efficiently be adapted for different or evolving hard-
ware, software or other operational or usage environ-
Sub-characteristic Installability is related to the
degree of effectiveness and efficiency with which a
product or system can be successfully installed and/or
uninstalled in a specified environment.
Sub-characteristic Replaceability indicates the de-
gree to which a product can replace another specified
software product for the same purpose in the same en-
In general, some authors consider that this quality
characteristic is not so important in the SOA context
because web services run remotely on a server. For
instance, according to (Oriol et al., 2014), Installabil-
ity is usually not applicable to web services because
they are executed remotely at the server side. On the
other hand, a change of a server platform of an ap-
plication provider can be performed and then services
should normally maintain their situation.
Quality models are elaborated to describe, evaluate
and predict quality of a product (Deissenboeck et al.,
2009). According to software quality standard ISO
25010, quality models are useful for specifying re-
quirements, establish measures and assessments of
quality (ISO/IEC, 2011). There are several general
purpose quality models proposed for software sys-
tems. They differ on the terminology, the set of at-
tributes that define quality, and the structure of the
quality model.
Generic quality models, as the ones proposed
in the literature, need to be adapted to be applied
to SOA. Generic standards such as ISO 9126 can
not completely conform to the web services domain
(Oriol et al., 2014). For this reason, there are many
specific quality models for SOA already proposed in
the literature.
A systematic review proposed by Oriol et al.
(Oriol et al., 2014) presented 47 quality models spe-
cific to Web services. As a result of this study, con-
trary to what could be expected, most of the pro-
posals did not take into consideration ISO standards.
Only 5 out of 47 models were based on ISO 9126:
WSQM (WSQM, 2005), S-Cube Quality Reference
Model (The European Network of Excellence in Soft-
ware Services and Systems (S-Cube), 2008), GESSI
(Ameller and Franch, 2008), Yin et al. (Yin et al.,
2010), and Nadanam and Rajmohan (Nadanam, P. and
Rajmohan, R., 2012). Therefore, none of the 47 qual-
ity models were based on the new ISO 25010.
In the next paragraphs, we propose a comparison
between those 5 quality models for SOA based on ISO
9126 and the SOAQM model proposed in this paper,
which is based on ISO 25010. The main objective
is to present what has been proposed in the literature
and detach the novelty we are proposing in this new
quality model for SOA.
WSQM is a Quality Model for Web Services pro-
posed by OASIS in 2005 (WSQM, 2005). WSQM
comprises a set of quality attributes that are important
for Web Services domain. WSQM model was struc-
tured into 6 categories called Web Services Quality
Factors: Business Value, Service Level Measurement,
Interoperability, Business Processing, Manageability
and Security. Sub-factors are defined to represent
quality attributes. Besides a hierarchical structure
with categories and sub-factors, there is no concern to
develop the same structure and use of all the attributes
set by ISO 9126. In addition, WSQM does not present
a mature state because many of the contained defini-
tions lack precision (Goeb and Lochmann, 2011).
S-Cube Quality Reference Model (The Euro-
pean Network of Excellence in Software Services
and Systems (S-Cube), 2008) consists of a set of
quality attributes for service-based applications. S-
Cube was structured into 10 categories which are
Performance, Dependability, Security, Data-related
Quality, Configuration-related Quality, Network- and
Infrastructure-related Quality, Usability, Quality of
Use Context, Cost and Other. Then, 78 quality at-
tributes were defined and distributed in these cate-
gories. S-Cube was based on ISO 9126 but some def-
initions proposed by ISO 9126 were not mentioned.
For instance, Functionality, which is an important
characteristic for ISO 9126, was not considered as a
category. In addition, the classification of attributes
is considered by the authors as follows in ISO 9126,
which is not always true. S-Cube is considered a
model too complex to be used in an intuitive way
(Goeb and Lochmann, 2011).
GESSI is a quality model based on ISO 9126 pro-
posed to focus on the quality characteristics that are
observable (Ameller and Franch, 2008). This study
proposes a tool called SALMon to monitor services
to detect Service Level Agreement violations. How-
ever, just a small set of quality attributes proposed by
ISO 9126 are observable. Therefore, just three qual-
ity attributes were addressed by GESSI, which are
related to sub-characteristics Availability, Time Be-
haviour, and Accuracy.
In (Yin et al., 2010), an ontology is proposed to