Figure 13: All the subregions for conventional drone and
for quadcopter broken down by the analysis type.
quadcopter subregions which compares well with 809
conventional drone subregions and 2181 quadcopter
subregions in single node execution.
DIFPL uses a novel approach to flexibly divide a large
area into subregions and dynamically adjust them to
optimally cover with a single drone flight. It combines
spatial data and drone limitations or constraints mod-
eled as linear inequalities to automate flight path of
drones. The distributed implementation presents way
to handle large datasets which can not be processed on
a single node. The subregion level distribution allows
horizontal scalability. The flight plans produced by
distributed version are similar in numbers to the ones
by single node implementation but generated more ef-
ficiently. The technique used is not only useful for the
task of surveying power lines but extensible to a host
of other drone applications.
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