diagram, the Internal Block, to one specific UML di-
agram, the Activity diagram. Instead of using multi-
ple diagrams, such as the works described in (Lasalle
et al., 2011) and (Bouquet et al., 2012), we propose to
create a 1:1 mapping, from one SysML to one UML
diagram. Therefore, other engineers, such as me-
chanical or systems engineers, can effectively work
together with software engineers to design complex
engineering systems, using complementary languages
based on the same metametamodel.
Unlike other researches, such as (Foures et al.,
2012), (Hammad et al., 2013) and (Berrani et al.,
2013), which did transformations from languages
with unrelated semantics, in this paper we propose to
transform modeling languages with the same root, as
UML and SysML both conform to OMG MOF. From
the practical point of view, this is important in indus-
try, as it demands less training efforts, and makes it
more simple to include a new modeling language in
the development process of a company.
Another important objective of this paper is to
propose a mapping of metamodels to describe the
relationship between the SysML Internal Block dia-
gram and the UML Activity diagram, which was not
described in the SysML specification (OMG-SysML,
2010) or in other articles. After this, the other objec-
tive is to implement this relationship using a model-
driven approach. A semi-automatic transformation
using the ATL language is performed based on the
described mapping of metamodels.
A mapping between metamodels and further imple-
mentation using ATL for transforming SysML Inter-
nal Block models to UML Activity models is pre-
sented in this paper. Then, we applied our proposal
in a case study described by the team responsible to
create SysML. This case study is chosen in this pa-
per because it is available on the official websites of
SysML, which makes it possible for other researchers
to read the description of the problem and its require-
The focus of this paper is to facilitate works per-
formed by systems engineers, with SysML modeling,
and software engineers, with UML modeling. Then,
software systems are designed both from the systems
point of view and the software point of view. There-
fore, a team of engineers can effectively work to-
gether in order to design complex engineering sys-
tems, using complementary languages based on the
same metametamodel.
The limitation of the transformation is that it can
not be fully automated. System engineers shall point
where the start and the end of flow in the Activity di-
agram is generated. However, this is the only draw-
back, and it is not considered severe.
An interesting result is that further transforma-
tions can be performed using ATL, as already de-
scribed in the literature and in Section 7. For instance,
from the generated UML Activity diagram, the de-
veloper can propose other transformations, such as
model-to-code, or even from the Activity diagram to a
formal model, such as Petri nets. Therefore, the initial
model, designed using the SysML Internal Block dia-
gram can be simulated and verified after a set of trans-
formations. A complete methodology, from struc-
tural design to process design and further transforma-
tions to code or formal verification can be performed.
These are activities to be executed in future works.
We would like to thank the Brazilian research agen-
cies CNPq (grant 445500/2014-0) and CAPES/-
FAPITEC (grant AUXPE 0517/2014) for supporting
this work.
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