SOAQM: Quality Model for SOA Applications based on ISO 25010
Joyce M. S. Franc¸a
and Michel S. Soares
Federal University of Uberlˆandia, Faculty of Computing, Uberlˆandia, Brazil
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Norte de Minas Gerais, Janu´aria, Brazil
Federal University of Sergipe, Department of Computing, S˜ao Crist´ov˜ao, Brazil
Software Quality, Service Oriented Architecture, ISO 25010, Quality Model.
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) has been widely adopted to develop distributed applications with the
promise of legacy systems integration and better agility to build applications by reusing services. Considering
the important role of SOA in organizations, quality should be treated as a key issue. By observing the works
proposed in the literature, it is possible to notice that there is a need for development of a specific quality
model for SOA based on the latest ISO 25010. One of the proposals of this paper is to analyze which important
contributions were aggregated into the new ISO 25010 regarding SOA applications when compared with ISO
9126. This paper provides the definition of a specific quality model for SOA based on quality attributes defined
by ISO 25010. As a result, most quality attributes proposed by ISO 25010 may be applicable to SOA at some
degree level. However, some of these quality attributes should be adapted when applied to SOA projects.
Software systems are becoming increasingly complex
over time and, thus, quality assurance is becoming in-
creasingly important as well (Boehm, 2006) (Huang
et al., 2012). To ensure adequate software quality, rel-
evant quality characteristics must be specified, taking
into account the intended use of a software product.
In order to make a proper evaluation of software, rele-
vant quality characteristics of a software product have
been proposed in many quality models, including ISO
Many software systems were developed in past
years in an isolated manner, with little concerns about
their integration (Erl, 2007), which leads to increas-
ing complexity. Service-Oriented Computing is a
paradigm that utilizes services as fundamental el-
ements for developing applications/solutions (Papa-
zoglou, 2003). A service is a capability of the busi-
ness organizationthat is implemented and made avail-
able on the Internet so that other applications can ac-
cess it. Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) emerge
as an attempt to integrate legacy systems by using
Web Services. Within SOA, developers can combine
and integrate internal legacy software assets with fur-
ther components, with the purpose of creating newap-
Several authors warn that activities related to soft-
ware quality are fundamental to software product
success (Sanders and Curran, 1994) (Sommerville,
2010). Evaluation of software quality is an extremely
important activity in the software development pro-
cess. Factors that affect quality, and can be directly
measured, are called internal quality attributes (for ex-
ample, lines of code). Factors that can only be indi-
rectly measured are called external quality attributes
such as maintainability.
ISO 9126 (ISO/IEC, 1991) has inspired several
quality models. In 2011, ISO 9126 was replaced by
ISO 25010 (ISO/IEC, 2011). There are many spe-
cific quality models for SOA already proposed in the
literature. A systematic review proposed by Oriol et
al. (Oriol et al., 2014) presented 47 quality models
specific to Web services. However, most of these pro-
posals did not take into consideration ISO standards.
Only 6 out of 47 models were based on an ISO stan-
dard. In addition, none of these 47 models is based
on ISO 25010. In a systematic mapping performed
by the authors, Quality of SOA applications has been
hardly mentioned.
One of the proposals of this paper is to analyze
which important contributions were aggregated into
the new ISO 25010 regarding SOA applications. In
addition, this analysis aims to determine if limitations
perceived in ISO 9126 were solved in the most recent
ISO 25010. Another proposal of this paper is to inves-
M. S. França J. and S. Soares M..
SOAQM: Quality Model for SOA Applications based on ISO 25010.
DOI: 10.5220/0005369100600070
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 60-70
ISBN: 978-989-758-097-0
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tigate the applicability of ISO 25010 to SOA applica-
tions. The aim is to analyze all the quality attributes
(characteristics and sub-characteristics) proposed by
ISO 25010 and determine which of them are directly
applicable to define quality in SOA. In this direction,
the research question is defined as follows:
RQ1 - What quality attributes proposed by ISO
25010 are relevant to SOA applications?
The answer to this question in this paper is the
definition of a quality model specific for SOA based
on quality attributes defined by ISO 25010.
Product quality model defined in ISO 25010 com-
prises eight quality characteristics: Functional Suit-
ability, Reliability, Performance Efficiency, Usability,
Security, Compatibility, Maintainability and Portabil-
ity, and 31 sub-characteristics as depicted in Figure
1. Compared to ISO 9126, ISO 25010 is more com-
prehensive and complete. ISO 9126 (ISO/IEC, 1991)
provides 6 characteristics and 27 sub-characteristics,
while ISO 25010 provides 8 characteristics and 31
sub-characteristics. According to (Botella et al.,
2004), ISO 9126 has some limitations due to its
generic nature. Some concepts presented in ISO 9126
need to be refined before they can be actually applied
in a real project. In addition, elements of software
metrics were not clear when defining the standard.
New characteristics were inserted in ISO 25010
such as security and compatibility. Both characteris-
tics were not defined in ISO 9126. In addition, the hi-
erarchy of characteristics and sub-characteristics was
reorganized with the purpose of improving under-
standing of related concepts. This effort of ISO 25010
to reorganize and create new features and improve the
understanding of definitions is an attempt to address
the limitations of ISO 9126 with respect to the ab-
stract nature, incompleteness and lack of clarity as
other authors have warned (Al-Kilidar et al., 2005).
Each ISO 25010 characteristic is composed of a
set of related sub-characteristics, as depicted in Fig-
ure 1. A brief summary of the definition of each char-
acteristic is presented in this section as follows.
Functional Suitability represents the degree to
which a product or system provides functions that
meet stated and implied needs when used under spec-
ified conditions. This characteristic is composed of
sub-characteristics Functional Completeness, Func-
tional Correctness, and Functional Appropriateness.
Performance efficiency represents the perfor-
mance relative to the amount of resources used un-
der stated conditions. This characteristic is composed
of sub-characteristics Time Behaviour, Resource Uti-
lization, and Capacity.
Compatibility is the degree to which a product,
system or component can exchange information with
other products, systems or components, and/or per-
form its required functions, while sharing the same
hardware or software environment. This character-
istic is composed of sub-characteristics Co-existence
and Interoperability.
Usability is the degree to which a product or sys-
tem can be used by specified users to achievespecified
goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in
a specified context of use. This characteristic is com-
posed of sub-characteristics Appropriateness Recog-
nizability, Learnability, Operability, User Error Pro-
tection, User Interface Aesthetics, and Accessibility.
Reliability is the degree to which a system, prod-
uct or component performs specified functions under
specified conditions for a specified period of time.
This characteristic is composed of sub-characteristics
Maturity, Availability, Fault Tolerance, and Recover-
Security is the degree to which a product or system
protects information and data so that persons or other
products or systems have the degree of data access
appropriate to their types and levels of authorization.
This characteristic is composed of sub-characteristics
Confidentiality, Integrity, Non-repudiation, Account-
ability, and Authenticity.
Maintainability represents the degree of effective-
ness and efficiency with which a product or system
can be modified to improve it, correct it or adapt
it to changes in environment, and in requirements.
This characteristic is composed of sub-characteristics
Modularity, Reusability, Analyzability, Modifiability,
and Testability.
Portability is the degree of effectiveness and effi-
ciency with which a system, product or component
can be transferred from one hardware, software or
other operational or usage environment to another.
This characteristic is composed of sub-characteristics
Adaptability, Installability, and Replaceability.
ISO 25010 quality characteristics need to be stud-
ied and adapted in order to be applied to SOA ap-
plications. All characteristics and sub-characteristics
proposed by ISO 25010 were analyzed regarding the
real applicability to SOA. Accordingly, we establish
for each characteristics the degree of applicability to
SOA. Then, the next step of this analysis is to define
Figure 1: Quality model for external and internal quality by ISO 25010.
how these characteristics can be adapted to the SOA
We propose a degree of importance that defines
which characteristics are more relevant during the
SOA application development process. Seven volun-
teers answered a questionnaire to define the degree of
importance. Two of them work in academia as re-
searchers and also in industry projects, and the other
ve work only in industry, as developers, software ar-
chitects or project managers. Each question repre-
sents a quality sub-characteristic and each volunteer
answered how important this sub-characteristic is for
SOA. The answer varies from 1 to 5 following the
Likert Scale (1-Not Important, 2-Less Important, 3-
Neutral, 4-Important, 5-Very Important). The results
to this survey are described in Table 1.
Table 2 presents the results of the analysis of ISO
25010 characteristics and their applicability to SOA
projects. First two columns of Table 2 shows all char-
acteristics and sub-characteristics proposed by ISO
25010. Third column presents the degree of im-
portance of each sub-characteristic with relation to
the SOA context. Highlighted sub-characteristics in
green are important or very important quality at-
tributes for SOA applications. Sub-characteristics
highlighted in yellow are not so important, but they
are relevant for SOA and can not be disregarded. On
the other hand, there are quality sub-characteristics
considered less important or even irrelevant to SOA
applications and therefore were highlighted in
red .
Finally, the last column presents the likely reasons
that justifies the results.
The remainder of this section is divided into eight
subsections. Each of the eight subsections addresses
one ISO quality characteristic and also discusses how
one can suit them in the context of SOA. These sub-
sections are also important to present the reasoning
behind each definition described in Table 2.
3.1 Functional Suitability
Sub-characteristic Functional Completeness means
the degree to which the set of functions covers all the
specified tasks and user objectives. Observing from
the SOA perspective, services must cover all the spec-
ified tasks and user objectives for which they were
designed. The first activity during the development
of SOA applications include defining requirements to
develop services. This phase is commonly known
as service-oriented analysis. Service-oriented anal-
ysis (Erl, 2005) is a process of determining require-
ments, scope of service and which services will be
developed. These important definitions are incorpo-
rated into a document known as functional document,
which is used to software validation.
Sub-characteristic Functional Correctness means
the degree to which a product or system provides cor-
rect results with the needed degree of precision. This
sub-characteristic can be applied in SOA by the fact
that services should provide the correct response with
the needed degree of precision. A service requests
some information and a service provider is respon-
sible to send the correct response. Service-oriented
analysis (Erl, 2005), as mentioned in previous para-
graph, is also very important to Functional correct-
ness due to the relationship between what was re-
quested by the customer and what the service offers
as response.
Sub-characteristic Functional Appropriateness is
the degree to which the functions facilitate the accom-
plishment of specified tasks and objectives. In the
SOA context, services are designed to facilitate ac-
complishment of specified tasks, more precisely, the
execution of a business process. Services perform
functions that can be simple requests for activities or
complex business processes. Therefore, services can
be of simple nature or composite (Papazoglou, 2003).
Composite services are construct of the orchestration
Table 1: Volunteers Opinion about importance of ISO 25010 for SOA - Likert Scale.
Volunteers Opinion Statistics
Characteristic Sub-characteristics #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 Average Stand. Dev.
Functional Suitability
Functional completeness 5 4 5 5 3 5 2 4.1 1.1
Functional correctness 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 4.6 0.5
Functional appropriateness 5 5 5 4 4 5 2 4.3 1.0
Performance efficiency
Time behaviour 5 5 4 5 4 5 2 4.3 1.0
Resource utilization 3 5 4 4 4 5 4 4.1 0.6
Capacity 1 5 3 4 3 5 1 3.1 1.6
Co-existence 3 5 3 5 3 5 4 4.0 0.9
Interoperability 5 5 3 5 4 5 5 4.6 0.7
Appropriateness recognizability 5 2 4 4 3 4 1 3.3 1.3
Learnability 5 2 4 4 4 4 3 3.7 0.9
Operability 5 5 4 2 4 5 3 4.0 1.1
User error protection 5 5 4 4 3 4 1 3.7 1.3
User interface aesthetics 4 3 4 2 3 1 1 2.6 1.2
Accessibility 4 2 4 4 3 1 1 2.7 1.3
Maturity 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 4.3 0.5
Availability 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4.9 0.3
Fault tolerance 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 4.6 0.5
Recoverability 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 4.7 0.5
Confidentiality 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 4.6 0.5
Integrity 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 4.6 0.5
Non-repudiation 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3.9 0.3
Accountability 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4.3 0.5
Authenticity 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 4.6 0.5
Modularity 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 4.6 0.5
Reusability 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 4.6 0.5
Analyzability 5 4 4 2 5 5 2 3.9 1.2
Modifiability 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 4.6 0.5
Testability 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 4.6 0.5
Adaptability 5 2 3 2 4 5 5 3.7 1.3
Installability 4 1 3 2 4 5 5 3.4 1.4
Replaceability 4 2 3 4 3 5 5 3.7 1.0
process, which allows services to be composed of
other services to automating business processes.
3.2 Performance Efficiency
Performance efficiency characteristic can be applied
in SOA applications to evaluate performance of a ser-
Sub-characteristic Time-behaviour analyzes the
response and processing times and throughput rates
of a system, when performing its functions. Contex-
tualizing for SOA, we can say response time is related
to time spent by services to process a request and re-
turn a response. Generally, a service requests an in-
formation for a provider application and then this ser-
vice provides responses for a consumer application.
Thus, it is possible to measure response and process-
ing times and throughput rates of this transaction.
Sub-characteristic Resource Utilization addresses
the amounts and types of resources used by a prod-
uct or system, when performing its functions. Gen-
erally, software should make a best use of resources
such as processor capacity, memory usage, disk ca-
pacity and network bandwidth. With regard to SOA,
service based applications interact with other systems
exchanging messages over the network. Therefore,
we can consider that services use resources such as
server to access information of other applications.
Sub-characteristic Capacity means the degree to
which the maximum limits of a product or sys-
tem parameter meet requirements. This quality sub-
characteristic was vaguely defined by ISO. It is dif-
ficult to set the real meaning of this concept. We
suppose that capacity can be the application ability to
support several accesses at the same time without per-
formance variation. In this sense, capacity is related
with availability of a service even with many access
at the same time.
Performance efficiency is an important quality
characteristic which must be constantly observed in
SOA applications. According to O’Brien (O’Brien
et al., 2007), performance is negatively affected in
SOA. Therefore, the architecture should be carefully
designed and evaluated prior to implementation to
Table 2: ISO 25010 characteristics mapped to SOA quality characteristics.
Characteristic Sub-characteristics Importance for SOA SOA Perspective
Functional Suitability
Functional completeness 4.1 Services must cover all the specified tasks and user objectives which
were designed
Functional correctness 4.6 Services should provide the correct results with the needed degree of
Functional appropriateness 4.3 Services are designed to facilitate accomplishment of specified tasks,
more precisely, the execution of a business process.
Performance efficiency
Time behaviour 4.3 Time spent by a service to process a request and return a response.
Resource utilization 4.1 Services use resources such as servers to access information of other
Capacity 3.1 Service capacity can be defined as the ability to remain working even
with large number of accesses at the same time.
Co-existence 4.0 Different composite services can share the use of same service opera-
Interoperability 4.6 Services are interoperable. Services allow interaction between systems
through the use of interfaces (WSDL) and communication protocols
Appropriateness recognizability 3.3 Users can recognize whether this service is appropriate for their needs
through service description that relate information such as service
functionality and data types transmitted.
Learnability 3.7 Degree to which a service can facilitate the understanding of its oper-
Operability 4.0 A service has a WSDL document that allows exchange messages be-
tween services.
User error protection 3.7 The WSDL structure of a service should not allow making errors from
wrong inputs.
User interface aesthetics 2.6 Not the focus of SOA.
Accessibility 2.7 Not the focus of SOA.
Maturity 4.3 Whenever a service consumer requests some information, it is ex-
pected that a response is returned.
Availability 4.9 Services must be available when they are requested.
Fault tolerance 4.6 Services can create strategies that may be performed when a failure
happens on some hardware or software.
Recoverability 4.7 Service ability to recover data when occurs some interruption or fail-
Confidentiality 4.6 Information shared by a service provider can be accessed only to an
authorized service client.
Integrity 4.6 Services must be developed to prevent unauthorized access to, or mod-
ification of private data.
Non-repudiation 3.9 Service provider constructs strategies to prove that an information have
been delivered to a service consumer
Accountability 4.3 Service are autonomous.
Authenticity 4.6 The identity of the external service provider should be authenticated.
Modularity 4.6 Service provider hosts a network accessible software module.
Reusability 4.6 Services are reusable.
Analyzability 3.9 Analyze change impact when services need to be modified
Modifiability 4.6 Services are loosely coupled. This characteristic reduces the depen-
dency between services, increasing modifiability.
Testability 4.6 services can be tested, for instance, through automated tools for func-
tional testing
Adaptability 3.7 Although webservicesrun remotely on a server,itcan happen a change
of platform.
Installability 3.4 Although webservicesrun remotely on a server,itcan happen a change
of platform.
Replaceability 3.7 Although webservicesrun remotely on a server,itcan happen a change
of platform.
avoid performance pitfalls.
Service application performance depends on the
combined performance of cooperating components
and their interactions. Beyond consumers and
providers applications and the need to communicate
over the network, services can be composed. Com-
posite services allows services to be composed of
other services, in such a way the logic of the process is
centralized by orchestration that enables extensibility
(composition of new services). Thus, time behaviour
depends on several factors. To deal with so many fac-
tors that can affect system performance, companies
need constantly to monitor the health of their SOA
applications (Papazoglou et al., 2008).
3.3 Compatibility
Sub-characteristic Co-existence is concerned with the
degree to which a product can perform its required
functions efficiently while sharing a common envi-
ronment and resources with other products, without
detrimental impact on any other product. From the
SOA perspective, co-existence concept can be re-
defined/extended as follows. A composite service
matches a set of services that perform operations and
together form a specific task. As a service can be
reused by several composite services, some efforts are
needed to ensure what some authors have been called
service conformance (Papazoglou et al., 2008). Ser-
vice conformance ensures the integrity of a composite
service matching its operations with those of its con-
stituent component services, imposes semantic con-
straints on the component services and ensures that
constraints on data exchanged by component services
are satisfied. This means the co-existence concept can
be extended to SOA due to different composite ser-
vices that share the use of same service operations.
Sub-characteristic Interoperability refers to the
degree to which two or more systems can exchange
information and use the information that has been
exchanged. Services are interoperable (Papazoglou
et al., 2008). SOA utilizes services to construct an
application that allows exchanging messages through
networking protocol. This means services are inter-
operable and they allow interaction between systems
through the use of interface (WSDL) and communica-
tion protocols (SOAP). To allow increased interoper-
ability is the most prominent benefit of SOA (O’Brien
et al., 2007).
3.4 Usability
Within the SOA context, usability is a measure of the
quality of a user’s experience in interacting with infor-
mation or services. Usability as a concept has been
rarely addressed in the context of SOA. Few studies
have been published addressing this issue (Liu, 2009).
One research named this issue as service oriented us-
ability (Liu, 2009), suggesting that some procedures
may increase usability of services, such as develop-
ment of diagrams for service and definition of life cy-
cle and lifetime of services.
Sub-characteristic Appropriateness recognizabil-
ity refers to the degree to which users can recog-
nize whether a system is appropriate for their needs.
In this sense, it is important to have access to some
description that relate the service operations. Rela-
tionship between services is based on an understand-
ing that for the services to interact, they must be
aware of each other and this awareness is achieved
through the use of service descriptions (Erl, 2005).
A service description establishes the name and loca-
tion of the service, and data exchange requirements.
SOA uses a standard format for service description
known as WSDL (Web Services Description Lan-
guage) (WSDL, 2014). Therefore, sub-characteristic
Appropriateness recognizability can be applied in
SOA because service description relates service func-
tionality and data types transmitted, and so users can
recognize whether this service is appropriate for their
Sub-characteristicLearnability is related to the de-
gree to which a system can be used by specified users
to achieve specified goals of learning to use the sys-
tem in an easy way. From the SOA perspective, this
sub-characteristic refers to the degree to which a ser-
vice can facilitate the understanding of its operation.
Sub-characteristic Operability refers to the degree
to which a product or system has attributes that make
it easy to operate and control. A service has a WSDL
document that allows exchanging messages between
services. These messages are transmitted through a
standard protocol called SOAP (Simple Object Ac-
cess Protocol) (SOAP, 2014). The standards defined
for SOA make it easy to develop, operate and control
Sub-characteristic User error protection is related
to the degree to which a system protects users against
making errors. Within the SOA context, this qual-
ity sub-characteristics may be appropriate to SOA by
the fact that a service has a description document
(WSDL) and its structure should not allow different
inputs from the specified ones.
Sub-characteristic User interface aesthetics refers
to the degree to which a user interface enables pleas-
ing and satisfying interaction for the user. User in-
terface aesthetics or graphical interface is not the fo-
cus of SOA. Researches in SOA are hardly concerned
with this sub-characteristic. Probably, the reason is
attributed to the fact that there it is research in other
areas such as human computer interaction that can be
leveraged to SOA applications.
Sub-characteristic Accessibility is related to the
degree to which a product or system can be used by
people with the widest range of characteristics and
capabilities to achieve a specified goal in a specified
context of use. Accessibility is not very important to
services because this issue is not the focus of SOA
knowledge and research.
3.5 Reliability
Sub-characteristic Maturity is related to the degree to
which a system meets needs for reliability under nor-
mal operation. Clearly, maturity can be applied in
SOA because whenever a service consumer requests
some information it is expected that a response is re-
turned. Therefore, Maturity is a very important sub-
characteristic that can be addressed in SOA applica-
tions to maintain quality.
Availability is a very important sub-characteristic
in SOA applications. Availability consists in defining
the degree to which a system, product or component
is operational and accessible when required for use.
This concept can be associated with SOA by the fact
that a service provider must be available when a ser-
vice consumer requests some information. Downtime
could affect the provider’s finances and reputation.
According to O’Brien (O’Brien et al., 2007), exter-
nal service providers usually agree to provide services
under a service level agreement (SLA), which defines
the contract for the provision of the service with de-
tails such as who provides the service, the guaranteed
availability of the service, the escalation process, and
the penalties to the provider if a service level is not
Sub-characteristic Fault Tolerance refers to the de-
gree to which a system operates as intended despite
the presence of hardware or software faults. From
the SOA perspective, fault tolerance can be applied in
SOA applications as meaning that strategies must be
performed when a failure happens on some hardware
or software. This ability is not SOA native and should
be designed and implemented by SOA developers.
Sub-characteristic Recoverability is related to the
degree to which, in the event of an interruption or a
failure, a product or system can recover data directly
affected and re-establish the desired state of the sys-
tem. This quality sub-characteristic can be adjusted
to SOA as regards the service ability to recover data
when any interruption or failure occurs. Auto recov-
ery tools have been developed to provide the func-
tionality of recover the faulted instances and Invoke
and Callback messages during business process exe-
3.6 Security
Services are designed to limit information in the
service contract to what is really necessary for the
service to be functionally useful to consumers (Erl,
2007). Information beyond that is published in a ser-
vice contract, is considered private, and should not
be made available for creating potential consumers of
Confidentiality is the degree to which a system
ensures data are accessible only to those authorized
to have access. This quality sub-characteristic must
be found in SOA applications because information
shared by a service provider can be accessed only to
an authorized service client. Business process inter-
actions are always controlled from the (private) per-
spective of one of the business parties involved in the
process (Papazoglou et al., 2008).
Another security quality sub-characteristic is In-
tegrity. Integrity refers to the degree to which a sys-
tem, product or component prevents unauthorized ac-
cess to, or modification of, software or data. Services
must be developed to prevent unauthorized access to,
or modification of private data. Integrity is related
with one of the design principles of software engi-
neering proposed in SWEBOK (Software Engineer-
ing Body of Knowledge) (IEEE Computer Society,
2004): Encapsulation/information hiding. Encapsu-
lation/information hiding means grouping and pack-
aging elements and internal details of an abstraction
and making those details inaccessible. In this way,
services must publish in a registry, or repository such
as UDDI. Ensuring implementation details are inac-
cessible provides the guarantee that this information
is not modified or corrupted.
Sub-characteristic Non-repudiation is related to
the degree to which actions or events can be proven to
have taken place, so that the events or actions cannot
be repudiated later. In the SOA context, this concept
can be the ability of a service provider to prove that
information has been delivered to a service consumer.
Sub-characteristic Accountability refers to the de-
gree to which actions of an entity can be traced
uniquely to the entity. According to (Papazoglou
et al., 2008), services are autonomous. That way,
services have a contract that expresses a well-defined
functional threshold which should not involve other
services. In addition, Thomas Erl (Erl, 2007) defined
Service Autonomy as a design principle. Service Au-
tonomy refers to the ability to govern itself. When
something is autonomous, it has freedom and control
to make their own decisions without the need for ex-
ternal validation or approval. Accountability in the
SOA context refers to the service state of being ac-
countable, in other words, a service has the obliga-
tion of render an account for failure to perform as ex-
Another security quality sub-characteristic is au-
thenticity. Authenticity refers to claim and identifi-
cation of a subject or resource requests access to a
certain information. A system built using a SOA ap-
proach may encompass services provided by third-
party organizations. The identity of the external ser-
vice provider should be authenticated.
According to Papazoglou (Papazoglou et al.,
2008), security is a grand challenge within SOA ap-
plications. Services must be developed to be self-
protecting, which can anticipate, detect, identify and
protect against threats. Self-protecting components
can detect hostile behaviors, e.g., unauthorized ac-
cess and use, virus infection and proliferation, and
denial-of-service attacks, as they occur and take cor-
rective actions to make themselves less vulnerable.
Self-protecting capabilities allow businesses to con-
sistently enforce security and privacy policies. One
of the strategies used to increase security is encryp-
tion. Encryption should be used to preserve confiden-
tiality and preserve integrity. However, as mentioned
in (O’Brien et al., 2007), encryption has the effect of
increasing messages size.
3.7 Maintainability
Maintainability quality characteristic is very impor-
tant in SOA due to its primary proposal of easy
maintaining distributed applications. Before emer-
gence of SOA, several distributed solutions were pro-
posed, with varying degree of success and limitations.
Many systems were developed with little elaboration
and integration point to point was created accord-
ing to the needs that were emerging. This approach
produced a tangle of complex connections, lack of
stability, difficult maintenance, and problems asso-
ciated with extensibility and interoperability frame-
works (Erl, 2005). SOA has emerged with the pur-
pose of development of rapid, low-cost and easy com-
position of distributed applications.
Modularity is a quality sub-characteristic that de-
fines the capacity of a system to be composed of com-
ponentssuch that a change to one componenthas min-
imal impact on other components. This definition is
similar to a service concept. In a typical service-based
scenario employing the service foundations plane a
service provider hosts a network accessible software
module (an implementation of a given service) (Papa-
zoglou et al., 2008).
Reusability is an important quality sub-
characteristic which indicates that an asset can
be used in more than one system, or in building
other assets. This definition can be extended to SOA.
Service reusability is a SOA design principle that
means services are reusable (Erl, 2007). Services
encapsulate the logic that is useful for more than one
service request. Logic encapsulated by services is
generic enough to allow many usage scenarios and
can be used for different types of service consumers.
Sub-characteristic Analyzability indicates the de-
gree of effectiveness and efficiency with which it is
possible to assess the impact on a product or system
of an intended change to one or more of its parts, or to
diagnose a product for deficiencies or causes of fail-
ures, or to identify parts to be modified. Within SOA
context, Analyzability can be an important quality at-
tribute for services. In situations that a service need
to be modified, analysis of which composite services
use this service are necessary.
Modifiability is a quality sub-characteristic related
to the capacity of software to be modified without in-
troducing defects or degrading existing product qual-
ity. Modifiability increases as the independence be-
tween modules of the system increases because a
change in one module can affect all modules that are
dependent. By definition, services are loosely cou-
pled (Papazoglou et al., 2007). This means there
are few well-known dependencies between services.
Thus, the cost of modifying the implementation of
services is reduced and the overall system modifia-
bility increases (O’Brien et al., 2007).
Testability is a quality sub-characteristic found in
a system or component in which test criteria can be
established and tests can be performed to determine
whether those criteria have been met. Services can
be tested through automated tools for functional test-
ing. According to O’Brien (O’Brien et al., 2007),
testing a system based on SOA is more complex than
an isolated software. For instance, if a runtime prob-
lem occurs, it may be difficult to find the cause. It
can be within the service user, the service provider,
the communication infrastructure, the discovery agent
(UDDI), or it can be due to the load on the platform
where the service executes. Trying to replicate prob-
lems in a test environment may be difficult or even not
possible within a time frame.
3.8 Portability
Portability is a quality characteristic concerned with
the effectiveness and efficiency with which a system
can be transferred from one hardware or usage envi-
ronment to another.
Sub-characteristic Adaptability refers to the de-
gree to which a product or system can effectively and
efficiently be adapted for different or evolving hard-
ware, software or other operational or usage environ-
Sub-characteristic Installability is related to the
degree of effectiveness and efficiency with which a
product or system can be successfully installed and/or
uninstalled in a specified environment.
Sub-characteristic Replaceability indicates the de-
gree to which a product can replace another specified
software product for the same purpose in the same en-
In general, some authors consider that this quality
characteristic is not so important in the SOA context
because web services run remotely on a server. For
instance, according to (Oriol et al., 2014), Installabil-
ity is usually not applicable to web services because
they are executed remotely at the server side. On the
other hand, a change of a server platform of an ap-
plication provider can be performed and then services
should normally maintain their situation.
Quality models are elaborated to describe, evaluate
and predict quality of a product (Deissenboeck et al.,
2009). According to software quality standard ISO
25010, quality models are useful for specifying re-
quirements, establish measures and assessments of
quality (ISO/IEC, 2011). There are several general
purpose quality models proposed for software sys-
tems. They differ on the terminology, the set of at-
tributes that define quality, and the structure of the
quality model.
Generic quality models, as the ones proposed
in the literature, need to be adapted to be applied
to SOA. Generic standards such as ISO 9126 can
not completely conform to the web services domain
(Oriol et al., 2014). For this reason, there are many
specific quality models for SOA already proposed in
the literature.
A systematic review proposed by Oriol et al.
(Oriol et al., 2014) presented 47 quality models spe-
cific to Web services. As a result of this study, con-
trary to what could be expected, most of the pro-
posals did not take into consideration ISO standards.
Only 5 out of 47 models were based on ISO 9126:
WSQM (WSQM, 2005), S-Cube Quality Reference
Model (The European Network of Excellence in Soft-
ware Services and Systems (S-Cube), 2008), GESSI
(Ameller and Franch, 2008), Yin et al. (Yin et al.,
2010), and Nadanam and Rajmohan (Nadanam, P. and
Rajmohan, R., 2012). Therefore, none of the 47 qual-
ity models were based on the new ISO 25010.
In the next paragraphs, we propose a comparison
between those 5 quality models for SOA based on ISO
9126 and the SOAQM model proposed in this paper,
which is based on ISO 25010. The main objective
is to present what has been proposed in the literature
and detach the novelty we are proposing in this new
quality model for SOA.
WSQM is a Quality Model for Web Services pro-
posed by OASIS in 2005 (WSQM, 2005). WSQM
comprises a set of quality attributes that are important
for Web Services domain. WSQM model was struc-
tured into 6 categories called Web Services Quality
Factors: Business Value, Service Level Measurement,
Interoperability, Business Processing, Manageability
and Security. Sub-factors are defined to represent
quality attributes. Besides a hierarchical structure
with categories and sub-factors, there is no concern to
develop the same structure and use of all the attributes
set by ISO 9126. In addition, WSQM does not present
a mature state because many of the contained defini-
tions lack precision (Goeb and Lochmann, 2011).
S-Cube Quality Reference Model (The Euro-
pean Network of Excellence in Software Services
and Systems (S-Cube), 2008) consists of a set of
quality attributes for service-based applications. S-
Cube was structured into 10 categories which are
Performance, Dependability, Security, Data-related
Quality, Configuration-related Quality, Network- and
Infrastructure-related Quality, Usability, Quality of
Use Context, Cost and Other. Then, 78 quality at-
tributes were defined and distributed in these cate-
gories. S-Cube was based on ISO 9126 but some def-
initions proposed by ISO 9126 were not mentioned.
For instance, Functionality, which is an important
characteristic for ISO 9126, was not considered as a
category. In addition, the classification of attributes
is considered by the authors as follows in ISO 9126,
which is not always true. S-Cube is considered a
model too complex to be used in an intuitive way
(Goeb and Lochmann, 2011).
GESSI is a quality model based on ISO 9126 pro-
posed to focus on the quality characteristics that are
observable (Ameller and Franch, 2008). This study
proposes a tool called SALMon to monitor services
to detect Service Level Agreement violations. How-
ever, just a small set of quality attributes proposed by
ISO 9126 are observable. Therefore, just three qual-
ity attributes were addressed by GESSI, which are
related to sub-characteristics Availability, Time Be-
haviour, and Accuracy.
In (Yin et al., 2010), an ontology is proposed to
support quality of services considering the following
non-functional requirements: expressiveness, robust-
ness, flexibility, scalability, performance, complete-
ness, friendliness and interoperability. A mapping of
these quality requirements and concrete requirements
is proposed, with focus on only part of ISO 9126.
Nadanam and Rajmohan proposed in 2012
(Nadanam, P. and Rajmohan, R., 2012) a quality
model for evaluating QoS (Quality of service) for web
services. This quality model also considered cloud
computing issues. As a result of this study, the qual-
ity model proposed some attributes and metrics con-
sidered relevant for cloud services. Two quality char-
acteristics defined by ISO 9126 were considered in
this model: Efficiency and Reliability. These quality
characteristics are extended to cover cloud computing
peculiar features. Based on the derived key features,
Reusability, Adaptability, Availability, Composabil-
ity, Understandability and Scalability are newly de-
Contrary to the result of the systematic review pro-
posed in (Oriol et al., 2014), we found a quality model
for SOA that is actually based on ISO 25010. A
Software Quality Model for SOA proposed by Goeb
et. al (Goeb and Lochmann, 2011) was inspired in
ISO 25010. However, this model analyzes only 5
quality characteristics: Consumption, Understanding,
Service Reuse, Support, and Extension. Furthermore,
this model was not comprehensiveenough to consider
the 8 quality characteristic and 31 sub-characteristics
proposed by ISO 25010. In addition, two out of
ve considered characteristics (Support and Exten-
sion) were not defined by any version of ISO. Another
issue with this quality model is that it did not fol-
low the standardization of names established by ISO
25010 because two characteristics were renamed: Ap-
propriateness Recognizability was renamed to Under-
standing, and Functional Appropriateness was called
Furthermore, existing models are not comprehen-
sive and do not address all quality attributes proposed
by ISO 25010, as they are based on ISO 9126. Even
in this case, they do not always follow the ISO 9126
standard. Although the models do follow ISO 9126,
such as the S-Cube, the classification of attributes
does not follow strictly ISO 9126, and important char-
acteristics such as Functionality is not considered. In
another case, WSQM, there is a hierarchical structure
with categories and sub-factors, but not all attributes
of the ISO 9126 structure is used. This happens in
GESSI as well, in which only 3 quality attributes are
addressed, and in the model proposed in (Yin et al.,
By observing the works proposed in the literature,
it is possible to notice that there is a need for devel-
opment of a specific quality model for SOA based on
the latest ISO 25010, as described in this paper.
This paper addresses one gap in researches about
SOA. There is a lack of quality models specific for
SOA based on most recent ISO 25010. In this sense,
in this paper we propose a quality model for SOA ap-
plications based on quality attributes proposed in ISO
25010. ISO 25010 is a standard for software quality
that presents a quality model that may be applied for
any kind of software products. ISO 25010 is currently
the most complete version of quality models of ISO
standards due to the great amount of proposed quality
All quality attributes proposed by ISO 25010 were
analyzed in this research from the SOA perspective
using both experts opinion and literature review. As
a result, most of quality attributes proposed by ISO
25010 may be applicable for SOA. However, these
quality attributes should be adapted to SOA contexts,
as discussed in Section 3. On the other hand, ISO
25010 has a generic nature and therefore some quality
attributes proposed do not apply to SOA domain, as
described in this paper.
One threat to validity is the small number of sub-
jects that responded the survey. However, as they
are experts in the SOA context, their opinion can be
highly considered.
Generally, quality models propose methods to
measure the quality attributes in applications. In this
sense, a future work of this research is the definition
of metrics to evaluate quality in SOA applications.
In addition, currently our research group is using the
SOAQM model as a guide to spend more resources
on specific characteristics that were considered more
important than others.
We would like to thank the Brazilian research
agencies CNPq (grant 445500/2014-0) and CAPES/
FAPITEC (grant AUXPE 0517/2014) for supporting
this work.
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