gineering. Also an advantage, is to use these graph-
ical models to implement the alternative approach to
produce software: Model-Driven Software Develop-
The metamodel types chosen vary very much from
modeling language to modeling language, since some
use MOF, others BNF or UML Profiles, and even
MVC is still used. Another possible choice is to ex-
tend other ML’s metamodel. Tool support is very im-
portant, in terms of usability and functionality. They
are also responsible to render and validate the pro-
duced models, so this aspect can be the quality bot-
tleneck. In terms of look-and-feel, it is very impor-
tant for the designer to have available design patterns
and builder tools, so he can produce an attractive and
easy interface. He must also be able to choose be-
tween several actions and widgets, so the mobile, web
or desktop software application can have an attractive
layout and great impact.
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pare and evaluate General-Purpose Modeling Lan-
guages, such as UML and SysML or Business Process
Modeling Languages, namely BPMN and DEMO, al-
ways taking into account the general and the domain
specific characteristics.
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2012 IBM Country Project, and by national funds
through Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
(FCT) with references UID/CEC/50021/2013 and
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