clients’ desires. We argue that it is job of the broker to
build attractive compositions, even if they are some-
how restrictive. It is important to consider that the
architecture was not implemented in a large scale ex-
ample, and there are some gaps about settings, about
how to cancel the contract during the lifecycle and
what are the practical implications. Finally, two im-
portant aspects were not addressed in this work: se-
curity and fault-tolerance. They were not the focus of
this work, but certainly they require further investiga-
The adaptation of the e-contract lifecycle for the com-
position context allows the visualization of the flexi-
bility of approach and suitability to different business
scenarios. Also, the distributed architecture allows
the approach to become scalable by addition of bro-
kers that replicate the data published. Accordingly,
the same pre-contract may be published by different
brokers to improve the fault tolerance. The greatest
benefit of the approach is to reduce the complexity of
building the composition, which is created from ex-
tracts of e-contracts previously signed, maintaining a
reasonable flexibility. This article does not discuss
the methodology to choose the parameters from dif-
ferent services in order to create the dependency in the
composition, in fact, it proposes an innovative way to
merge services by e-contract support.
Future work includes fault tolerance analysis and
security analysis. A complementary work approach
allows the client to propose a new composition in-
stead of the composer (broker).
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