A SOA Repository with Advanced Analysis Capabilities
Improving the Maintenance and Flexibility of Service-Oriented Applications
Thomas Bauer
, Stephan Buchwald
, Julian Tiedeken
and Manfred Reichert
Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, Dep. Information Mgmt, Neu-Ulm, Germany
T-systems International Gmbh, Systems Integration - Car2x Solutions, Ulm, Germany
University of Ulm, Dep. Database & Information Systems, Ulm, Germany
Keywords: Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), SOA Repository, as-Is Analyses, What-if Analyses.
Abstract: In a service-oriented architecture (SOA), a change or shutdown of a particular service might have a
significant impact on its consumers (e.g., IT systems). To effectively cope with such situations, the IT
systems affected by a service change should be identified before actually applying the latter. For this
purpose, a SOA repository with advanced analysis capabilities is needed. However, due to the numerous
complex inter-dependencies between service providers and consumers, it is a challenging task to figure out
which IT systems might be directly or indirectly affected by a service change and for which period of time
this applies. The paper tackles this challenge and presents the design of an advanced SOA repository
enriched with analysis capabilities. In particular, this repository enables automatic analyses to detect already
existing problems (as-is analyses) as well as problems that might occur due to future service changes (what-
if analyses). Respective analyses will foster the development of robust service-oriented applications.
Major goals of a service-oriented architecture (SOA)
are to increase the reuse of services as well as the
flexibility to adapt services to changing business
needs (Josuttis, 2007). The principle of loosely
coupled services (Erl, 2005), for example, enables a
rapid migration of a service implementation to a new
version or the replacement of a service by another
one, without need for any adaptions on the side of
the service consumer. Usually, in a SOA a proxy
(i.e., Enterprise Service Bus, ESB) is introduced
between the application that calls (i.e. consumes) the
service and the service itself. Consequently, the
service can be simply exchanged by adapting the
proxy accordingly, but no additional adaptations of
the consuming application become necessary.
In a case study we conducted in the automotive
industry ENPROSO
, we analyzed a multitude of
techniques to increase the flexibility of a SOA
(Buchwald et al., 2011; Buchwald, 2012). In this
Enhanced Process Management by Service Orientation,
performed at and funded by Daimler AG
context we learned that other kinds of changes of
operable services might be more complex than the
aforementioned ones. Especially, this applies to the
shutdown of a service (i.e., the service shall no
longer be operable), which might affect the
operability of the service consumers’ applications
(i.e., IT systems). Note that it is crucial to detect
such outdated services in order to avoid
malfunctions regarding the IT systems of previous
service consumers (i.e., to avoid the invocation of
these services). Besides this, managing outdated
services over a longer period of time also causes
unnecessary costs on the side of the service provider.
For these reasons, techniques are required that allow
identifying unused services in a SOA environment
(e.g., to switch them off). In literature (Erl, 2005;
Josuttis, 2007), the method usually applied for this is
to utilize information from a SOA repository (i.e., a
service registry or directory). In the ENPROSO
project, we developed a comprehensive meta-model
for such a SOA repository (Buchwald, 2012). It
offers, for example, detailed information on service
versions, service installations, and service contracts.
Based on this information, in turn, it becomes
possible to detect the actually used service versions
and installations, the period during which they shall
Bauer T., Buchwald S., Tiedeken J. and Reichert M..
A SOA Repository with Advanced Analysis Capabilities - Improving the Maintenance and Flexibility of Service-Oriented Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0005368302380248
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 238-248
ISBN: 978-989-758-098-7
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
be used, and the service installations that are
expendable or may be switched off in future. In turn,
this allows estimating the efforts required to adapt
the applications consuming that service.
The SOA repository we developed contains
various kinds of object types as well as their
relationships. Usually, users might be lost when
being confronted with the large data volume of a
SOA repository. Hence, advanced data analyses
capabilities are needed in order to be able to detect
potential problems that might occur in future (e.g.,
when a service will be finally shut down). Based on
the data from a SOA repository, it should be
possible to automatically detect problems that will
occur in future. Such automatic analysis capabilities
have not been sufficiently addressed in current SOA
literature so far. Amongst others, this paper presents
advanced techniques to identify services whose
shutdown date will be earlier than the expiration
date indicated in their usage contracts. In particular,
such as-is-analyses allow identifying problems
based on the current repository data.
As an extension, a SOA repository should also
enable what-if-analyses. A relevant use case for
them is the selection of an appropriate date for a
future service shutdown. In particular, in order to
decide on this date, we need detailed information
about the consequences of the service shutdown
depending on the point in time it will be performed;
i.e., for different points in time, the service
consumers affected by this change as well as the
related problems need to be automatically
determined (impact-analyses). This way, possible
solutions of future problems (i.e., missing service
installations) can be identified as well. Note that
without proper tool support, such what-if-analyses
would require high manual efforts by users. Hence,
as a second contribution, this paper presents
techniques for automated what-if-analyses in a SOA.
Section 2 gives insights into our meta-model for
SOA repositories, which provides the foundation of
our approach. Section 3 then describes examples of
analyses that can be based on current repository data
(as-is-analyses). What-if-analyses and the related
impact-analyses are presented in Section 4. Section
5 discusses related work, whereas Section 6
summarizes the paper and gives an outlook on future
To elaborate the demands of a SOA repository in a
practical environment, we conducted respective
requirement analyses in multiple business units of a
large automotive company (Buchwald, 2012). First
of all, this revealed the need of the aforementioned
repository analysis techniques. In addition, it
became evident that a SOA repository needs to be
able to manage a multitude of object and
relationship types. Fig. 1 depicts the meta-model we
developed as foundation for enabling advanced
analyses in a SOA repository.
The meta-model comprises object types covering
the business level (left part) as well as the technical
level (right part). Thereby, a multitude of object
types are considered at the two levels
, e.g., Business
and Technical DataObjectVersions. Respective
information may help users in searching for required
services and browsing in the repository (cf. Bauer et.
al., 2013). Overall, the provided meta-model covers
a large part of the information typically required in
the context of a SOA. Depending on the respective
company and its SOA philosophy, however,
additional object and relationship types may be
added or non-relevant types be dropped. In the
following, we focus on explaining those object and
relationship types, which are required to understand
the advanced analyses presented in Sections 3 and 4.
For a detailed presentation of all meta-model entities
we refer to a technical documentation (Buchwald,
2012, (Tiedeken, 2010).
The central object of any SOA is the Service. In
order to be able to reflect its evolution over time, a
service may bundle different service versions. In
turn, the latter may have different input and output
parameters or comprise different operations. In
particular, the different versions of a service might
not be compatible regarding their usage by service
consumers. In general, one can distinguish business
service versions (cf. BusinessServiceVersion,
together with its relationship type
isBusinessServiceVersion in our meta-model) and
technical service versions (cf.
TechnicalServiceVersion, together with its
relationship isTechnicalServiceVersion).
The implementation and rollout (i.e. deployment)
of a technical service version results in a service
installation (ServiceInstall) this link is established
Note that it is not necessary to acquire all data stored in the SOA
repository manually; i.e., numerous objects may be imported
automatically from already existing IT systems, e.g., business
process modeling tools, software development environments, or
tools supporting government processes. Taking this into
account, the maintenance of a SOA repository can be
accomplished with acceptable efforts from the user side.
based on relationship hasInstallation. Since a service
installation is offered by a concrete IT system, it will
be connected to this System using the relationship
providesServiceInstall. In turn, relationship
hasProvider informally describes that the IT system
offers this service. In general, a service may be
offered by different IT systems and may possess
multiple installations that belonging to the same or
different technical service versions.
Before a service may be actually used, a
Contract must be made between the provider and the
consumer of the service. In turn, this contract is
assigned to the consumer using relationship
hasContract. Furthermore, the information related to
this contract is usually created step-by-step. First, it
is determined which business service version shall
be used (cf. relationship
hasBusinServiceVersConsumer). At this point, no
Figure 1: Meta-model of the SOA Repository expressed as Entity-Relationship Diagram (Abrial, 1974).
corresponding technical service version needs to be
provided. Later on, a technical service version may
be added and assigned to the business service
version using relationship
hasTechnServiceVersConsumer. Additionally,
contract data may be enriched with technical service
level agreements (Erl, 2005; Josuttis, 2007).
The entity and relationship types used in this
paper have the following notation: e E holds if
entity e is stored in entity set E in the SOA
repository. For relationship type b, which links
entity types E and E', with e E and e' E'
function b(e, e') returns true if a relationship
between e and e' is stored in the SOA repository.
We have already motivated the practical need of as-
is-analyses. In particular, the latter can be based on
the data captured in the SOA repository. Since the
begin and end dates of service usage contracts may
be in the future, however, it is not only possible to
identify already existing problems, but also to
predict future ones. Hence, as-is-analyses allow
identifying and solving potential problems in
advance. This section presents representative use
cases for as-is-analyses based on a SOA repository.
3.1 Incomplete Technical Services
To identify a technical service version for which no
installation exists constitutes our first scenario for
applying an as-is-analysis. Note that this scenario is
practically relevant since the version of the technical
service cannot be used yet and hence it has to be
handled by the SOA governance board (Erl, 2005).
The latter may then decide that the technical service
version must be implemented and installed (i.e.,
rolled out). Alternatively, it may decide that the
technical service version is no longer required and
hence shall be deleted from the SOA repository. In
general, the data required for this as-is-analysis can
be retrieved from any SOA repository that is based
on the meta-model presented in Sect. 2. More
precisely, corresponding technical service versions
TSV can be determined as follows:
TSV = {tsv TechnicalServiceVersion |
∄ si ServiceInstall with hasInstallation(tsv, si)}
Another undesired scenario occurs if the SOA
repository contains technical service versions
without associated business service versions. This
scenario might occur, for example, if a third-party
system contains pre-build services (or service
interfaces) or if a migration of legacy systems to a
SOA was not performed properly. In such cases, the
missing business service versions should be added to
the SOA repository afterwards. As a potential
benefit of this additional information, the available
technical service versions can be easier retrieved by
domain experts (cf. Bauer et. al. 2013), which, in
turn, increases service reusability. Based on the
defined meta-model, the technical service versions
without associated business service version can be
determined as follows:
TSV = {tsv TechnicalServiceVersion |
∄ bsv BusinessServiceVersion with
hasTechnServiceVersImplementation(bsv, tsv)}
3.2 Unusable Service Versions
Similar to the scenarios we considered in Section
3.1, the presented meta-model can be used to
determine both business and technical service
versions in a SOA repository that must currently not
be used. Reasons for the latter may be, for example,
the absence of a certain service contract or the
expiry of a service contract’s validity duration.
Based on the described meta-model, for each
Service we can identify the related
BusinessServiceVersion by using relationship
isBusinessServiceVersion (cf. Fig. 1). Regarding the
scenario from Fig. 2, for instance, for ServiceX the
business service versions BSV1, BSV2, and BSV3
can be identified. While for BSV1 and BSV2 a
corresponding technical service version exists, this
does not apply to BSV3 (cf. Scenario 3c described
below). More precisely, BSV1 is related with the
technical service versions TSV1a and TSV1b, and
BSV2 with the technical service versions TSV2a and
TSV2b. Similarly, one can detect that TSV1b has no
related service installation. Therefore, this technical
service version must not be used at the present
moment (cf. Scenarios 3a + 3b).
Which problems might be caused by unusable
versions of a business service or technical service?
And which actions shall be performed to cope with
these problems? Based on the presented meta-model,
these and related issues can be resolved through
automated repository analyses. However, user
interactions will still be required to deal with the
problems discovered. For example, selecting a
proper action for problem resolution might
constitute a task to be accomplished by a SOA
governance board.
We consider the following scenarios:
Scenario 1 (No valid contract exists for an
Figure 2: Sample data of the SOA repository belonging to contracts, services, etc.
unusable business service version): Consider Fig.
2: Obviously, business service version BSV2 must
not be used by any service consumer since it has no
related service installation (indirectly assigned via
TSV2a or TSV2b) at the moment. If there exists no
valid contract for BSV2 (e.g., in case the expiry date
of Con2 was already passed), this scenario does not
result in problems on the side of the service
consumers. In any case, if BSV2 cannot be used, this
needs to be properly handled on the side of the
service provider. On one hand, it may decide that a
service implementation shall be provided for either
TSV2a or TSV2b. On the other, BSV2 may be
declared as unsuitable; i.e., it shall be shut down and
deleted from the repository, including the
corresponding technical service versions TSV2a and
Scenario 2 (No valid contract exists for an un-
usable technical service version): In Fig. 2, the
technical service version TSV1b must not be used
since it has no related service installation. If there is
no (currently) valid contract for TSV1b this will not
constitute any problem for the service consumer.
Regarding the service provider, the governance
board may decide whether a service installation shall
be created for TSV1b or this technical service
version shall become obsolete (e.g., if it offers no or
only negligible advantages compared to the
technical service version TSV1a for which a
corresponding service installation exists.
Scenario 3 (There is a valid contract for an
unusable business / technical service version):
The more interesting case occurs if the usage periods
of the contracts (cf. Fig. 2) have not expired yet.
Then valid contracts exist for service versions that
must not be used or whose use might cause severe
problems on the side of the service consumer.
Regarding this scenario, we distinguish between
cases for which an alternative service version exists
and cases for which this does not apply:
Scenario 3a (Unusable technical service
version with alternative usable technical service
version): In Fig. 2, contract Con1 references TSV1b.
In turn, this implies that there exists a consumer for
TSV1b (or will exist in future). Since TSV1b does
not have a related service installation, the contract
cannot be fulfilled. However, there exists another
usable technical service version TSV1a (with related
service installation SI1a) assigned to the same
business service version BSV1. In general, such
technical service versions TSV may be detected
automatically based on repository data with the
following criteria:
TSV = {tsv TechnicalServiceVersion |
Contract with
hasTechnServiceVersConsumer(con, tsv)
si ServiceInstall with hasInstallation(tsv, si)
bsv BusinessServiceVersion with
hasTechnServiceVersImplementation(bsv, tsv)
tsv' TechnicalServiceVersion with
hasTechnServiceVersImplementation(bsv, tsv' )
si' ServiceInstall with hasInstallation(tsv', si' )
To still fulfill the contract, it is possible to switch
from the unusable service version TSV1b to the
usable service version TSV1a; e.g., in case TSV1b
has no real advantages compared to TSV1a. In this
case, contract Con1 must be modified as well as the
application on the consumer’s side (if already
existing). Alternatively, it may be decided that a
service installation must be provided for TSV1b.
Furthermore, TSV1a and TSV1b might only show
small differences (e.g., different but similar data
structures as input or output parameters). In this
case, a service installation for TSV1b can be realized
by calling TSB1a via a proxy (ESB), which
eliminates the differences between the consumer and
the service with an appropriate transformation of the
data structures. Note that such a solution uses the
flexibility offered by a SOA (Buchwald et al., 2011).
Scenario 3b (Unusable technical service
version without alternative usable technical
service version): In Fig. 2, Con2 references the
unusable technical service version TSV2a. The sole
technical service version TSV2b, which is also
ServiceX SI1a
TechnicalServiceVersion ServiceInstallService
related with BSV2, cannot serve as alternative since
it does not have a service installation.
In general, such technical service versions TSV
can be detected as follows:
TSV = {tsv TechnicalServiceVersion |
con Contract with
hasTechnServiceVersConsumer(con, tsv)
si ServiceInstall with hasInstallation(tsv, si)
bsv BusinessServiceVersion with
hasTechnServiceVersImplementation(bsv, tsv)
tsv' TechnicalServiceVersion with (
hasTechnServiceVersImplementation(bsv, tsv' )
si' ServiceInstall with
hasInstallation(tsv', si' ) )
Again, for this scenario a service installation could
be added for TSV2a. The choices to avoid this,
however, are limited compared to Scenario 3a, since
there exists no alternatively usable technical service
version belonging to the same business service
version. Hence, switching to another business
service version remains the only solution in this
context (i.e., BSV1
in Fig. 2 since BSV3 has no
related service installation). Switching to BSV1
could be realized, for example, by modifying Con2
as well as the application of the service consumer (if
required). Typically, for modifying the latter, much
more efforts will be required compared to
Scenario 3a. In this context, note that business
service versions usually show greater differences
among each other compared to differences of the
versions of a technical service.
Scenario 3c (Business service version without
technical service version): Consider Fig. 2. For
contract Con3, there only exists a business service
version, but no corresponding technical service
version. Such a scenario may occur, for example, if
the realization of the technical service version is not
finally decided or its specification is not completed
yet. In general, the respective business service
version cannot be used before realizing a
corresponding technical service version.
Alternatively, as discussed in the context of Scenario
3b, one may switch to another already usable
business service version (i.e., BSV1). Due to lack of
space, we omit the formal criterion for detecting
Scenario 3c.
The analyses described in Sect. 3 have been solely
based on data currently stored in the SOA
repository. This section complements these as-is-
analyses with selected examples of what-if-analyses
(also denoted as impact-analyses). In particular, the
latter analyze the impact of changes that may happen
in future. For example, it can be determined which
service consumers will be affected by a service
shutdown that takes place at a future point in time.
Based on respective information, in turn, the most
appropriate time for a service shutdown can be
determined. In general, what-if-analyses allow
simulating and evaluating a variety of scenarios. The
resulting information then serves as basis for
decision making (e.g., by a governance board).
4.1 Indirect Dependencies
The importance of impact-analyses results from the
fact that, for example, the shutdown of a service
installation not only affects its direct consumers. In
fact, these consumers may be IT systems (cf. System
in Fig. 1) that themselves offer services to other
consumers. Consequently, if such an IT system
needs to be adapted (e.g., due to a migration to an
alternative usable service), the services it offers may
have to be changed as well. Even worse, in case
there is no alternatively usable service, the
concerned services must no longer be provided. In
both cases, the consumers of the IT system are
affected as well; i.e., the change (service shutdown)
may have to be propagated over multiple levels to
directly or indirectly dependent IT systems (ripple-
Based on the presented meta-model (cf. Sect. 2),
such indirect dependencies can be detected
automatically. Consider the example from Fig. 3 and
assume that a shutdown of service installation SI1 is
planned for the near future. Assume further that SI1
is the only installation of the technical service
version TSV1. Then, the shutdown will affect
contracts Con1a, Con1b and Con1c. As a result, IT
systems Sys1a, Sys1b and Sys1c will no longer work
properly and must therefore be adapted. In turn, this
might lead to changes of services Serv2 and Serv3
that are offered by Sys1b and the corresponding
technical service versions TSV2 und TSV3. In
summary, the original change needs to be
propagated along multiple artifacts; i.e., the
dependent contracts Con2, Con3a and Con3b must
be adapted as well as the IT systems filling the role
of a consumer with respect to these contracts. In
turn, these IT systems themselves offer services and
hence must be adapted as well (and so forth).
In general, when turning off or modifying a
service installation si, the affected IT systems can be
automatically calculated as follows:
AffectedSys(si) = {sys System |
tsv TechnicalServiceVersion with
hasInstallation (tsv, si) for which applies:
con Contract with
hasTechnServiceVersConsumer(con, tsv) and
hasContract (sys, con) }
All other IT systems indirectly (i.e., transitively)
affected by the change can then be identified as
follows: For each system sys AffectedSys(si), the
offered service installations AffectedServiceInstall
are determined based on relationship
providesServiceInstall. In turn, for each service
installation si' AffectedServiceInstall,
AffectedSys(si') is calculated on the next level based
on the above criteria. This procedure is continued
until all affected IT systems are determined.
Note that when solely considering the
relationships between IT systems (i.e. System) and
service installations (i.e. ServiceInstall), we might
identify dependencies that actually do not exist; i.e.,
from the fact that the program code of an IT system
calls a particular service, we must not conclude that
all offered services are actually available. In the
above example (cf. Fig. 3), system Sys1b and,
therefore, the offered services Serv2 und Serv3 are
connected with service installation SI1 that shall be
shut down. In this context, we need to distinguish
two cases:
Case 1: Assume that the implementation of TSV2
and Serv2, respectively, is based on TSV1 and
hence on SI1. If the adaptation of Sys1b
results in
a changed interface service Serv2 it offers, this
affects contract Con2 as well as the IT system
playing the role as its consumer.
Case 2: Assume that the implementation of TSV3
and Serv3, respectively, does not use any foreign
services, or at least not the service installation
SI1 (to be shut down). Then, technical service
version TSV3 may remain unchanged and no
modifications of contracts Con3a and Con3b are
needed. Since the consuming IT systems are not
affected by the described service shutdown, the
change needs not be propagated on this path.
Usually, the information stored in contemporary
SOA repositories is not detailed enough to be able to
Without loss of generality, we assume that for a technical
service version there exists only one service installation. Using
the SOA repository data (i.e., relationship hasInstallation), it
can be easily analyzed whether a service installation is actually
available or a switch to an alternative service installation is
possible; i.e. the ripple-effect ends at this point.
distinguish Cases 1 and 2. Hence, corresponding
analyses might reveal more problems than actually
exist. Opposed to this, the presented meta-model (cf.
Fig. 1) allows distinguishing the two cases: Using
relationship usesTechnicalServiceVersion, for
example, it becomes possible to (exactly) detect the
steps (TechnicalActivity) of a business process that
invoke the technical service version to be changed or
removed. With relation
belongsToTechnicalProcessVersion the
corresponding TechnicalProcessVersion (i.e., the
executable business process) can be identified. If the
latter is offered as a service, relationship
offeredAsTechnicalServiceVersion refers to the
corresponding TechnicalServiceVersion. Finally, if
an IT system has a contract referring to the latter, it
will actually be affected by the change; i.e. Case 1
applies and the analysis delivers the correct result.
Compared to a SOA repository that solely contains
information about the services consumed and
offered by an IT system, higher quality in planning
as well as decision support becomes possible.
Note that the information required by the SOA
repository can be automatically gathered during the
modeling of the business processes and services as
well as the specification and implementation of the
technical workflows and services (Buchwald et. al.,
2012; Buchwald, 2012). Hence, only little additional
effort becomes necessary for capturing repository
data. For function-oriented SOA applications
requiring no explicit process support, in particular,
the described approach may be transferred to the
modeling of services (e.g., based on UML), service
implementations, and service consumers.
4.2 Impact of Future Changes
In general, the impact of a future change may
depend on the exact time it will be applied. Hence,
the time perspective needs to be considered in what-
if-analyses. In particular, when simulating the
impact of a change for multiple future points in time,
different scenarios can be analyzed. In the following,
we illustrate such time-aware what-if-analyses.
Assume that the sole service installation SI0 of
the technical service version TSV0 shall be shut
down (e.g., to reduce maintenance and operating
costs). Assume further that the operator of SI0 plans
for a shutdown date in about 6 months from now.
Hence, it shall be analyzed whether this date is
advantageous from the perspective of the operator.
As a first step, a graphical overview of all related
contracts as well as their validity periods is created
(cf. Fig. 4). Such a chart can be generated
automatically based on the data stored in the SOA
Figure 3: Sample data of the SOA Repository with Ripple-effect.
repository. The chart indicates that there are
currently 4 contracts for TSV0 and 4 IT systems
depend on SI0. In 6, 10, 17, and 24 months (from
now on), respectively, these contracts will reach
their end date. Accordingly, these are candidate
dates for a potential shutdown of TSV0; i.e., when
reaching any of them, less IT systems will
beaffected by the shutdown than before.
Figure 4: Graphical overview of the contracts for TSV0
and SI0 over time.
However, such an analysis does not take indirect
dependencies (ripple-effect) into account, and hence
may not return the complete set of IT systems
actually affected by the service shutdown.
The impact graph depicted in Fig. 5a, in turn,
shows these indirect dependencies. In particular, it
visualizes each indirection level as a separate circle.
Furthermore, all contracts valid at a future point in
time are taken into account as well. Regarding the
scenario from Fig. 5a, for example, all contracts that
will still be valid in 6 months (from now on) are
considered. Note that the depicted charts can be
automatically generated based on the available SOA
repository data.
When creating the chart from Fig. 5a, the
dependencies depicted in Fig. 5b have been retrieved
from the SOA repository: In addition to systems
Sys1, Sys2 and Sys4, whose dependency on SI0 can
be directly derived from contracts Con1, Con2 and
Con4, there exists an indirect dependency of Sys5 on
SI0. More precisely, IT system Sys4 offers service
installation SI4 (cf. Fig. 5b), which is the sole
implementation of the technical service version
TSV4. Furthermore, the latter is consumed by Sys5
(according to contract Con5). Consequently, the
shutdown of SI0 in 6 months might affect the four IT
systems Sys1, Sys2, Sys2 and Sys4. Note that this
information can be used as a basis for discussing the
intended shutdown with all persons responsible for
the respective IT systems. Thus, the consequences of
the service shutdown can be predicted and the
required adaptations of the concerned IT systems be
performed in advance. For example, the effort
caused by these adaptations might be higher than the
actual operating costs of SI0. Then, extending the
operation period of SI0 should be taken into account
by decision makers.
The next candidate date for the shutdown of SI0
will be in 10 months from today. Note that at this
date, contract Con4 will end and Sys4 will no longer
be affected by the service shutdown (cf. Fig. 4). The
same applies to IT system Sys5 since its dependency
on SI0 only indirectly exists via Sys4. This 10-month
scenario is reflected by the impact graph depicted in
Fig. 6, i.e., only two instead of four IT systems are
affected by the shutdown of SI0.
Fig. 6b further shows that in 10 months there will
be another service installation SI0' corresponding to
the new technical service version TSV0'. In
particular, the latter belongs to the same business
service version BSV0 as TSV0. Probably, there will
be a high similarity between the two technical
service versions. Hence, it might be an option to
migrate the remaining contracts Con1 and Con2 to
TSV0' and SI0' respectively. Due to the similarity of
the two service installations SI0 and SI0', the
technical realization of this change might require
only little effort. Maybe it can even be realized
without need to change the IT systems itself (e.g., by
adapting the proxy (ESB) used for the service call
(cf. (Buchwald et. al., 2011); (Buchwald, 2012)).
The date ‘10 months from today’ might already
be the optimal date for the shutdown of SI0. In order
to verify this, further shutdown candidate dates (i.e.,
in 17 months and 24 months, respectively; cf. Fig. 4)
should be analyzed in the same way.
In general, the presented what-if-analyses allow
assisting SOA governance boards in making the
right decisions, e.g., on whether a service shutdown
shall be realized rather soon (resulting in lower
operating costs) or, whether it makes sense from a
business perspective to wait until a certain date
Service TechnicalServiceVersion ServiceInstallSystem
Con1a TSV1
today 6months 10months 17months 24months
Figure 5: a) Impact graph and b) Dependencies from SI0 in 6 months.
Figure 6: a) Impact graph and b) Dependencies from SI0 in 10 months.
(resulting in lower migration costs). For further
scenarios utilizing what-if-analyses we refer
interested readers to (Tiedeken, 2010).
Except our previous work (Buchwald et. al., 2010;
Buchwald, 2012; Tiedeken, 2010), we are not aware
of more advanced approaches dealing with the
design of a SOA repository as described in this
paper. The same applies to the presented as-is-
analyses and what-if-analyses based on SOA
repository data. When taking a broader view on the
general topic, however, few related approaches can
be identified.
(Xiao et. al., 2007) address changes of business
processes in the context of a SOA. In addition, the
propagation of changes to dependent artifacts (i.e.,
ripple-effect) is considered. When a change of a
business process must be performed, for example, it
is first determined which concomitant changes of
dependent business processes become necessary. In
turn, this analysis is based on a classification of
process change types (e.g., inserting an activity) as
well as their effects. Furthermore, cascading service
invocations are analyzed in order to be able to
identify the services indirectly affected by the
original change as well. The approach suggested by
(Xiao et. al., 2007), however, does not include the
calculation of such dependent objects (e.g., based on
SOA repository data as in our approach). Instead, it
focuses on the estimation of the costs created by the
necessary adaptations of program source code.
(Wang et. al., 2010) presents a classification of
both process and service changes. The ripple-effect
is considered as well. When a specific process
change shall be applied, for dependent services, it is
determined which kind of service changes are
concomitantly required. In turn, the latter might
necessitate changes of the business processes
consuming these services. Altogether, the focus of
this approach is on evolving business processes in a
SOA and the analysis of respective process and
service structures. Data offered by a SOA repository
is not taken into account for these analyses.
There exist several standards as well as
commercial products for realizing SOA repositories.
In the following, we presented selected ones. In
addition to the functions they offer, we discuss to
what extend they may serve as basis for realizing the
presented meta-model as well as the described
UDDI (OASIS, 2002) is a directory service
standardized by OASIS, which especially allows for
look-ups of service endpoints. However, its
underlying meta-model is very limited and does not
allow for any extensions (i.e., new object or
relationship types cannot be defined). However,
user-defined categories can be created (tModel) and
may then be used to assign services to categories.
Except few predefined queries, no analyses are
a) Contract
TSV0 Con2
Techn ical
Sys2 Sys1
b) Contract
Tech nica l
TSV0 Con2
SI0' TSV0'
Sys2 Sys1
ebXML defines standards for exchanging
business data. It includes the ebRIM (Registry
Information Model) as defined in (OASIS, 2005).
The corresponding meta-model, however, only
allows for the storage of the technical perspective.
The business perspective of service objects and
contracts, in turn, is not covered by this standard.
The same limitations exist in respect to analyses
USDL (Oberle et. al., 2012) is an emerging
standard published by W3C. Its goal is to
comprehensively describe services including the
business perspective; i.e., in addition to technical
meta-data of the services, operative as well as
economic data are covered (e.g. availability and
pricing). As-is- and what-if-analyses are not
IBM offers the commercial SOA repository
WSRR, which includes a “Basic Governance
Profile” (Sachdeva, 2007). In particular, the latter
allows storing both technical and business objects.
The business perspective, however, is very limited
compared to our SOA repository approach. More
precisely, a (business) description may be defined
for services, but not a business specification of their
operations (including parameters). However, WSRR
is extendible regarding its object and relationship
types. Consequently, WSRR could be used as a basis
for realizing our meta-model. Regarding the
presented analyses, however, WSRR offers only
limited support (e.g., visualizing dependencies).
However, user-defined analyses may be added as
CentraSite Active SOA (Rogers, 2006), a
product offered by Software AG, looks similar in
respect to the object types, extensions and analyses it
offers. However, the latter only allow for
interactively visualizing repository objects and their
Oracle Enterprise Repository (Oracle, 2008) as
well as HP SOA Systinet (Hewlett-Packard, 2010)
are based on UDDI. Both allow storing additional
object types compared to the ones defined by the
UDDI standard. This allows managing business
objects as well as contracts. In addition, the
visualization of dependency charts as well as some
limited analyses are supported.
The ARIS repository (IDS, 2008) enables the
storage of SOA artifacts as well. Since it maintains
the database of a business process modeling tool,
there exist significant differences compared to the
products mentioned above. In particular, ARIS
repository focuses on the business instead of the
technical perspective. For example, it is not possible
to use the ARIS repository during a service call (i.e.,
at run-time) for a service endpoint look-up. As an
advantage, large numbers of object and relationship
types (cf. ARIS models), which belong to the
business perspective, may be stored. Furthermore,
ARIS supports repository analyses with restricted
functionality. Similar to other products, they may be
extended by additionally implemented analyses (see
Buchwald (2012) for some examples of extensions).
Altogether, no standard or product is equipped
with a meta-model that completely covers the object
and relationship types presented in this paper.
Instead existing approaches focus either on the
technical or the business perspective solely.
Regarding as-is-analyses, existing products only
provide a very limited functionality, whereas what-
if-analyses are not covered by them at all. Since the
meta-model and the analyses algorithms of existing
commercial products may be extended, however, it
is possible to use these products as basis for
implementing of concepts and techniques presented
in this paper.
We presented a comprehensive meta-model for a
SOA repository enabling various analyses. As-is-
analyses check whether any problem occurs when
considering the current repository data (e.g., contract
of a service with missing service installation). In
turn, what-if-analyses allow simulating the
consequences of future changes. In this context, the
propagation of problems (ripple-effect) is considered
as well. Overall, our approach significantly enhances
existing SOA repository standards and products.
In principle, the extensibility features provided
by certain SOA tools, allow realizing the presented
concepts. Ourselves, we have validated our meta-
model as well as the related analyses by
implementing a powerful proof-of-concept prototype
based on a relational database system (Tiedeken,
So far, we have neither implemented the entire
meta-model nor the analysis algorithms based on
any commercial SOA repository. If such an
implementation was available, our approach would
be validated in a real-world case study. Finally, SOA
repository data as well as related analyses should be
integrated into SOA governance processes.
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