An IFC4-based Middleware for Data Interoperability in Energy Building
e L. Hern
andez, Susana Mart
ın and C
esar Valmaseda
on CARTIF, Parque Tecnol
ogico de Boecillo, Valladolid, Spain
Middleware, Interoperability, Data-model, IFC4, Heterogeneous Data, Interfaces, Data Consistency.
This paper addresses the existing gap in data interoperability among heterogeneous resources for energy ser-
vice systems of building automation. In this sense, the middleware is the core of the communication between
heterogeneous data samples and the application services. This kind of solutions integrates the multiple build-
ing data resources to gather the information within the context of energy and buildings and couples the data in
a single signal. The middleware also manages the data in an harmonized way by means of the representation of
the information in a well-established data-model as IFC4 which is widely used in the building topic. This kind
of harmonic communication allows the exchange of information among the entities in complex platforms by
common formats in order to ease the interpretation of data. Then, interoperability is a key factor for achieving
connectivity that is reached in the present middleware though the event-driven communication mechanisms
and the well-known interfaces.
Nowadays, Building Energy Management Systems
(BEMS) are a growing field of interest taking into ac-
count it is estimated that up to 40% of total energy in
Europe is consumed by buildings (Sustainable Build-
ings & Climate Initiative, 2009). With the objective
of reducing the consumption, several research efforts
and novel technologies are underway towards design-
ing smart systems (C21, 2014)(NET, 2014). Within
this context, the BaaS (Building as a Service) project
aims at reducing 15% of energy consumption through
ICT tools and by adapting control decisions in real-
time (Baa, 2014). For such purpose, it is strength-
ened the intersection of control algorithms, thermal
simulation, communication technologies, middleware
platforms, and building technologies.
As core of these systems, middleware enables
the communication between the building physics (i.e.
data measurements) and the application services (as-
sessment, prediction and control). The objective of
using a middleware is to obtain interoperability, trans-
parency and coherency in the communication of these
heterogeneous entities. In this scenario, the BaaS
middleware presented in this paper offers data man-
agement from various in- and out-of-building sources
that act as central repositories for all static and dy-
namic building data (Baa, 2014). Other external ICT
systems like a weather station are also considered as
data sources.
On the other hand, within the building context, the
aforementioned efforts still lack the full interoperabil-
ity concept. To achieve it, data models for the repre-
sentation of this information are required, as depicted
in (Crosbie et al., 2011), where semantic integration
of energy information is highlighted. Then, creating
a common language helps the integration and interop-
erability among entities along the building life cycle.
One of these data model is the Industry Foundation
Classes (IFC - ISO 16739:2013) (IFC, 2014) which
defines a set of domains where the building facilities
are modeled within the architecture, engineering and
construction (AEC) industry. BaaS system has con-
sidered this IFC4 specification for the representation
of the information in all its layers. With this approach,
building stakeholders are able to interpret data in the
design of assessment and optimization tools.
Therefore, this paper presents a novel IFC4-based
middleware for the integration and coupling of het-
erogeneous building data in a homogeneous way. The
main purpose is to offer to the end user interoper-
ability and transparency among all the building au-
tomation entities through the same vocabulary. With
that aim, it abstracts the building physics in order
to provide two-way communication between the data
sources and the high level services. Besides that,
L. Hernández J., Martín S. and Valmaseda C..
An IFC4-based Middleware for Data Interoperability in Energy Building Operation.
DOI: 10.5220/0005371002870294
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 287-294
ISBN: 978-989-758-096-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the middleware has been designed according to stan-
dard and open source projects, such as OSGi (Open
Services Gateway initiative), to provide a framework
to Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) and event
To overcome the description of the BaaS middle-
ware, this paper is mainly organized in three sections
where the requirements of the specific BaaS systems
are pointed out and comparison with existing plat-
forms is realized. Next, the high-level architecture,
communication interfaces, data model and interoper-
ability concepts are explained. Finally, the distributed
deployment of the system is depicted before the final
conclusions reached during this study.
The first step in any software development must be
the compilation of all the requirements and function-
alities which should be assured. BaaS design is not
an exception of this methodology and the function-
alities and performance requirements have been col-
lected. Table 1 summarizes these functional (FR) and
non-functional (NFR) requirements.
First of all, any middleware, by definition, has
to ensure interoperability among all the components
which is easier reached by means of making use of
standards or recommendations offered by the differ-
ent standardization bodies. In the specific case of
BaaS, the middleware needs to access to multiple ser-
vices and heterogeneous pieces of information as de-
scribed in the next bullets:
Building Management Systems (BMS)
DataWarehouse (DWH)
Building Information Model (BIM)
Existing ICT systems and external data services
Assessment, Prediction and Optimal-Control ser-
vices and analytics
Each piece of information has its own communi-
cation language, and it has to be merged into a com-
mon one. Therefore, the middleware should be able
to translate and adapt the different information repre-
sentation into a same vocabulary. For such purpose,
the ISO 16739:2013 standard (IFC4) (IFC, 2014) is
selected. Then, the middleware should communicate
the specific protocol of the BMS and obtain sensor
data translated into IFC4. This is also applicable to
the external services (e.g. weather forecast or weather
station) whose information is required from the high
level services. Moreover, the DWH (Mo et al., ) and
Table 1: Requirements summary.
Identifier Requirement description
FR-1 Baas MW should assure interoper-
ability among all the entities involved
in energy assessment
FR-2 BaaS MW should represent data into
the same vocabulary or data model
FR-3 BaaS MW should implement the
specific communication protocol at
building level
FR-4 BaaS MW should connect Web Ser-
vice for accessing Weather forecast
FR-5 BaaS MW should manage BIM en-
tities for the representation of the
building physics
FR-6 BaaS MW should maintain a coher-
ent data repository with dynamic data
FR-7 BaaS MW should maintain co-
herency and consistency among all
the data sources
NFR-1 BaaS MW should assure Quality of
Service parameters
NFR-2 BaaS MW should be compliant with
cloud deployments
BIM Server (TNO, 2010) are IFC4-based designed.
The first one is the main repository of the BaaS sys-
tem for dynamic data and the BIM is in charge of
managing the building static data.
In order to enable the communication with
the aforementioned data-sources, a set of well-
established communication interfaces are defined
based on standards (Hernandez et al., 2013b). How-
ever, each resource heterogeneously accesses to the
information, hence, the middleware covers this gap
with these communication interfaces, which transpar-
ently translates the data into IFC4. This solution as-
sures the interoperability and integration of heteroge-
neous data in an homogeneous way. Besides that, the
information between multiple data sources must be
coherent, therefore, additional components which en-
sure data consistency are required.
Last but not least, some performance require-
ments (non-functional) have been defined to assure
Quality of Service. In that way, the system should
provide a sufficiently high availability (service level
agreement) and be scalable and replicable as well as
fault-resilient. Besides that, the BaaS system is de-
signed and developed according to cloud computing
premises which allow deploy the Building as a Ser-
vice or Platform as a Service.
2.1 Fitting the Requirements in Existing
After detailing the requirements and specifications for
BaaS middleware, the next phase is to determine if
any existing middleware overcomes with these needs.
Within the European context, multiple projects are
carried out, such as Campus21 (C21, 2014) or MOST
(Zach et al., 2012), but also other research initia-
tive, such as the one presented in (MWs, 2013), de-
fine middleware platforms for buildings. Moreover,
several commercial solutions are in the marketplace,
as for instance NETxAutomation (NET, 2014) or
Smarkia (Sma, 2014). All of them treat the building
communication topic from an energy point of view
and using middleware platforms with different fea-
tures as explained below, although the commercial so-
lutions go beyond the middleware platform providing
the complete Building Energy Management System.
Starting with the Campus21 middleware (Schulke
et al., 2013), its objective is to render building op-
erations as happening in BaaS project. It also con-
siders multiple data sources whose information is ex-
changed among multiple entities and/or components.
Moreover, the requirements are similar to the BaaS
one (Schulke et al., 2013). However, it does not ap-
ply with the common data model because it shares the
data in Java-based objects. Even more, the protocol
for accessing the BMS is BACnet/IP, whereas BaaS
requires adaptability.
Next, Flotyski et al (MWs, 2013) present a build-
ing middleware working in the Internet of Things
so as to integrate multiple data sources in an OSGi
framework. This middleware is developed based on
events and as a gateway for connecting heterogeneous
devices in a modular manner, similar to BaaS. How-
ever, it is only centered into the integration of de-
vices though modules (MWs, 2013) without allowing
high-level services for the facility management. Even
more, each module is in charge of the specific device,
whereas BaaS middleware adapts the information into
the data model before exchanging it (Hernandez et al.,
Regarding the Smarkia system (Sma, 2014), it
is a complete Building Energy Management System
which follows a similar architecture than BaaS be-
cause it gathers the information from the building
level so that high-level services perform the analyt-
ics. Yet, it does not use any specific data model for
exchanging the information, but the internal commu-
nication mechanisms interprets these data. The disad-
vantage of Smarkia, in comparison with BaaS, is that
the scalability is reduced.
Finally, NETxAutomation has developed the Voy-
ager 5.0 system (NET, 2014) which is a system which
integrates multiple protocols to access the BMSs. It
also applies control algorithms to improve the energy
performance in buildings, as presented in the demon-
strator cases (NET, 2014). Nevertheless, it is a closed
solution without the possibility of scalability which
does not couple multiple data sources, but it is based
on BMS. As well, it does not implement any data
model for the representation of the information.
2.2 Beyond the State of the Art
Once having explained how existing middlewares fit
with the requirements of the BaaS system, it can be
concluded that no one applies with the full stock of
requirements in the BaaS system, as pointed in the
Table 2. This table highlights the differences from the
presented middlewares in comparison to the require-
ments and draws why BaaS platform goes a step for-
ward in order to cover the lacks of existing systems.
Above of all, the most important result of the mid-
dleware is the presence of a common context for ex-
changing data. IFC4 has been selected as the data
model for the BaaS middleware, and although this
standard is large, a subset of objects have been used,
as described in section 3.2. BaaS is able to map the
information from the data sources in this common for-
mat. The great novelty of that is the capability to rep-
resent the information in the same context of the ap-
plication, i.e. buildings.
On the other hand, BaaS manage multiples and
heterogeneous data sources, such as Building Man-
agement System, BIM, DataWarehouse, etc., as de-
picted in section 3.1 and 3.3. Then, so as to increase
the scalability and replicability of the solution, the
presented solution connects the communication pro-
tocols of the building, instead of providing a commu-
nication interface and having to adapt the building to
the software. For example, Campus21 middleware is
compliant with BACnet, but the full stock of buildings
are not BACnet compatible. With BaaS, the connec-
tivity with open and standards protocols is assured.
As well, the integration of additional data resources
eases the common understanding of the energy per-
formance in buildings through the building informa-
tion and weather conditions, among others.
Another advantage of the BaaS middleware is the
coherency of data among data sources, as explained
in section 3.3. Normally, the middleware systems en-
sure the interoperability among different entities, but
it does not take care of the coherency of data. This
functionality is usually implemented in high level ser-
vices or by means of intelligence in the data layer.
Nevertheless, the novelty presented in BaaS, is the ca-
Table 2: Comparison among existing middlewares.
Req. Campus21 Flotyski Smakia NETx
FR-1 Yes Yes Yes Yes
FR-2 No No No No
FR-3 No Yes Yes Yes
FR-4 Yes Yes Yes Yes
FR-5 Yes No No No
FR-6 Yes Yes Yes Yes
FR-7 No No No No
NFR-1 Yes Yes Yes Yes
NFR-2 No No Yes Yes
pability of the middleware to periodically check the
data sources, compare them and determine if any in-
consistency has been detected so that the administra-
tor could be automatically reported about it.
Last but not least, cloud consideration are not al-
ways taken into consideration in middlewares, but the
capability of providing interoperability. Taking into
account this current trend in novel systems, BaaS has
been designed to operate in cloud platforms and offers
the opportunity of being deployed under Building as
a Service where the building is the core.
The BaaS middleware has been designed according
to the functional and non-functional requirements de-
scribed in the section before. With all of them in
mind, the high-level architecture of the BaaS mid-
dleware is an event-driven platform following the
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) patterns and
the OSGi framework. Figure 1 (Hernandez et al.,
2013b)(Floeck et al., 2013) represents this system
which is composed by three levels: data layer, com-
munication logic layer (CLL) or middleware layer
and the application layer based on high-level ser-
vices (assessment, prediction and optimized control).
Moreover, the communication interfaces are drawn
which ensure the interoperability among all the com-
ponents of the system, as well as they integrate the
heterogeneous data sources.
The Communication Logic Layer (CLL) of this ar-
chitecture, in the form of a middleware entity, is the
topic of the present paper. It is basically split into two
sub-layers: the core communication and data access
object (DAO) (Hernandez et al., 2013b). Communi-
cation core is responsible for the management of the
signals and the business core. In contrast, DAO aims
the integration of heterogeneous data sources and ho-
mogeneizes the information in a common data model.
Apart from that, the CLL is, at the same time, di-
vided into two entities: Data Acquisition and Control
Manager (DACM) and Domain Controller (DC). The
first one is the server side and manages the commu-
nication procedure and the second one is in charge of
the building connectivity. The objective of this desing
is to increase the scalability and extensibility, as well
as allow the cloud deployment.
3.1 Interoperability Communication
Interoperability is a concept inherent to middleware
platforms and it describes the capability for intercon-
necting modules in a transparent way so as to ex-
change information. Communication interfaces are
required here to set up a well-known communication
mechanism focused on allowing connectivity, per-
forming the expected functionality, and adaptating
communication languages between layers.
In the context of the BaaS middleware, several
interfaces (I1 to I10) have been defined (Hernandez
et al., 2013b)(Floeck et al., 2013) (see Figure 1). I-
1 is the interface between the application layer and
the middleware itself to carry out assessment, predic-
tion and control tasks. Thus, the main topics in this
communication are the retrieval of data from the data
layer and the results of the application calculations,
both to actuate over the BMS and to store these re-
sults. I-2 establishes the communication between the
modules of the CLL to connect the building side and
the server part of the middleware. I-3 posts events
between the core communication and DAO sub-layer
to the retrieval/storage of data from the BIM Server,
DWH and/or external services. Similarly to I-3, I-4
enables connectivity between the core and the DAO
for accessing the building data.
Communications with the data layer are estab-
lished through the interfaces I-5 to I-8. I-5 imple-
ments the protocols available on the BMSs. SOAP,
BACnet/IP, OPC and FTP are connectors considered
within the BaaS project. I-6 makes use of Java meth-
ods provided by the BIM Server client to query this
data source. I-7 defines the communication between
the CLL and the DWH through mechanisms for the
retrieval and storage of data. The DWH is Oracle-
based, but Hibernate framework has been used with
the aim of mapping the relational tables into Java ob-
jects. By its side, I-8 enables the communication with
external services, i.e. weather forecast, retrieving the
Figure 1: BaaS system high-level architecture.
information in XML format by means of HTTP calls.
I-9 is out of the scope of the middleware and, finally,
I-10 enables the communication from the Graphical
User Interface (GUI) and the CLL to exchange infor-
mation. This GUI is developed within the BaaS plat-
form to display measurements, configure the system
and access to the application results.
All the interfaces are event-driven by using the
event communication mechanism provided by OSGi
framework. The communication is based on three el-
ements: Event Publisher, Event Subscriber and Event
Admin. The first one represents the module that posts
the events in the environment, the subscriber which
listens to the subscribed events and the admin is the
dispatcher of the framework.
3.2 Data Model for Data Representation
One of the greatest novelties of the middleware pre-
sented in this paper is the data-model representation
for exchanging information among entities. The BaaS
system objective is to perform buildings operation so
as to run high-level services for the optimization of
the energy performance. In this context, IFC4 (IFC,
2014) is a commonly-used standard in buildings for
the representation of their information within the ar-
chitecture, engineering and construction (AEC) in-
dustry. IFC4 is a large data model and comprises up to
753 objects (IFC, 2014) grouped in multiple domains.
BaaS platform is focused on the assessment and
optimal control of buildings. Therefore, taking into
consideration IFC4 represents the building physics,
but also its facilities and systems, a reduced set of do-
mains and classes available on (IFC, 2014) has been
selected as the basic data model (Cahill et al., 2012)
for the middleware to represent the information in the
communication process. The useful domains in this
specific system are described below.
Structural domain: It contains the objects that rep-
resent the building physics, i.e. structure, room
distribution, materials, etc.
HVAC domain: It includes the information re-
lated to the heating, cooling and ventilation sys-
tems which are the focus of the optimal control
platform and it is the basic concept for interoper-
ability within the data model. This domain points
out the equipment (e.g. boilers), terminal and flow
control devices (e.g. valves).
Building controls domain: This schema expresses
the concepts about building automation, control
and alarms. That is to say, devices like sensors,
actuators and controllers, among others.
The shared information in the communication pro-
cess is fully represented by the objects and prop-
erty sets included in every domain. The relation-
ships among domains are described by classes with
the same format commonly named IfcRelElement. On
the other hand, the property sets define the properties
of the class and how they must be interpreted. For
example, a very useful object for the representation
of the dynamic readings is the TimeSeries, described
ENTITY: IfcTimeSeries
Name: IfcLabel
Description: IfcText
StartTime: IfcDateTime
EndTime: IfcDateTime
TimeSeriesDataType: IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum
DataOrigin: IfcDataOriginEnum
UserDefinedDataOrigin: IfcLabel
Unit: IfcUnit
The IFC4-based data model allows ”context-
awareness” in the middleware. Since the design
phase, the components have been modeled taking it
into consideration (Floeck et al., 2013). Thus, the
data layer comprises sources based on IFC4, such as
the BIM Server (TNO, 2010), that is IFC4 compliant.
In the case of the DWH, the schema has been devel-
oped according the aforementioned domains and their
property sets (Mo et al., ). Finally, the remaining com-
ponents working with the data layer retrieve the data
in the specific protocol and translate the information
into the IFC4 common data model. For such reason,
the middleware (CLL) shares, among all the entities,
Java objects (Hernandez et al., 2013c) which repre-
sent the IFC4 classes in order to harmonize the hetero-
geneous data. Besides that, the DWH contains map-
ping tables with the aim of mapping the data-points
identifiers from the specific communication protocol
into the IFC4 context. Bearing all of this in mind, the
event communication procedure shares the IFC4 ob-
jects as properties of the OSGi events under the dif-
ferent topics.
The advantage of using IFC4 as data model rep-
resentation is the data formatting in a standard vo-
cabulary which is widely understood within the AEC
industry. Moreover, it maps the building physics
and facilities through classes and attributes that eases
its integration and rewards the building platform due
to the ”context-awareness” capability. Finally, it
also enhances the scalability of the system because
any additional service only needs to adapt the ex-
changed information into IFC4 format through the
well-established interface.
3.3 Integration of Heterogeneous Data
The harmonization of the data samples is the chal-
lenge in this middleware platform because, as ex-
plained, heterogeneous resources are accessed and
their information has to be represented in IFC4
(Floeck et al., 2013). With the aim of interfacing
them, connector components are developed and lo-
cated in the DAO sub-layer of the system architec-
ture. Each one is detailed below, but commonly all
the connectors adapt the information from IFC4 to the
specific data model in the data layer and vice versa.
BMS Connector: This connector is really com-
posed by the BMS and ICT connectors (e.g.
weather station), but both are related to the build-
ing. This component is replicated for each build-
ing and its specific interface which provides the
ability for the integration of additional BMSs with
different protocols (Hernandez et al., 2013b).
BIM Connector: For the assessment of the build-
ing performance, it is required to know the build-
ing facilities and systems, as well as other build-
ing features. Then, this connector reads the in-
formation from the BIM Server by means of its
libraries based on IFC4 (TNO, 2010).
DWH Connector: One of the most important com-
ponents in the system, it reads/writes data from/to
DWH so as to keep record of the dynamic build-
ing status, performance and configuration data.
External Data Connector: Prediction activities in
energy management systems are a necessary func-
tionality. In that sense, this module connects
to the weather forecast Web services (Hernandez
et al., 2013b) to retrieve this information.
The only data-source fully compliant with IFC4 is
the BIM Server, being necessary some adaptation in
the remaining cases. With regard to the DWH, it ex-
tends the IFC4 data model to represent the relational
tables and the use of Hibernate framework allows the
representation of the information as IFC4 objects to
ease the communication between CLL components
and the DWH (Hernandez et al., 2013a). About the
BMS and External Data connector, they require an
additional adaptation though Plain Old Java Objects
(POJO). The connector is able to read data and map
this information into IFC4 classes represented in the
POJO before posting the event (Hernandez et al.,
Finally, it is important to note that the commu-
nication is bidirectional, which implies the increase
of the amount of the events in the system. For this
reason, all the information associated to each connec-
tor is merged in single events (i.e. TimeSeries object
(see above)) so as to reduce bottlenecks when pro-
cessing multiple signals. In this case, another com-
ponent, named General Integrator, is the responsible
and it is already compliant with IFC4 (Floeck et al.,
Figure 2: Deployment scheme for the BaaS system.
By definition, a middleware is a distributed system
which allows connectivity between multiple layer and
entities. Then, following these premises, the deploy-
ment of the BaaS system presents an hybrid scheme,
as pointed in Figure 2 (Hernandez et al., 2013a). In
this scheme, there is a mixture between centralized
and distributed systems following a server-client com-
munication. The DACM illustrates the server which
centralizes the communication between the building
sides (i.e. BMS, DWH, BIM) and the upper lay-
ers (i.e. application and visualization). On the other
hand, the client side is represented by the DCs that im-
plement the specific communication at building level
and are physically deployed in the building.
BaaS system merges four building data, therefore
four DC entities that exchange information with a sin-
gle DACM server through web services. The DACM
can be also distributed, although the communication
between upper and lower layers is still centralized in
the DACM concept, if the load collapses its perfor-
mance, but it is not the case. The same web service
protocol is used for the communication with the ap-
plication services which are deployed in an external
server owing to its high performance requirements.
Finally the GUI is integrated in the DACM, making
up a distributed architecture that exchange informa-
tion among the entities in an harmonized way.
At the current status, the deployment step in un-
der test, although the complete communication flow
is available in the CARTIF offices building located in
Boecillo, Spain. In this pilot, the four connectors are
deployed so as to retrieve and store data which allows
keeping an historical record for further optimization
tasks in the application layer. Figure 3 represents the
deployment scheme in which the DACM is hosted in
the server side, whereas the DC is placed in the build-
ing site. The connectivity between them is rendered
by Virtual Private Networks (VPN) to avoid exter-
nal invasion. Moreover, the computer hosting the DC
Figure 3: Deployment scheme in the CARTIF building.
contains the BMS and ICT connector that communi-
cate two LonWorks-based BMS and the weather sta-
tion (ICT system) and merge the information in a sin-
gle event with the data translated into IFC4 to be sent
to the DACM server. Finally, the DACM computer
deploys the connectors with the BIM Server, DWH
and weather forecast. Additional components, such as
the operation schedulers, application layer and graph-
ical user interface are being deployed in next steps.
In the current energy research topics, buildings are
trend because the great possibilities they present to
save energy. Mainly, there are two approaches to
overcome the problem: passive solutions such as in-
sulation system or improvement of the facilities and
active ones, as for example ICT tools. This is the case
of the BaaS system where a multi-layer platform has
been designed for the management of the generation
and distribution systems through assessment, predic-
tion and control services.
Within this context, the middleware is a very
important piece because it allows connectivity with
multiple data resources which provide heterogeneous
data. Each source has its own protocol and interface,
therefore the middleware is able to integrate the in-
formation of the various data resources. To achieve it,
integrator components merge the information in sin-
gle signals so as to ease the retrieval of data to upper
layers. With this aim, the middleware system bridges
the gap between the Smart Grid and the information
services for the analysis of operative tasks.
On the other hand, the middleware platform pro-
vides connectivity in a common format in order to
avoid misunderstandings between layers. It homoge-
nizes and shares information in the same common for-
mat, i.e. IFC4 for the BaaS specific case, through Java
beans to map heterogeneous data into IFC classes.
This IFC model is a widely-used standard within the
building field and it includes a data schema for the
building facilities and it is also easy to integrate ad-
ditional information, such as dynamic data, by means
of extending the data model and its classes.
Next, taking into account the integration and cou-
pling of heterogeneous data for sharing information in
a common language, data coherency and consistency
ought to be considered. In this way, the middleware
implements a periodic mechanism for checking the
cross-related information between the data sources.
For this purpose, several components query the dif-
ferent data sources, compare the results and, in case
of incoherences, report an alarm.
Regarding next steps and future lines, the aim is to
start an operational stage by integrating all the layers
in the system and run the optimal control over four
demonstration buildings. Once the complete deploy-
ment will be ready, the performance tests will be car-
ried out to detect the software goodness parameters
and improve the quality of service. Finally, this de-
velopment establishes the fundamentals for the repli-
cability of the solution in multiple buildings thanks to
its extensibility and scalability properties.
The authors would like to thank the partners of the
BaaS project for their support during the design and
development of the middleware platform. Moreover,
the authors would like to thank the European Com-
mission for the opportunity of working in this topic
under the Grant Agreement no. 288409.
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