ous actions based on the scope of their assigned role.
Modelling involves considering a set of interrelated
operations within a real, existing system being mod-
elled, that interacts in many different ways, in order
to take into account the impact that the design and
operational changes on one part of the system have
on other parts.
Role based access control has been evaluated in
many contexts in a great number of research in a past
few years. Among them one can enumerate the eco-
nomic (O’Connor and Loomis, 2010) or security re-
lated studies (rba, 2010). However, to the best of
authors’ knowledge, the analysis of the influence of
the access control management on the system per-
formance seems not to be examined comprehensively
The main contribution of this paper is to model the
role based access control structure in Quality of Pro-
tection Modelling Language (Ksiezopolski, 2012b).
Such an approach allows to evaluate the influence of
role and permissions assignment on the system per-
formance. In the article we extended previous stud-
ies in the modelling of access management control
field to a new context - the performance analysis. De-
termination of user authorization management effi-
ciency being proposed here, is important because of
the proper balancing of the access control manage-
ment against the security policy, and hence the whole
system performance.
The major goal of the role based access control is
to simplify authorization management and review.
Having the ability of modelling various access con-
trol requirements and facilitating security administra-
tion process, RBAC became the object of the study
of many researchers. In the literature (Matulevi-
cius et al., 2011), (Sandhu et al., 1996) one can find
plenty of RBAC implementations. Preparing RBAC
models in SecureUML (Lodderstedt et al., 2002) and
UMLsec (J¨urjens, 2005) (or any other modelling lan-
guage available) authors usually focus on its eco-
nomic or security aspects, omitting the influence of
distinct authorization levels on the system perfor-
mance. However, role based access control has an un-
deniable impact on performance and should be deter-
mined carefully in order to provide the required level
of security together with energy efficiency and assur-
ance of the security tradeoffs. To address this issue,
many modelling languages and tools have been pro-
posed. Among them one can enumerate UMLsec and
SecureUML presented by the researchers in (Matule-
vicius et al., 2011). Using mentioned approaches, one
is able to model and verify secure systems, either pre-
existing or those under construction. Nevertheless,
introduced solutions focus on developing secure in-
frastructure or determining system efficiency, rather
than examine security and performance concerns at
the same time. On one hand, the traditional approach
assumes that the implementation of the strongest se-
curity mechanisms makes the system as secure as pos-
sible. Unfortunately, such reasoning can lead to the
overestimation of security measures which causes an
unreasonable increase in the system load (Ksiezopol-
ski et al., 2009; Sklavos et al., 2006; Stubblefield
et al., 2005). The system performance is especially
important in the systems with limited resources such
as the wireless sensor networks (Mansour et al., 2014)
or the mobile devices. Another example where such
analysis should be performed is the cloud architec-
ture. The latest research indicate three main barriers
for using cloud computing which are security, per-
formance and availability (J¨urjens, 2011). When the
strongest security mechanisms are used, the system
performance decreases influencing the system avail-
ability. This tendency is particularly noticeable in
complex and distributed systems. The above state-
ment was as well proved in (B.Ksiezopolski et al.,
2011), where the authors, by analysing the perfor-
mance of the video teleconference connections tun-
nelled by VPN, evidenced that applied security mech-
anisms have impact on system performance. They
proved that when using strong encryption algorithms,
it is impossible to make the video conference of the
required quality. Another approach which confirms
the above thesis is presented in (uml, 2007). The
researchers analyse different security solutions mod-
elled as aspects in UML and examine their perfor-
mance, and the utilization of both hardware and soft-
ware resources, using SSL protocol as the example.
The latest results show (Sklavos et al., 2006; Stub-
blefield et al., 2005; Mansour et al., 2014; Ksiezopol-
ski et al., 2013) that in many cases the best way is
to determine the required level of protection and ad-
just security measures to these security requirements.
(Among the means to meet these challenges one can
indicate the security metrics (Savola, 2013)). Such
approach is achieved by the means of the Quality of
Protection models where the security measures are
evaluated according to their influence on the system
According to the author’s knowledge, Qual-
ity of Protection Modelling Language (QoP-ML)
(Ksiezopolski, 2012b) is the only existing modelling
language which satisfies all these requirements simul-
taneously. It allows for balancing security against the