In (Thabet, A. Ghannouchi and H. Ben Ghezala,
2014a; 2014b), we proposed a solution for PN cost
extension. In this paper, we carried out several
improvements of the proposed solution according to
talks with experts in MA and BPM. We improved
the proposed cost data structure in order to take into
account important cost-related concepts.
Furthermore, we extended the proposed solution
with cost data description and analysis. Cost data
description allows decision makers to get insight
about their BP from a cost point of view using tables
and graphics. Cost data analysis supports decision
makers to know which factors influence cost values
and how. This contributes to support making
decisions to reduce the incurred costs. Moreover, all
these improvements were implemented and tested
for the case of a simple phone repair process.
Currently, we are working on further
improvement of cost data analysis in order to
provide more accurate results for better decision
making support. This will be studied in conjunction
with different experts in order to validate the
proposed solution. Furthermore, we are studying the
generalization of the proposed approach to support
cost extension of any BP model (not only PNs).
Future works concern carrying out real world case
studies in order to evaluate the proposed solution.
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