SMarty approach to represent variability in UML
components models, specifically at four levels: (i)
components; (ii) ports; (iii) interfaces; and (iv) inter-
face operations.
Furthermore, this paper also presented an exper-
imental study performed with the goal of observing
the effectiveness of SMarty. This experimental study
was conducted based on the comparison of two ap-
proaches, SMarty 5.2 and Razavian and Kosravi, to
represent variabilities in SPL components. The re-
sults provide evidence of the effectiveness of SMarty
approach to model variability in UML components
models, in the context of the performed study.
Given the promising results, new experimental
studies and replications should be conducted. Such
further studies should take into consideration some is-
sues such as real SPLs; industry subjects in order to
generalize the results expected; and the increase of the
sample. Such considerations are important in order to
corroborate the results of this experimental study.
The authors thank CAPES-Brasil for granting M.
Bera a two-year masters degree scholarship.
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