the application using DSL approach was shorter
when specialization of classes approach was used.
However, in the hypotheses testing time according
to Paried T-Test the null hypothesis was accepted.
This hypotheses testing time result can indicate
that there were few participants in the experiment
and the time data set did not show difference.
Regarding problems, in both the descriptive
statistics and hypotheses testing, the errors in the
source code did not occur when the DSL approach
was used.
Although the null hypothesis was accepted in
the hypotheses testing time, all other results
obtained such as the descriptive statistical analysis,
code generated automatically without present
errors and all comments reported by the
participants regarding the ease of use of DSL, it
encourages the development of new DSLs to
others functions of the integrated network
management system.
In future works we intend to analyze the
functions of integrated network management
systems and propose the development of other
DSLs. And other modelling resources and MDD
technology could be useful tools to allow a more
graphical interface.
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