a user and an application, including the user and ap-
plications themselves (Dey, 2001). Devices with the
capability of understanding the context are an impor-
tant key for the non-human intervention in technology
tasks. The context or situational awareness parameter
of this work is based on the location of the entity.
1.2 Technologies
Actual location techniques commonly use GPS, Blue-
tooth, or Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tech-
nologies, among others (Chai et al., 2011). Despite
that, a disadvantage of GPS is that the satellite signals
are blocked by obstacles such as walls, in addition,
variations in weather or the presence of buildings re-
sults in approximations with errors of meters, so it is
not possible to use this system as a method for indoor
location (Navarro et al., 2011)(Hwang and Donghui,
2012). On the other hand, Bluetooth technology has
limited coverage; this communication is focused on
very short distances to achieve the location. Finally
RF is an expensive solution since it involves the in-
stallation of different sensors in the area where you
will estimate the location, so it is not an economically
viable method (Navarro et al., 2011). Consequently
acceptable alternative techniques are required to fit
with established infrastructures and satisfy the func-
tionality of indoor location with ease of use and an
affordable cost, as the use of technologies based on
Wi-Fi (Chai et al., 2011).
1.3 Location Methods
Triangulation and Trilateration: These methods map
RSSI as a function of distance that requires a steep
linear characterization curve in order to be properly
implemented. Functions describing these curves are
then used with live RSSI values as input to generate
an (x,y) location prediction (Chai et al., 2011). The
disadvantages of these methods are: to carry out the
synchronization of these values and that it needs a
model to determine the distance according to RSSI
values. This work is an alternative solution for local-
ization using a radio map of a given area based on
Wi-Fi RSSI data from three (or more) Access Points.
Some advantages are that this method works on in-
door environments with acceptable coverage, a min-
imum or null modification of the area infrastructure
is required, and is a less expensive option than others
(Navarro et al., 2011). The method proposed is based
on a FIS (Fuzzy Inference System) using a cluster-
ing method (Chiu, 1994), that is a fast, one-pass al-
gorithm for estimating the number of clusters and the
cluster centers in a set of data.
The number of generated data is increasing alongside
the increase of technology, networks, and sensors. In
recent years, the use of new information technologies
has come to help handling large amount of data. One
evolution of these technologies is the data mining ex-
traction that allows representing knowledge of data
store implicitly in big databases. Data mining con-
tributes to understand data and identify patterns, re-
lationships, and dependencies that affect the final re-
sults. It creates predictive models that allow undis-
covered relationships through the data mining pro-
cess which are expressed as possible business rules
(Crows, 1999). Data mining is a multidisciplinary
field that combines techniques from machine learn-
ing, pattern recognition, statistics, database, and vi-
sualization, to direct it to the extraction and inter-
pretation of a huge database. The data mining fo-
cuses on filling the need to discover, predict, and fore-
cast the possible actions with some confidence factor
for each prediction (Han and Kamber, 1998). More-
over, it helps to make tactical and strategic decisions,
provided the decision power users, is able to mea-
sure actions and results in the best way, generates de-
scriptive models to explore and understand the data,
and identify patterns, relationships, and dependencies
that affect the final results. Creates predictive models
that allow undiscovered relationships through the data
mining process which are expressed as business rules
possible (Crows, 1999). Clustering of numerical data
forms is a type of data mining. The aim of clustering
methods is to identify natural grouping of data from
a large data set, such that a concise representation of
the systems behaviour is produced (Ren et al., 2006).
Once the clusters of a data set are identified the sys-
tem behaviour can be translated to the rules of a FIS.
Each cluster is translated as one rule of the FIS. Gen-
erally more rules describe in more detail the system
behavior so a better approximation on the evaluation
can be achieved or a better accuracy is gained (Ying
et al., 1998). It is important to consider the computa-
tional cost and the robustness of the system to define
the minimal resources needed to have an acceptable
system evaluation. Some cluster features, as size and
number, are controlled by the specific parameters in-
volved in different clustering techniques.
2.1 Fuzzy C-Means
Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm (FCM) (Bozkir
and Sezer, 2013)(Bezdek et al., 1984) makes use of a
membership function and centroid computation pro-
cedure iteratively to find the best centroid. The FCM