ENTJ and ESTJ psychological types as ideal for the
role of project management. ENTJ psychological
type refers to people with strong leadership
characteristics. ESTJ psychological type refers to
people aware with rules. Their result was concluded
by comparing the necessary skills for such a
function and characteristics of the psychological
type. Despite the proposed recommendation, no
evidence was presented to support the proposed
statement was presented. Our work differs from
Brewer (2005) because he do not observe the
influence between MBTI psychological type and
project’s effort deviation. Thus, we can not assume
that ENTJ and ESTJ influence whole project
management activities.
Gorla and Lam (2004) evaluated the influence of
the project manager personality, based on the MBTI
psychological type, on team performance. Their
results, based on assessement of 20 teams from
Hong Kong, identified the relations of MBTI
psychological type with theirs software project’s
success metrics used. Gorla and Lam (2004) indicate
the relevance of the MBTI psychological ENFJ type
in the project’s success using qualitative measures of
success. ENFJ psychological type refers to
charismatic people with guiding people skill.
Therefore differently from our study, no statistically
signifcant result of these relations were presented
and no quantitative metrics for effort deviation were
reserached. Our findings, based on used sample,
differs from them indicating that there is no
influence between MBTI psychological type and
project’s effort deviation. Thus, we can not assume
ENFJ as a main psychological type to manage
projec’s effort deviation.
Another result obtained in our research refers to
the influence of Belbin's team role of the software
project manager. This research identified evidence
of the relationship between the role of the Belbin’s
Plant (PL) and Implementer (IMP) role of project
manager and project’s effort deviation.
Belbin’s (2010b) Plant (PL) role, classified as a
creativity role, has as its main characteristic the
ability to solve problems. Although not classified by
Belbin as a role with coordination skills, its
creativity may have been important for obtaining a
minor variance in project’s effort deviation. As
hypothesis from this result we think that in scenarios
with problems during software development which
could cause an increase in project’s effort, the role
Plant (PL) may have find fast or simple solutions
which avoided the increased the project’s effort.
Belbin’s (2010b) Implementer (IMP) role,
classified as an execution role, has as important
characteristics discipline, inflexibility and the ability
to turn ideas into pratical actions. Our results also
show that this team role achieved a small variance
on effort deviation. We think that is possible that its
skills may also have contributed to better align the
project’s scope originally designed, influencing
positively on the project’s effort deviation.
França and Silva (2007) evaluated the relation
between RUP functional roles, including project
manager, and Belbin’s team role. Franca and Silva
(2004) considered characteristics as communication,
leadership, time management and goal oriented for
project managers. In order to reach these skills, the
researchers suggested Co-ordinator (CO), Resource
Investigator (RI) and Teamworker (TW) Belbin’s
team roles. Our work also show evidence between
project manager Belbin’s team role and project
effort deviation. However, our findings differs from
França and Silva (2004) on the suggested roles. This
result can be explained because project’s effort
deviation is a subset of a project managerial activity,
requiring specifics skills for this.
Thus, the evidence obtained shows that the
Belbin’s team role of the software project manager
can influence the effort deviation in a software
project. Furthermore, our results suggest that
characteristics such as creativity and the ability to
turn ideas into pratical actions, from the Belbin’s
team roles Plant (PL) and Implementer (IMP) are
important factors. This indicates that during the
project, in relation to the deviation effort, these
characteristics maybe more relevant than just the
ability to delegate tasks or challenge the team, like
the Belbin’s team roles of coordination.
Running a case study brings threats that can affect
the validity of its results (Castello Branco et al,
2012). Below we discuss the threats to validity for
this case study.
One threat to validity of the results obtained in
this study is about the amount of participants,
projects and company in the sample. This threat
causes can prevent the findings obtained to not be
generalized outside the same scope our sample.
Regarding the sample of software projects used in
this study, the results reflect an analysis over a year
of activity provided by the software company.
Another threat to validity is that these software
projects maybe influenced by cyclical processes that
may affect the sample. Also about these projects,
another limitation of this study refers to data quality