that are suitable for service maturity models.
Monitoring and Process Control (GP2.8) is a
CMMI-SVC common practice (Forrester et al.,
2010) that indicates 103 service metrics examples
for all process areas, while only 37 of them are
related to CMMI-SVC specific process areas. The
systematic mapping identified 133 service metrics,
80 of them suitable for CMMI-SVC specific
processes areas. This result demonstrates that there
are improvement opportunities in suggested metrics
of CMMI-SVC (Forrester et al., 2010).
As future work, we plan to extend the systematic
mapping to other research databases. Moreover, we
plan to detail the metrics collection, analysis, and
how to maintain association between organization
goals and metrics. We also plan to conduct other
case studies in the industry and study correlations
between processes areas, aiming to get a deeper
understanding of how one process affects another.
Authors would like to thank the financial support
granted by FAPERJ (project E-26/110.438/2014)
and CNPq (Process Number 461777/2014-2).
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