analysis of five characteristics was used: Sector,
Technology, Practical Application, Production Phase
and Benefit.
By way of conclusion, we can state that IoT is a
new research field in production systems. It is
possible to find general proposals for a wide range
of industrial sectors, but also a specific proposal for
given industrial sectors. However, very few of these
proposals have had a real application in industry.
The predominant technologies in the application
of IoT for production systems are RFID and sensors.
Regarding the planning, operation and control
phases in production systems, the application of IoT
focuses mainly on the control phase.
Most of the found proposals are applications to
production control, followed by quality control and
stock control. All the authors indicate that IoT
applications contribute with benefits in production
systems. These benefits are not only for better
management information in production (e.g., real-
time information or improving information quality),
but also benefits for other aspects of the production
system (e.g., reducing production costs and
improving efficiency).
In this review, some gaps in the literature on IoT
application in production system have been
identified. Based on these gaps and seeing how IoT
applications can help managers of the production
system, some near future lines of research arise: 1)
most proposals are general for the production of any
company, but there are very few applied proposals;
2) the predominant technology used to implement
IoT is RFID. Although it offers many advantages,
IoT with other technologies would be interesting for
it to be applied or combined with it; 3) some
industrial sectors, where experiments with IoT are
being done, have been identified, but new research
works could be conducted in other industrial sectors;
4) IoT Applications in the production area
concentrate mainly on the control phase. Hence
further research should also be conducted in
planning and operation phases and subphases.
This research has been carried out in the framework
of the project PAID-06-21 Universitat Politècnica de
València and GV/2014/010 Generalitat Valenciana
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