For formulating these queries, the user had to se-
lect a different number of concepts with its instances.
For instance, in query P1 the user is asked to select
one concept and one instance. In order to do that,
the user should use the text box for filtering instances,
because the concept basin has a huge volume of in-
stances. In the query P2, the user need to select one
concept (constituent) related with another (pore). In
the query P3, it is tested if the user is able to select
one attribute (blocky habit) of a concept (constituent).
Results are presented in Table 3. U1 and U4 be-
long to the group 2. U2 and U3 belong to the group 1.
At the beginning, both users U1 and U4 were lost in
the huge amount of concepts that were presented. As
a result the time limit of 5 minutes was reached. Then
U1 understood the way of interact with the ontology
graph and was able of performing the other queries.
U4 was able of performing the query P1; however, in
the remaining queries the time limit was reached. U2
performed all the queries in less time than the other
users, regardless the fact that he is a non-frequent user
of a VQS. U3 also performed the queries in a reason-
able time.
The resuls demonstrated that, in average, the
adoption of ontology view reduces the time of per-
forming long queries such as P2, which involves more
than one concept. This suggests that the adoption of
ontology views have a positive impact, by reducing
the information overload and increasing the produc-
Table 3: The times (in seconds) taken by the users for per-
forming a query with ontology views (group 1) and without
it (group 2). In this table, (>) means that the time limit of 5
minutes was reached.
Group 1 Group 2
U2 U3 U1 U4
P1 14:13 30:01 > 30:08
P2 74:12 110:88 299:00 >
P3 18:36 17:41 72:84 >
According to the results of the evaluation process,
when the system applies ontology views, the users
find the required concepts and perform the query in
less time than when the system presents the whole
ontology. This suggests that RockQuery reduces the
overload of information, allowing the user to focus on
what she/he needs for performing the query. This re-
sults in a time reduction for performing the query.
In this paper, we propose an approach that com-
bines HCI concepts and methods with ontology views
for improving the interaction of users with ontology-
based visual query systems, by avoiding the informa-
tion overload. In our approach, ontology views are
applied for identifying only the knowledge that is rel-
evant for the user in a given task. We apply this ap-
proach for developing RockQuery, a visual query sys-
tem for consulting petrographic data. In this system,
our approach helps the user to learn by exploration
of the ontology graph. The validation demonstrated
that the application of ontology view in RockQuery
implies a reduction of time in performing queries.
We gratefully thank Brazilian Research Council,
CNPq, PRH PB-17 program (supported by Petro-
bras), and Endeeper Co, for the financial support to
this work.
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