This paper presented a traceability technique for
MADES UML and its support tools. The technique
focused on map the formal results produced by
MADES UML tools to the “original” UML model.
The paper described how the technique was defined,
the requirements to use it, how to create and apply
the mapping, as well as an example of how graphical
representations may help the users to understand the
information of the formal results.
The traceability technique presented here aims
to assist MADES UML and its formal semantics
filling the gap in how to trace back formal results
to UML model. We achieve this by guiding the
user through the analysis of formal results present
by MADES UML formal verification tool. This
enhances the users’ understanding level about the
results and thereby he/she can find possible defects
more easily, fixing them and improving the UML
In spite of, the traceability technique has been
presented together with MADES UML, theoretically
our technique may be expanded to work with
other UML diagrams and different model checkers.
In addition, it could work with other studies on
formalization of the UML semantics.
Regarding the technique improvements, the
following topics are currently under development
or analysis: ((i)) Improvements in traceability
technique and its plug-in; (ii) Development of the
Graphical Transformation Builder to display the
data from formal results to user through graphical
representations in the UML model; (iii) Application
of the technique on case studies; (iv) Analysis
of the possibility of using other tools besides
CorrettoUML and Zot; and (v) Feasibility of
extending the technique and use it outside MADES
UML environment.
We believe that with this technique, the user
can obtain information concerning the formal results
without having high knowledge about temporal logic,
LISP, model checking, etc. The whole process exists,
but the complexity can be decreased or even omitted
from users, making “transparent” (if possible) any
formal aspect.
The Brazilian funding agencies CAPES (Grant. No.:
DS-7902801/D) and CNPq, through Science without
Borders program (Grant. No.: 245715/2012-6),
support this research.
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