Table 3: Quality of annotation.
Automatic Rank of P
1 0.44
2 0.55
We succeeded to associate eighteen images to dif-
ferent elements of patterns that can be illustrated by a
The success of these association shows the interest
of our approach to annotate text and image at a time.
Choosing the number of extracted triples as cri-
terion of classification is not arbitrary. In fact, it is
impossible to use precision and recall as criterion of
selection because it is not possible to obtain manual
annotation for every test.
However, we note that the use of this criterion
(number of extracted triples) has the disadvantage of
promoting the pattern with the greatest number of
sub-patterns or with a maximum cardinality greater
than 1 (repeatable sub-patterns).
To overcome this problem, we plan to propose a
new ranking function in our future work.
The potential of the semantic web to resolve informa-
tion retrieval problems is tremendous. Based on se-
mantic annotation techniques, adding formal seman-
tics to the web content is vital to improve information
indexing and retrieval.
In our case, our goal is to improve web images re-
trieval. To achieve this aim, we propose an automatic
approach to semantically annotate images through
their context. Indeed, we use contextual factors such
as the caption of the image, the surrounding text, etc.
in order to instantiate RDF patterns.
In this paper, we focused on the process of instan-
tiation of RDF patterns using a domain ontology and
patterns of extraction written in Jape language and the
exploitation of instantiated patterns in order to choose
the suitable annotation.
Preliminary results are encouraged to automate
and use a bigger cinema corpus.
Working with all image contextual factors repre-
sents our next step. The aim of this step is to instan-
tiate RDF patterns from each factor and to generate a
global annotation.
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