During the step of creating the names for the
groups of experiences on the whiteboard, the
facilitator wrote a name and asked if the team agreed
with that title. We conclude that the participants
must propose the name of the theme of the groups
on the whiteboard. After that, the participants attach
their experiences in the group that they think is more
Finally, an issue that was raised is how to know
that using an Ishikawa’s Diagram before codifying
through the PABC-Pattern is necessary in a data
analysis process. The advantage of using an
Ishikawa’s Diagram was that understanding
problems with multiple points of view became
easier. If we needed to codify the lessons learned
directly into the PABC-Pattern structure, the
understanding process would have taken longer and
mistakes would have been introduced.
As future work, the process proposed in this
work will be evolved to make it more adequate to
capturing experiences. Some of the identified
improvement opportunities are:
• To stimulate shy participants so they expose their
experiences. It is necessary to find ways to help
these participants in remembering and
externalizing their experiences to the group.
Identifying isolated experiences is not an
alternative solution since describing an
experience to the group helps everyone
understand the experience (Section 4).
• Remembering the main points of the project
before the description of the experiences. It may
help the participants write better notes and help
the facilitator to better understand the project’s
• To carry out the results stage of the Post-mortem
process and finish the experiences report of the
project. After finishing, carry out an evaluation
to know if the chosen report structure to this
work is efficient.
We would like to thank Jacilane Rabelo for her
support on PABC-Pattern and the collaborators who
participated in the case study. Also, we would like to
thank the support granted by CAPES process AEX
10932/14-3 and by FAPEAM through processes:
062.00146/2012; 062.00600/2014; 062.00578/2014;
01135/2011; Edital 009/2012 - RHTI Doutorado.
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