There is a lot of room to improve the actual
accuracy of the system - we might be able to use
more sophisticated face detection algorithms or
classifiers, and even use techniques of hallucinating
exemplars from the existing data, to make the
system more robust to noise and illumination
conditions. Nevertheless, we can strongly declare
that our objective in this paper has been reached —
it is technically possible to make a real-time robust
face recognition system running exclusively on the
low-performance hardware of the smartwatch.
Additionally, in terms of user interaction, the
experiment was important to show usability and
ergonomic issues that need to be addressed before
people with actual visual impairments are involved.
The feedback that indicates a face is being framed
needs more work so that it becomes a more precise
clue as to where the user needs to point the
smartwatch’s camera. This is important not only to
allow the system to be used as an assistive
technology, but also to alleviate the fatigue issue
reported by the participants. Other potential place
for future enhancement concerns the feedback
interface to get data from people´s faces, which still
must be made accessible for use by blind and low-
vision people.
Finally, we propose challenges for future work,
including wearable systems for objects recognition,
textual information recognition (e.g. signs, symbols)
and a gesture recognition like Porzi et al. (2013), but
processed within the smartwatch itself. Furthermore,
we will conduct experiments to better analyze the
system's energy consumption. Also, experiments
with visually impaired users will be used to further
evaluate and improve the system as an assistive
The authors wish to express their gratitude to all the
volunteers who participated in the experiments in
this study, and also for Samsung Research that
loaned the hardware equipment. LSBN receives a
Ph.D. fellowship from CNPq (grant #141254/2014-
9). VRMLM receives a Ph.D. fellowship from
CAPES (grant #01-P-04554/2013). MCCB, ARR
and SKG receives a Productivity Research
Fellowship from CNPq (grants #308618/2014-9,
#304352/2012-8 and #308882/2013-0, respectively).
This work is part of a project that was approved by
Unicamp Institutional Review Board CAAE
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