aware the simple service of the current context
situation, and the service execution, depending on the
context and service characteristics, is reflected on a
corresponding activity in physical space.
In this paper, we have proposed a model of NFC-
triggered user interactions with simple NFC services.
The model is a conceptual tool readily applicable in
designing, analyzing and operationalizing human
interaction with real simple service applications in a
NFC-based smart environment. Although it has not
been completely validated yet, its usefulness has been
confirmed within the development of a project which
required the design of NFC-based interactions with
simple services for car parking management in a city
area. The model elements could be regarded as the
building blocks of interaction structures with
complex NFC services, where the service execution
could not deliver the expected result that fulfills user's
needs, requiring some more information than the one
exchanged during the NFC interaction with simple
services. The idea is that any interaction with
complex services can be regarded as a combination of
elementary structures identified by our model. This
lets us hope that our effort serves to open new
research avenues that could be taken in the future in
order to define a general model of NFC-triggered user
interactions with complex NFC services.
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