capturing both problems and their causes, while
being as cheap, easy to use and quick as SAM and
the Visual Aesthetics Scale. Furthermore, these
methods allow users to reflect on their experiences
without getting them tired as the Affective Diary.
Finally, although 3E and EmoCards are enjoyable,
they do not allow gathering objective measures the
same way as Psychophysiological Techniques.
Among the improvement opportunities, the users
suggested providing predefined faces that they could
paste over the human body of the 3E template to
express their emotions. Also, they suggested
providing descriptions of the balloons in the
template itself, so they would not forget what to
write on them. Moreover, regarding the EmoCards,
users suggested arranging the cards in a sequence or
subgroups to facilitate the choosing process. Finally,
other users suggested improving the cards’ faces by
making them less exaggerated.
As future work, we intend to repeat this study,
however increasing the number of users to improve
its conclusion validity and gather further data on
features that make users prefer one method over the
other. We hope that our findings provide
practitioners with an example on how to apply UX
evaluation methods in the development process
lifecycle, and researchers with improvement ideas
for future research in the evaluation of UX.
We thank the scholarship granted by CNPq to the
first author of this paper. Also, we thank the
financial support granted by CAPES process AEX
10932/14-3 and FAPEAM through processes nº:
062.00600/2014; 062.00578/2014; and 01135/2011.
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