totype, we must state that it lacks some characteris-
tics needed to be a full cloud-based costing service.
The developed costing tool does not support integra-
tion and importing of tax and analytical accounting
data. In order to avoid data input mistakes and to
enable high volumes of data integration this would
be mandatory. We also consider that the developed
costing tool, although producing some useful metrics,
lacks the ability to produce management reports.
As for the conceptual limitations, they are related
to profitability, capital and investment characteristics
that are needed to correctly reflect all the costs within
the analysis. The research process and the interviews
revealed that although costs and cost analysis are ma-
jor concerns to organizations, they are strongly tied to
capital costs, working capitals, return on investments
and profitability. Although we excluded from the be-
ginning of this research such concepts and metrics,
we must acknowledge that the lack of such character-
istics is a limitation that must be addressed in future
7.3 Future Work
Although we achieved three full demonstrations in
two distinct industries, we consider that applying
the service to more complex and different industries
would be desirable since that could further validate
the proposed costing service. Our demonstrations
were carried using a significant volume of transac-
tional data. However, high transactional volume in-
dustries would be advisable to further test the costing
Another interesting aspect would be to develop
BPMN importing capabilities within our costing tool.
Since some organizations already have their business
processes modelled in BPMN it would simplify the
process of cost analysis even further.
Finally, the costing tool should also be able to im-
port business processes and activities specific drivers.
This would enable the tool to produce different met-
rics other than just the cost of business processes and
activities. Since our effort was to develop a service
to reduce the cost of cost analysis, we opted to leave
this feature as a future development because it would
require transactional data to be much more specific
than the datasets we had access to, conditioning the
costing service validation and demonstration.
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