fails. Note, that if we would read from different work-
ers, we could be unlucky and read from a delayed or
from a server belonging to a separated partition.
4.2.4 Read-my-writes
It is guaranteed that effects of all updates performed
by the client, are visible to the client’s subsequent
reads. If a client updates data and then reads this data,
then the read will return the result of this update (or
an update that was done later) (Terry, 2013).
In Lorq, the read-my-writes consistency is guaran-
teed in the way similar to that of bounded staleness.
• let read(x) be a read operation issued by a client
with identifier clId, and let read(x) = (x,v,t) in
an arbitrarily chosen server;
• let O
be the set of operations stored on server’s
log, and issued by clId;
• if O
is empty, then read(x) is the result;
• otherwise, apply all operations from O
, in in-
creasing order, to the auxiliary database AuxDB =
{(x,v,t)}; next, perform read(x) against the final
state of AuxDB.
We proposed a new algorithm, called Lorq, for man-
aging replicated data based on the consensus quo-
rum approach. Lorq, like another consensus quorum
algorithms, is devoted for data-centric applications,
where the trade-off between consistency, availability
and partition tolerance must be taken into account.
The implementation of Lorq make advantages of the
modern software engineering methods and tools ori-
ented to asynchronous and parallel programing. In
future work, we plan to extend the Lorq algorithm
to take advantages of so-called replicated data types
(Burckhardt et al., 2014; Shapiro et al., 2011). We
plan also to prepare and conduct some real-system ex-
periments. This research has been supported by Pol-
ish Ministry of Science and Higher Education under
grant 04/45/DSPB/0136.
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