Processing of GNNQs has been based on index struc-
tures, so far. In this paper, for the first time, we
present new PS algorithms that can be efficiently ap-
plied on RAM-based data for processing the GNNQ.
As the experimentation that we performed, using syn-
thetic and real data sets, shows the use of median (in
GNNPS) and, even more, the use of median and cen-
troid (in GNNPSC), prunes the number of points in-
volved in processing and the number of calculations.
Although, in this paper, we do not present a com-
parison of our algorithms with respect to the algo-
rithms presented in (Papadias et al., 2004), compar-
ing the results that we have presented to the results of
(Papadias et al., 2004) for data sets of similar size (ap-
proximately 24.5K and 192/195K points) we observe
that our algorithms achieve competitive performance.
This is an initial observation. A detailed compari-
son could be performed in the future, using the same
data sets on the same machine. Moreover, the algo-
rithms we present could be transformed / extended to
work on high volume, disk resident data that are trans-
ferred in RAM in blocks. Moreover, the application
of Plane-Sweep to other spatial queries (like Reverse
NNQ) could lead to interesting techniques.
Work supported by the GENCENG project (SYN-
ERGASIA 2011 action, supported by the Euro-
pean Regional Development Fund and Greek Na-
tional Funds); project number 11SYN 8 1213. Work
also supported by the MINECO research project
[TIN2013-41576-R] and the Junta de Andaluc
ıa re-
search project [P10-TIC-6114].
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Lemma: The sum of dx-distances between one given
point p(x,y) ∈ P and all points of the query set Q
(sumdx(p, Q)):
A Is minimized at the median point q[m] (where q[m]
is the array notation of q
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