masters degree scholarship.
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